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Messages - Gary

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Spin Zone / Re: The “I’ve paid in all my life” fallacy
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:44:33 PM »

I have had a long standing offer to the Left, that if they can correctly answer just one question then I will give up, follow them, let them rule and convince others that they're correct.  But despite my many years on this earth, none of them have been able to answer.

The question is "What makes us happy"? Because if you're going to advocate for something, then it's either going to make We The People happier or going to make us less happy.  When they don't know then they are more likely to deliver misery than happiness and why should anyone support that?

How would someone right of center answer that question to your satisfaction?

In my mind, there isn't a "correct" answer to that.  It will differ from person to person.

Spin Zone / Re: The “I’ve paid in all my life” fallacy
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:34:29 PM »
And who do we have to thank for that?

Pretty much every President/Congress from Roosevelt onward.

Spin Zone / Re: 'culturally appropriating Mexican food and jobs'
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:30:36 PM »
That is pretty off the wall.  But it is Portlandia, I've heard many of the basic laws of nature are suspended there.

Spin Zone / Re: Dems Lose Another Election
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:28:30 PM »
It's the same guy but like I said earlier in the thread, 70% of the vote had already been submitted through early voting. The incident likely didn't have a big impact on the election.

True, don't believe the "incident" had much to do with the outcome.  Was a lot closer than most thought.

Spin Zone / Re: Universal Income?
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:27:15 PM »
I'm going to go out on a limb here and explore the possibility that universal income might not be such a bad thing.  Please bear with me before jumping down my throat.

- snip-

Ok, flame suit is on; fire away, (or come up with your own ideas of why it might be a good thing).

No flaming...  is worth some thought! ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:23:37 PM »
I think there is a planned, methodical approach by the Democrats, and the Media to undermine the Trump Administration.

Isn't that exactly what the opposition party usually does?

I don't think calling it a Coup is hyperbole.

LOL!  Call it "truthful hyperbole"  ;D

I think it is real, call it what you will, but except for the violence, we are seeing all the indications of an attempt to overthrow the legitimate President of the U.S., without any facts, nor a rationale for doing it.  When the false accusations don't work, they may resort to violence.  That is if trump continues to actually do what he said he would do.  If he folds, and we remain business as usual (crony, big government, more taxes, etc) then they will back off.

Hmmm....  we will have to disagree .

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:11:57 PM »
Welcome back Gary.  Sorry about the "parental care" issues, but thankfully you were there for them.  Hope all is well.

Appreciate it, getting old ain't no fun.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's FY18 Budget Proposal
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:07:44 PM »
Gave it a quick read, would give it 3 stars out of 5 in the Science Fiction category - pretty much like any other Presidential budget.  The Republicans have their pet spending ideas, the Democrats have their's, just shifting the costs around, and rosy predictions.  Some quick observations. 

1.) Any estimate past two years is an educated guess, anything past 5 years is just a plain guess.
2.) The 3% GDP growth rate, while possible, is pretty optimistic.  If that doesn't happen, the future year estimates are garbage.
3.) Government spending continues to rise.
4.) Note that the budget still shows revenue from the estate & gift tax, thought the President was going to abolish that.
5.) Since the tax reform is still conceptual, hard to predict the effect.  The budget seems to assume that revenues will continue to increase without missing a beat.  How the President will implement HUGE tax cuts and still pull that off is beyond me.
6.) There is that 2 trillion in "effect of economic feedback".  I've heard that it is the revenue increase that makes the tax cuts revenue neutral.  If that is true, then his budget table (S-1) is correct.  Not sure you can also then show that 2 trillion as a separate line item on Table S-2 as deficit reduction.  That needs clarification.
7.) the "two-penny Plan' (1.4 trillion in savings) is pretty nebulous.
8.) There is still an increase of a trillion dollars in the national debt over the next two years. And continued increases after that.

Guess I'll need to dive in with some more detail later.

