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Messages - acrogimp

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 16
Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 09, 2018, 01:08:52 PM »
The 2nd is not the issue, the issue is that we have a conflict on privacy rights.

Which makes more sense?

  * Do something that will potentially effect a small portion of the population (make it possible for mental health issues to be recorded and discussed, reintroduce a path to involuntary commitment for study/treatment, and ensure LEOs have access to this data and ensure it is used if/when a yellow form is sought)


 * Do something that restricts a natural right for every man, woman and child in the entire country (change the Bill of Rights)

There is only one right answer.


Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 09, 2018, 10:18:42 AM »
Randy Jackson says it best...

Spin Zone / Re: ‘How do I get an apartment?’
« on: November 09, 2018, 09:33:52 AM »
We need to make this moronic twit the face of the Millenial Left, she will supplant Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee as the gift that keeps on giving.

Her astounding level of historical ignorance and economic illiteracy should be made front and center each and every day - just please giver her a microphone, and then after she stumbles about for 5-10 minutes ask her how to pay for it or where in the Constitution Government is empowered to do whatever pipe dream she gins up that day.


Spin Zone / Re: 2018 Election results thread
« on: November 06, 2018, 11:18:37 PM »
While I am disappointed with the apparent result in the House this has actually been pretty historic.

If we consider the first Midterm to be a referendum on the President, Trump appears to have done substantially better than Clinton or Obama who each lost something like 50-60 seats in the House in their first midterm (looks like this will settle between 25-30), and GAINED I believe 5 seats in the Senate which now makes Collins and Murkowski irrelevant, especially with Flake, Corker and McCain no longer in the way.  And this in an election that by all appearances enjoyed truly historic turnout, by the look of it on both sides.

Because Pelosi and the House Dem's are, I believe, incapable of compromise or good behavior, Trump will, I predict, play them like a fiddle and get them to go apoplectic, on TV, basically every day or two, for the next two years and they will see the same level of punishment for their lack of fairness that ALL of the Democrat Senators who participated in the Kavanaugh assault and who were up for re-election received today (ALL were defeated).

That said, I think it is time to clearly call out the abject failure that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have been with respect to faithfully executing the President's agenda (although Mr. Turtle has been coming around) - this failure to repeal and replace Obamacare, WHEN THEY HELD ALL THE POWER gave the Dem's the only positive campaign issue they had which resonated for House voters, healthcare - there is a special ring in Hell for people who betray like that (currently occupied by one John McCain).

I also place a substantial amount of the blame at the feet of again Paul Ryan, and the other Republican Congresscritters who let their Never-Trump-Derangement Syndrome drive them to 'retire', this created name-recognition vacuums that the Dem's exploited by running candidates who easily espoused positions that sound middle-of-the-road enough to get elected in red and purple districts - real question is how effective will Trump and the Republicans be at pointing out what I expect to be large discrepancies between their actual voting records vs. campaign positions in 2 years.

Trump too shares some blame - he focused on saving the Senate which was a pragmatic thing to do, but in doing so failed to talk up the economy enough to have that 'how are you doing now vs 2 years ago' moment that I think would have floated more Republican House members.

All in all, looks to be a below average change in terms of Gubernatorial, State Houses, House and Senate - and that should be some cause for celebration.  The Dem's are still at a historically low overall level of power across elected government at all levels - thanks Obama.

I will only be worried if Pelosi reigns in the whackadoodle brigade (Maxine Waters, Gerald Nadler, and the like) and puts apparent 'moderates' or younger Rep's into Chairmanships - Waters is the gift that keeps on giving, I want her front and freakin' center for the next 2 years.  It will suck on a day-to-day basis but will ensure a massive victory in 2020.

In the end, Trump it would appear, is far less a polarizing or damaging element for his party than Obama was - and I can certainly take some comfort in that.


Spin Zone / Re: Rushie
« on: October 29, 2018, 06:01:47 PM »
so now I'm waiting for the end of time, to hurry up man alive, 'cuz if I got to spend another minute with you I don't think that I could hardly survive....


Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 26, 2018, 02:11:35 PM »
My sure to be sainted father reposted this on Facebook:

"Charles Manson never murdered anyone. He just held rallies where he encouraged his followers to be violent."

I responded as follows:
"This is exactly right, I agree the time is long passed for all people of good conscious to oppose dog whistles inciting political violence, so I join the OP and call on Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, Eric Holder, Kathy Griffin, Cher, Rosie O'Donnell, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, John Brennan, Jeff Zucker, Jim Acosta, Nancy Pelosi, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Misha Brzinsky, Joy Behar, Whoopie Golberg, Nancy Wasserman Schultz, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, the NYT Op/Ed Page, the Shakespeare in the Park production that portrayed the assassination of Trump, Madonna, Johnny Depp, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, George Soros, and their enablers at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC - ALL OF WHOM HAVE BEEN NONSTOP INCITING TO VIOLENCE FOR ALMOST 3 YEARS NOW to stop the divisive rhetoric that has ACTUALLY incited people to actually shoot Republicans, to actually firebomb Republican Campaign Offices, to actually assault Republicans eating dinner, watching movies or trying to leave their home - to actually burn vehicles with pro Trump bumper stickers, to actually attack people on the right simply for trying to exercise their right to free speech on college campuses across the fruited plains - I agree, it is high time for this nonsense to stop - there is no place in the United States for political violence, on ANY side."


