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Messages - jaybee

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Haven't logged in here in a while. Nice to read some common sense viewpoints. While I think there is plenty of blame to go around I tend to lean to the right and as such I'm biased to support facts that support my agenda.

That said... everything I've heard from the Border Patrol has said that they need more walls as well as other things. This includes personal testimony from my Helicopter flying buddies that work at the BP.

Here is one such narrative stolen from a friend's Facebook post - he wished to stay anonymous...
Lots of opinions will be gathered from either side of the political party. As someone with now 5 years experience on the border, I am here to tell you walls/barriers work, and more importantly keep family units from the harsh environments they can encounter once they are in the United States. These barriers and walls are actually all over already and they work. So what if the wall or barriers don’t stop them, keeping in mind they are being smuggled by cartel orizations, who will leave them as soon as they are too weak to continue!

Let me give you one of my experiences.

Three years ago I responded to a 911 call of an alien in distress. The 19 year old son and father were abandoned in the Texas heat during the summer. Since the son did not know where he was in the vast Texas landscape, all I had to go off was cell phone towers, 3 in fact, in about a 40 mile radius. After 7 hours of flight time, we finally found the son, who for the 3rd time, ran 1.5 miles to huge power line poles, from where his father was located. I landed in a tight landing zone, dropped off 2 BORSTAR agents (google them) who put two bags of fluid into the father, who was having extreme heat stroke, along with assessing the son. I made the call to fly him to an airport near by because I knew local ems helicopters, by policy, wouldn’t be able to land. As we loaded the father into my helicopter his bowels released and went all over us and the aircraft. I made the decision to continue to fly him to the awaiting EMS. Below is the photo after I landed. The father ended up passing away. A barrier can funnel these unknowing illegal migrants into the safety of the border patrol. Most asylum cases allow them to stay. Politics aside illegal immigration is extremely dangerous. This is just 1 story of thousands each year, over 4300 Rescues in 2018 by CBP.

Since I've started flying at the Airlines I've been spending more time online at than I have at POA. Jeebus Christmas though I couldn't even think about posting what I just posted here over there. If'n ya'll want to waste a bunch of time arguing with the left leaners there is more than I can deal with LOL.

Anyhow, as stated here - the fact the Dims won't fund a wall tells me they are not serious about people's safety at all - as well as all the other salient points made here.

Spin Zone / Re: Friends BMW damaged at Trump rally in San Jose, CA
« on: June 05, 2016, 11:21:22 AM »
Of course.  And the media joyfully joins in with the talking points.

However, a lot of Americans are tiring of the charades and seeing through this.

I think you are giving "a lot of Americans" too much credit, unfortunately.

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