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 26, 2017, 02:25:36 PM »
Interesting dynamic here.  I've been thinking why the Spin Zone, on POA was so active with "opposing" viewpoints, and have come to this theory.  Liberal/progressives don't want to discuss topics because often their arguments are rooted in emotion, and not fact.  Eventually, that comes out, and often they resort to accusations, name calling, or just throwing a hissy fit.  I'm not saying the fine people here do that, but in general, I do think that happens.

Been away for a bit, Cherokee annual, some business travel, personal travel and parental care.  Read a lot, didn't post much - not sure why, maybe time, lack of interest or political turmoil overload.  Pretty broad brush there, see bolded part.  Some truth to the fact that the left (particularly the far left) tend to use emotion more often.  That being said, IMHO, the right (particularly the far right), tend to use ideology more often.  Who invented alt-facts?  We have a few here that are more centrist to left leaning that are certainly capable of a factual arguement.

So, on POA a liberal/progressive may come into the SZ, and do a quick hit and run on occasion, just well because they are there.  Here we are much less likely to have these hit, and run visits, ala what AP used to do, I guess to make herself FEEL better.  We saw what happened to some of the folks here after Trump won the election.  They vanished.  Do liberal/progressive just not take losing an election, or an argument well?  Guess not. 

Well... the POA SZ (may it rest in peace) had a much larger audience than here in Pilot Spin.  Would not be surprised of the POA SZ had well more than 200 participants , here, we have maybe 50??  People move in and out of political webboards all the time.  There is a board for any political flavor you would like, maybe some just found other places that had greater interest to them.

Another thing, while I am on my little rant.  Does anyone see the hypocrisy of participating in an avocation that requires independent thought, responsibility, and the burning of large amounts of fossil fuel all mostly for pure pleasure while promoting the liberal/progressive agenda, and voting Democrat?  My head just has never been able to wrap itself around that one.  I am on a few firearm related web forums, and there are a few of those on there also.  They like the shooting sports, and even the element of being able to defend oneself, then vote for people who believe just the opposite, and reduce their rights or even take them away altogether. 

I don't get it.     

Not sure I understand your point.  Are you saying that if I fly an airplane, I cannot still practice other actions that are generally good for the environment or have political views that favor the liberal side of the aisle?  I don't see how those are diametrically opposed.

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:12:38 AM »
And I may be getting my airplane back this weekend!

Well... THAT is good news!!  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 03, 2017, 04:55:58 AM »
Was that the upright twin engine, Triumph copy?  I was considering one in 1981, and found a slightly used 1978 Triumph 750 Bonneville at a good price so sold my Yamaha XT250, and bought it.

Yep!  Very similar design.  Solid, reliable engine.  Had a lot of fun with it, sorry to see it go.

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 04:24:31 PM »
Totally agree.  They TALK a good game, then do just as much to grow government as the Democrats.

And you are somehow surprised at this??

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 02, 2017, 04:21:40 PM »
The bike is a mess.

Big Snip.

Oh, another issue that made this a stupid impulse buy: no title (guy is "looking for it at his Mom's house"). Luckily I got it dirt cheap, and I did get a bill of sale and copies of the guy's license. I'm going to have the sheriff's office look up the VIN to be sure it's not stolen. Not sure yet the process to get it titled, if I even can. If I can't title it not sure what I'll do. Track bike? =P

You are a better man than me.  That is quite the project.  Had I known, could of done you a good deal on a '77 Yamaha 650.  Finally bit the bullet and sold it a while ago.  Fun bike, but wasn't riding it that much, needed some work that I just didn't have the time or desire to tackle.

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 04:15:49 PM »
Yet the President was upbeat about the budget agreement.


"President Trump on Tuesday said his budget bill was a "clear win" for the American people. This is what winning looks like, something you folks know a lot about," the president said as he stood in front of a group of uniform-clad Air Force Falcons."

If the President considers this a "win' why should I not believe him?

Spin Zone / Re: When Communism Inspired Americans- NYT
« on: May 02, 2017, 04:08:11 PM »
I don't click links to the NYT, fuck them.

Shame you feel that way.  They have a lot of good stuff on how other people think.

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