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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 444 445 [446] 447 448 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: #WalkAway
« on: September 11, 2018, 12:32:01 PM »
The GOP is largely anti Trump.  Wake up Michael.  Establishment Republicans who run the GOP HATE Trump.  He is not one of them, and not a career politician like them.

Victor Davis Hanson has an excellent article about Trump disrupting the status quo in D.C.

Spin Zone / Re: Woodward's book
« on: September 11, 2018, 12:06:27 PM »
I think that what Trump says on twitter is deliberate just to get a rise out of people.
And it works spectacularly.  I swear every time I’m sitting in an airport I see Wolf Blitzer talking about a Trump tweet. Funny as hell. He’s living rent free in their brains.

Spin Zone / Re: Americans should know that there are adults in the room
« on: September 11, 2018, 12:03:17 PM »
Bill Clinton saw an huge artificial economic expansion and thought to exploit it with a tax increase. Worked fine until the dot-bomb.  That crash was well on its way when Bush tried to slow it down with tax breaks.
Exactly. He was an opportunist and parasite to the pre-existing tech boom, not the cause of it.

Spin Zone / Re: ASS Access from Down Under (of course!)
« on: September 11, 2018, 10:52:19 AM »
Darn I was hoping you would point me to an orgasm thread I missed.  ;D

No you didn't fail, I knew it was humorous somehow I just couldn't put it together. I'm still on drugs you know. I'm not supposed to sign any legal papers today.
Or operate heavy machinery!

Spin Zone / Re: POA-Why Do I Bother?
« on: September 11, 2018, 08:05:17 AM »
Who boy. I’m glad I haven’t been on there since the SZ was banned. Why bother?   

Spin Zone / Re: Patriot Day
« on: September 11, 2018, 07:57:42 AM »
Thanks for posting that Becky. For me, this date is never filled with sadness and sorrow. It is still filled with anger. And I’m ok with that.

Spin Zone / Re: A picture is worth a thousand words?
« on: September 11, 2018, 07:18:54 AM »
Yet the MSM cut out Calypso Louie from the widely publicized pictures of Bill, Jesse, and Al. Hmmm. Must be an innocent oversight by their cameramen.

Spin Zone / Re: Woodward's book
« on: September 11, 2018, 07:16:09 AM »
Its funny, when someone in the government tells you something you don't like, they're lying through their teeth. When they same something you like, they are incorruptible.
I would put a career Marine Officer’s credibility over, say, a career politician or a mere college professor, any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Spin Zone / Re: Americans should know that there are adults in the room
« on: September 11, 2018, 07:10:10 AM »
A tax cut has never increased tax revenue.  It is a myth of the right, just like the Laffer curve.

My problem with the wealth being created now is it become stratified and may not work efficiently for the economy.  Note I said efficiently.  After WWII wealth was widely distributed, so everyone had the means to buy houses, cars and other material things.  That created jobs for folks to make those things, and jobs for the people to take care of the folks who made those things.

Wages have been stagnant for decades.  Fewer people have the means to afford such things, thus fewer people make them (and what is made is highly automated).  Fewer jobs, fewer people to take care of the people who make things.  In the mean time more wealth is going into fewer hands.  The idea is that these will all be perfect actors, and will put that money back into the economy in the form of business, infrastructure, or technology.  Problem is not everyone is a perfect actor.

I don't like putting in any more to a wasteful government, but like it or not a big enough collection of people gets wasteful.  Happens in big companies too.  Archaeology is the study of dead people's garbage. But the way to stop the deficit is to spend less and collect more.  It doesn't get any simpler than that.  I think a balanced budget amendment is useless in an age of debt, but if the deficit is ever tamed and paid back, it will be time. But cuts to teh department of Education, or PBS, or Planned parenthood or whatever your pet peeve of the discretionary program WILL NOT DO IT.  You could get rid of the entire discretionary program, send Congress home, send Trump packing, and we'd still run a small deficit.  And its going to get worse, because very soon the interest payments on said debt are going to become monstrous.
You’re delusional, and denying the very effect happening today that you say is impossible to happen. Home ownership is up. Minority unemployment is at historic lows.

