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Messages - Kristin

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Spin Zone / Re: The Purge Begins
« on: January 08, 2021, 08:47:21 PM »
You are a fucking idiot.
Serious.y. Are you and kristen fuck buddies, or just drug addicts?

I thought I was a lesbian, or do you think he is a girl.  ;D  You better not be doing any of those magic mushrooms.  Your brain is already FUBAR.  You can't handle drugs.  Or reality for that matter.  Must suck to be you.

Spin Zone / Re: This might not be over
« on: January 08, 2021, 08:39:18 PM »
And if Kennedy were to run today, he couldn’t win the Democrat primary for dog catcher.

The Civil Rights Act was championed by Republicans. It was filibustered by Democrats. The civil rights movement came out of the religious world, it was churches of all color that backed it.

Very misleading and only partially true.  !  The bill was introduced in the house by a Democrat.  It was approved by the Democrat controlled House of Representatives.  In the Democrat controlled Senate, conservative, southern Democrats filibustered the bill.  The filibuster was broken by 27 Republicans and 44 Democrats.  It was signed into law by a Democrat.  It can not be said that the GOP was the "champion" of the legislation.  They did not write it and it wasn't GOP votes other than in the Senate to break the filibuster, that got it through.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 07, 2021, 05:04:31 PM »
The Constitution doesn’t allow for communist cunts to decide which of our rights we are allowed to enjoy.
Nice try asshole.
You’ll fit right in once the purge begins.

Fortunately, dip shits like you didn't write the Constitution and are not sitting on the courts to interpret it.  Put down your AR and put you dick back in your pants and try to act like an adult.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 06, 2021, 05:11:55 PM »
You’re wasting your time.
Assholes like kristin and Mikey don’t read, or think.
They just babble whatever bullshit they are spoon fed.

I see IQ7 is still around.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 06, 2021, 02:25:58 PM »
That ship sailed when Democrat states bought Dominion vote machines and then broke constitutional law with universal mail in ballots.

Democrats are unethical thugs period. And this is now a regime of thugs. Enjoy.

What provision of the Constitution was violated with universal mail in ballots?

The only thugs I see are hanging off the capital as I type this.  Are you all tired of winning yet?  Dems have Congress, the White House, the GOP is divided, and a minority is trying to destroy our republic.  I told you years ago, that Trump was going to destroy the GOP and give power to the Dems.  Good job guys!

Spin Zone / Re: Dude Looks Like a Lady
« on: November 27, 2019, 03:51:44 PM »
She's a lying sociopath Marxist.   Nice to see you hold her in such high esteem.  ::)

Based on what?  Facts!  Did you even listen to her testimony?  I did!

She certainly brought out the misogynists here.

Spin Zone / Re: It WAS quid-pro-quo!
« on: November 27, 2019, 02:51:08 PM »
Yes I know, and too bad for them. but Kristin earns my respect because she is a PILOT, and Steingar earns my respect because he is a PILOT, and others here earn my respect because they risk their lives to fly with PILOTS.  That's who we are.   I may not agree with them. but they all put their asses on the line as do you and I.

Thank you and I prefer to fly than argue online.  As I still have my health and my medical, I shall continue to do so.

Spin Zone / Re: Dude Looks Like a Lady
« on: November 26, 2019, 01:45:45 PM »
At least she is a credit to America and what it stands for which is a lot more than many can say.

Spin Zone / Some final, cogent thoughts on the election
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:14:47 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary's Latest Attack is Faltering
« on: October 18, 2016, 07:15:33 PM »
The media, including the "news", and network TV shows are going full bore against Trump.  It is vile crap, and shows just how corrupt the media, and the Democrats have become.  If Hillary steals this election we are going to have a revolt.

Hillary couldn't steal it as about the only GOP nominee who couldn't beat her is Trump.  That the media is making up false things about Trump is BS.  Name one thing?  It is Breitbart and that ilk that make up stuff.

Spin Zone / Re: State Level Polling
« on: August 18, 2016, 01:14:10 PM »
When Hillary gets elected, I am going to blame the GOP and most particularly the tea party section of the party that is my-way-or-the-highway rigidity.  They cling to the notion that they are a majority in this country and that if others like them went to the polls a deeply conservative GOP candidate would be elected President.  This borders on delusional.  The truth is that low voter turn out helps the conservatives.  If everyone eligible went to the polls, we would have a Dem in the White House and a Dem Congress too.  Thank god they don't all turn out.

