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Messages - CharlieTango

Pages: [1]
Pilot Zone / Morning Coffee at 12,000'
« on: June 09, 2016, 12:03:25 AM »
The Sherwins, Califorinia's Sierra Nevada

Spin Zone / Re: Vicente Fox apologizes to Trump for wall outburst
« on: May 05, 2016, 12:18:55 PM »
Fox is trying to undo the damage done.  Foreign leaders do not see Trump as they do Obama.

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:34:29 AM »
I am saying that maybe if we accept a moderate now, and avoid a partisan battle, we'd have a better chance of winning the White House, and then be able to appoint conservatives when other justices retire.

Ok fair enough.  I don't agree, we have become afraid of our own shadow.  We can't have a budget process or use the power of the purse because the press will 'blame' us for shutting down the govt.  We need a conservative now and its time to dump the traitors and grow a pair.

Pilot Zone / Beware low flying aircraft
« on: November 04, 2015, 10:44:59 AM »

I recently figured out that I was fat and unhealthy by believing and following the government's 'science' based recommendations.

We are all pretty familiar with James Watts and Micheal Mann et al and how they had to 'hide the decline' in order for the remaining and corrected data to support their theory.

The USDA's food pyramid is similarly based on cherry picked data and an irrelevant study. 

Ancel Keys (Nutritionist for whom K rations are named) got it started with a study in 1953 where he demonstrated a correlation between high saturated fat consumption and high levels of heart disease in 7 countries. This study along with the Russians rabbit study in 1910 is the basis for our modern ideas regarding cholesterol and heart disease.

The problem with the 7 nation study is that Keys had data from 22 nations but had to throw most of it out to show the correlation he believed in.  When the other 15 nations are added there is not correlation between dietary cholesterol and heart disease.  Much like Mann et al hiding the decline to support the hockey stick.

The 1910 study had the same goal and showed a correlation between dietary cholesterol and heart disease but used rabbits that are purely vegetarians and consume zero dietary cholesterol. The same study using omnivores might have been valid but 'science' was okay with relying on these two invalid reports.

In 1988 Surgeon General Coop confirmed (with no new studies / evidence to rely on) that the science was as sound as the science behind tobacco as a health hazard and scared us into following an upside down / wrong pyramid that focused on grains and seed oils. (The problem is these foods cause inflammation that results in atherosclerosis, the very thing they are supposed to prevent.)

Even today the bad science dominates the thinking and people without any calcium deposited in their arteries are prescribed dangerous statins because we are afraid of cholesterol that is essential.

I'm begginning to believe that information from governments supported by popular science are to be believed at you peril.

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