Spin Zone / Re: Why Are Democrats So Violent?
« on: October 19, 2018, 08:17:16 AM »
The Left gravitates towards political violence because they 1 - personalize everything and 2 - truly believe only they are right.

By balkanizing everything and everyone, down to the smallest possible grouping they create an endless string of loosely connected victim classes that they convince are special by nature of a very limited circumstance (their plumbing, their sexual preference, their color of skin, etc.,), then they go on vile screeds where they demonize the opposition in such a way that violence is not only condoned but seems appropriate given the stark evil the other side is said to represent.

This is only going to get worse, we are going to see a descent into madness and violence along the lines of but far worse I fear than the 60's. 

If, as some of us assume, the fabricated, I mean predicted Blue Wave is a wash and the Republicans maintain or grow their majority around the nation the Left will go full-on bat shit crazy - assault, assassination and all other manner of political violence WILL occur - property crimes, etc., and it will all be organized and funded in a way that a true hard-core law and order type could probably catch the DNC up in a RICO prosecution.  But, real people are going to suffer.

Lefties better remember though who has most of the guns, because Joe Six Pack is only going to go-along-to-get-along for so long before we get tired of their nonsense.


Spin Zone / Re: Standing up to invaders
« on: October 19, 2018, 08:06:49 AM »
Mexico is already actually mobilizing the Federales and has reached out to the UN to assist them in evaluating asylum claims, before these people enter Mexico.

Mark my words, Trump will win this, he is setting up, yet another rope-a-dope, that the Left will boldly charge into full of self-righteousness, and they will not know what hit them, again.

I am not tired of winning yet BTW, not even close.


Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 16, 2018, 08:05:13 AM »
Tucker Carlson has been on fire recently, he said with her stunt yesterday that Fauxcohantas has effectively crowned herself the leader of the #MeSioux movement.


Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 16, 2018, 08:03:16 AM »
She is, literally, half as Native American as the average white American.

This is just so awesome - with Hillary's 'Bill's accusers are not #MeToo' and 'she was an adult, not an abuse of power' comments you just can't make it up - shaping up to be a berry berry bad week to be a Dem.

Red Wave will push them over the edge and that will be ugly, the Antifa cowards will go full on street violence until a few of them get popped by normal citizens who have had enough of their nonsense and then Trump gets the public outcry to put those dogs down and we get a return to law and order.

Next 6 months will be chaotic but we'll see a lot of progress.


Spin Zone / Re: Has CNN given up?
« on: October 04, 2018, 06:12:24 PM »
When people point out that calling or comparing Trump supporters to brainless morons, would-be-Nazi's, racist, misogynist, homophobes and other such vile and venal nonsense as we see from Steingar as being 'beneath him' maybe those kinds of opinions will matter, since that kind of commentary has been largely missing from Statler and Waldorf I'll not be holding my breath.

I am no longer taking that shit from anybody, and will be calling things out as I see them.

People have been pushed too far and the pushing back starts now.  I for one will no longer be held to a higher standard for the sole purpose of trying to diminish my ability to fight - I've read Alinsky and will no longer have my rulebook used against me.


Trump is living rent free in millions of heads across the fruited plains and by driving them nuts and getting them to expose themselves and their dirty tricks it is turning people in the middle off for them - if the purported blue wave ends up as a red wave due to their nonsense the Left will be violently unhinged.


Spin Zone / Arrest made in Kavanaugh / SJC GOP Doxxing
« on: October 03, 2018, 08:15:47 PM »
Hmmm, worked or interned for Feinstein, Boxer, and Hassan, was currently/most recently in Sheila Jackson-Lee's office.

About time they start prosecuting these thugs.


Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 24, 2018, 11:17:38 AM »
WH just released a letter from Kavanaugh, I was, sadly, expecting he would withdraw given the awful treatment he and his family have been getting - nope - he's a fighter, will not be intimidated, is not withdrawing and is sticking it out.

I now predict he will be confirmed on Thursday and I feel better.


Spin Zone / Re: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
« on: September 24, 2018, 09:32:13 AM »
Since Trump has, wisely in terms of optics, not cooperated with the narrative and told Rosenstein 'you're fired', they are trying a full court press here - Rosenstein resigns claiming he was 'probably going to be fired' - blatantly political move intended to reinforce the narrative.

Coupled with what will now be an endless string of accusers against Kavanaugh we are witnessing a defacto coup - they lost the election and simply will not yield power to the duly elected government.

Trump and Grassley have a short window to head this off at the pass (accept the resignation graciously and vote to confirm Kavanaugh TODAY) or we are facing a true Constitutional crisis, in that the Constitution will no longer matter and the Left will simply govern whether or not they are actually in power.


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