Unless the Conservatives in this country abandon their magical thinking that the only way they lose is through a media conspiracy, which doesn't exist, they are going to keep the GOP split and the Dems will rule.  They need to lose the divisive social crap and focus on small federal government and state's rights.  With the latter, they might actually get some of their social goals.  With the Dems in control, they will get nothing.  Half a loaf is better than none.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Debate Preview
« on: August 15, 2016, 01:25:29 AM »
Nonsense, he is very consistent, going back decades. Google old interviews, read his books. Same guy. Now he plays the crowd, but at least he doesn't change his accent to "good old boy" when talking to southerners.

Personality-wise he has been disturbingly consistent.  It is the policies/positions he changes somewhat more often then he changes his undies. 

Spin Zone / Re: Donald Trump Wins GOP Nomination on First Ballot
« on: July 23, 2016, 08:05:10 PM »
I've read most of what you have written here and you come off as a closet liberal. But like most California liberals you try to cloak it as a "moderate".

Whatever, keep pretending.

Reading with tunnel vision doesn't count as you are clearly reading without understanding.

I don't care what you call me.  Only a right wing whack job thinks that "liberal" is an insult.  Since I don't know how you define "liberal", and I am sure you don't either, it is hard to be offended.  But if, as I would guess, "liberal" is anyone that disagrees with you, I will take that with pride.

And to be perfectly honest, I have some positions that are more often than not attributed to "liberals".  I believe in a woman's right to an abortion in at least the first half of the pregnancy.  I don't care who marries whom.  I doubt that homosexuality is a choice.  I would probably vote to legalize most drugs.  I also support the 2nd Amendment as an individual right and oppose gun control.  I would phase out SS and Medicare and just flat end Obamacare.  I would scrap the dept's of Education and Energy and promote energy independence.  I support a strong military and an engaged foreign policy but would be skeptical about committing U.S. forces beyond smacking the odd terrorist.  When I did commit U.S. troops it would be all in until the mission is accomplished and then out as fast as possible.  No nation building.

So if that checked off all your "liberal" boxes, then indeed, I am a "liberal", at least in your mind.

Spin Zone / Re: Another “Holocaust Survivor” Hoax Exposed
« on: July 21, 2016, 09:01:37 PM »
If you think what you see is normal, then perhaps you need a new paradigm.

I really haven't a clue as to what you mean by that.

What I see is not normal.  What we have in America is not normal.  Normal is famine, civil wars, and oppressive dictators.  Where do minorities have a better chance than here?  While we can and should be better, is there a model that does do better?

Spin Zone / Re: Castile Stop: Other Side Of The Story
« on: July 19, 2016, 08:54:59 PM »
Let's face it, White Supremacy has ruled the planet for the last 4,000 years so it's pervasive.  I acknowledge its pervasiveness but I know that we are now at the time in the history of the world where it's on it's way out.  I don't think it will be in my lifetime, but as Dr. King said, "I've seen the Mountaintop".

White supremacy is not a tangible thing or a people, or a set of peoples.  It is an idea.   It is an idea that has taken root in some whites in their arrogance and it has taken root in some minorities in their jealousy and need for a boogie man.

Our ancestors all started in Africa.  From there they spread to all corners.  My ancestors wondered into Europe.  The weather was harsher and their skin became more pale so it could pick up the vitamin D from the sun.  They didn't go to Europe with some plan to turn white and oppress all those who were not as white.  Through a combination of many factors, societies grew there that advanced more rapidly in a technological sense.  They didn't make these discoveries so that they could oppress those with more melanin in their skin.  They did it to make their life better.  It was probably a combination of harsher climate that required more effort to survive and the fragmenting of religions that allowed more freedom of thought and ideas.

Having gained a technological edge, the white Europeans set out to exploit their good fortune and effort.  Being on the receiving end of that was not always wonderful, I will grant.  Though when it comes to slavery, the Europeans learned from and were aided and abetted by the Africans of the time who had been trading in slaves for centuries.  When Europe was weak, North African raiders would sail up into France and England and raid villages and take slaves.  When the English and Portuguese slave traders went to Africa, they rarely raided villages.  Other tribes did that and sold the captives they took to the slave traders who then brought them to the New World.  It seems to me that there is a lot of blame to go around and on some level it is a cop out to just blame it all on racism and white supremacy.

I totally agree that the police are too trigger happy and that there are institutional and social barriers that blacks in this country face.  Ditto women.  Ditto gays.  Ditto Hispanics.  As some point, everyone and every group just has to say "screw it" and gets up and does their individual best to do as best as they can.  Adding a California perspective, the Chinese came here in droves and were dumped on and exploited for decades.  But as a group, they picked themselves up and now there are more of them in the top schools in California than those from a European background.

The world is not just black and white.  Neither are the solutions, IMV.

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