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Messages - rolivi

Pages: [1]
Spin Zone / The Thing about Trump
« on: July 20, 2018, 10:04:54 AM »
It seems like all the chicks he's accused of banging are pretty hot.

Can't say the same for Slick Willy.

Is this a Rep/Dem thing?

Spin Zone / Re: Just -- wow. The entitlement of some people.
« on: July 18, 2018, 07:43:13 PM »
Oh, woe is me.

I'm an illegal alien and I have to be careful not to get caught while I get a University degree.

Why doesn't UT check them thar papers.

She's probably getting a scholarship and/or tuition assistance too.

We should build a wall.

Spin Zone / Thank you Russia!
« on: July 18, 2018, 07:33:06 PM »
MSNBC is all in a roar because of a NYT article that Trump was told in Jan 2017 that Putin directly ordered the hacking of our election.

I say thank you Vlad.

I'll take two conservative Supreme Court Justices, probably 3 since Ruth is only hanging in there out of spite, over what the alternative candidate would have done.

Spin Zone / Re: Rewrite The Constitution
« on: July 18, 2018, 07:02:49 PM »
I think there is a country where the party with the most elected officials put forth the person who leads....

England?   Yah, and they call that person the Prime Minister?

Last I heard Americans were so happy about that system of government that they went to war.  And won!

I suggest we stick with The Constitution.   As written.   The "living document" argument is BS.

Anyone ever check when the statute defining murder was written?  That's some old ass shit right there.   We might to need to get used to legally killing people after they are born, instead of just nipping them in the womb.

I think Trump should nominate Merrick Garland.

There would be no way it would be blocked and he'll have another 'bi-partisan' win.

Then his next pick (probably replacing Ginsberg) can be ultra conservative.

We all win!

Spin Zone / New Protected Class needs to be established
« on: April 21, 2018, 07:50:52 AM »
Used to be that it was "okay to be gay."

Now it seems to be that it is expected.

Not being gay now seems to mean that I am intolerant, uneducated, and racist.  [Not sure why homosexuals are immune to racist tendencies]

I've been "invited" to a work function to explain LGBT issues.  That's probably a good idea since they've already won the Supreme Court decision, which would therefore SOLVE the issues, correct?

So, I need to have White Male College Educated Christian Heterosexual declared a protected class so that my issues can be discussed openly and people can be "invited" to education sessions.

Spin Zone / Re: Franken resigns in disgrace
« on: December 08, 2017, 09:42:32 AM »
It also recently came out that he began dating his current wife before she even filed for divorce. That's certainly not illegal, but he does lose his credibility about being a man of God.

My ex-wife started dating her current husband before she left me.  That doesn't mean either of them aren't Christians.

Maybe he can give some opinions on deforestation and destroying grasslands when he clips trees and tears up golf courses!   8)

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