Others have shown proof below. Do you even know what the Laffer curve is, besides being a source of endless laughter in the faculty lounge?  Educate yourself about it.

Spin Zone / Re: Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 10, 2018, 03:44:23 PM »
You've guessed right. I don't usually use "lesbian" to describe myself except among lesbian friends. Maybe I should, as it would be clearer. I just have a rather uneasy relationship with the lesbian community, as a large segment of that community believes in pseudoscience. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused!
Enlightening conversation!  Thanks for sharing.

Since we’re talking terms (honestly I never considered “gay” to be more associated with  one sex or the other; I thought it was a universal term) I often wonder why the GLB community associates itself with the T - trans.  I don’t see the logical association between the former and the latter.  What are your thought if you don’t mind me asking?

Spin Zone / Re: Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 10, 2018, 03:34:56 PM »
I beg your pardon! PilotSpin is real life. This morning I woke up and thought, we’ve heard how Rush’s colonoscopy went, but I wonder how Stan’s went!

You don’t get much realer than that.  :)
It went well, thank you for asking. I’m always reminded of Led Zeppelin’s album “In Through the Out Door.” 

Spin Zone / Re: Americans should know that there are adults in the room
« on: September 10, 2018, 02:30:12 PM »
I gotta admit I pretty much agree with all of this, you have a great point that cutting social programs is very difficult once you have people dependent on them. And cutting military is also difficult because we definitely don't want to reduce our ability to defend and protect ourselves. Even all the other miscellaneous expenditures are hard to cut once agencies have a budget, they fight to keep it and increase it every year. The federal government and all its spending is like a malignant cancer - it is self-regenerating.

Where I disagree with you is that you seem to think feeding it by confiscating money from the private sector is a good way to handle it. When what that does is contract the total wealth available to draw from. Companies send their money overseas, markets shrink, consumers have less to spend and invest.

If the deficit is going to exist and we cannot get rid of it, better to at least let people keep their money, have more jobs, better quality of life with a good economy. You may be right it's not sustainable in the long run, but neither is doing it your way.

If the Federal government and its spending deficit is too far gone to reverse then eventually our nation will collapse. I think keeping money in the private sector will prolong the life of the nation and we will be happier in the meantime. But killing us with high taxes will bring about our decline faster and we will suffer more sooner.
You’re on the right track, but I say we can and should work on austerity measures. We must.

You’re spot on with tax cuts. It’s simpleminded thinking like Steingar that never consider the dynamic effects tax cuts have on an economy.  They merely look at
The static results as if the economy would make no changes if it had more money to work with.

As much as leftists thrash the trickle down benefits of tax cuts, the record low unemployment, major movement in Quarterly GDP, and an economy that
Doesn’t have enough workers to fill available jobs are a direct result of pro-growth policies like that cuts and deregulation put in place by Trump. That’s dynamic, not static. And that’s reality.

Yet the little liberal serfs continue to extend their hand for scraps and crumbs dolled out by the feudal lord, while pulling the lever with the other hand to elect the feudal lords since they are incapable of self governance or even incapable of accepting the burdens and responsibility of being free men.

How can one entire generation turn so soft? 

Spin Zone / Re: Progressives Buy Nike More Products
« on: September 09, 2018, 10:07:06 PM »
The few leftists I know of FB are crowing about this.

It’s amazing this has to be a left/right thing. I thought we were all supposed to be Americans.

Spin Zone / Re: Rush & Stan? How ya doin?
« on: September 09, 2018, 10:05:20 PM »
Thanks for asking Josh. Had a few polyps but all small. My dad passed away from colon cancer so I get a scope every couple of years.  Every time I’m reminded of the Led Zeppelin album “In Through the Out Door.”  .

Rush and Josh, hope all is well with you. I control acid reflux with Omeprazol and being a good boy. Last night I went to a late Mexican dinner with my wife and a few cervesas. That didn’t go well.

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