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Messages - Kristin

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Spin Zone / Re: Voter fraud is real enough that Trump is suing already
« on: November 05, 2016, 12:17:31 PM »
You're no t going to give up, are you?   You are fine with Hillary winning and spending her entire time fighting off investigations until she is impeached or destroys the justice system even more.
You're not going to give up are you?  You're fine with a New York Liberal Democrat Hillary Donor winning and spending his entire time grabbing the pussies of interns and cooking off nukes because someone insulted him on Twitter at 3am.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary's Latest Attack is Faltering
« on: October 23, 2016, 10:10:21 AM »
Kristen,     National debt when Obama was sworn in, $10.6 Trillion,  National debt as of 10/20/16  $19.8 trillion.  Increase from Obama's inauguration, 87% with three months to go, he has doubled the national debt unless you want to quibble over a few hundred billion.

You need to go to the source, not democracy now or occupy democrat or what ever site you use, they lead you astray.

Your numbers and Kristen's aren't that far apart and are reasonably accurate.  Why the dig at her source?

Tax revenues increased after the Bush tax cuts and they have increased after just about every tax cut in recent history.

Although that is fun to say, historic data doesn't bear that out.  Tax cuts MAY have a stimulus effect, particularly in a booming economy, but it is nowhere near a hard and fast rule.  Tax cuts cause an immediate loss in revenue.  Beneficial effects (if any) take years to show up.  While President Reagan did indeed cut income tax rates (justifiably IMHO) he also increased taxes and eliminated a number of deductions that resulted in increases in revenue.  Of course, President Bush #1 had to go back on the "Read my lips" promise to deal with budget deficits.

As far as the Bush 2 tax cuts, they had the effect of adding to the reduction in revenue during 2001, 2002 and 2003.  Revenue did not reach 2000 levels until 2005.  The state of the economy has FAR more impact on revenue than changing tax rates.  The economy was coming off the tech crash of 1999/2000.  The Bush tax cuts did nothing to increase revenue during that time period. I believe you are confusing correlation and causation.

SPENDING INCREASED TOO, THAT IS WHY WE HAVE A DEBT PROBLEM.  Tax increases will further slow the economy and lower revenues in the long term.   You can't tax a country into prosperity.

Can't disagree with the first part and last part.  The middle part is certainly speculation. 

Obama owns the national debt and people are sick of his whining that it is Bush's fault, he had 8 years to fix it, in his first 2 years he owned congress too.  No excuses, Obama is a failure.

Lots of people "own" the debt, I don't lay blame on one particular person, it has been a group effort.  The 2008/2009 crash was certainly a major contributor, probably to the tune of increasing the total debt by +/- $5 trillion.  So was the Afghanistan war, Iraq war, entitlements, increased unemployment benefits, increased SNAP costs and Medicare Part B expansion.  As far as spending, the President/Congress has only ever reduced spending (over the last 50 years) in 2010, 2012 & 2013, when compared to the year before.  Damn that Obama!  ;)

Your  and my grand children are the ones that will have to deal with this mess Obama  caused by many administrations and probably the resultant revolution when it hits the fan and the millions getting free shit now get the gravy train shut down because the US is forced to default.

With a minor (and accurate) change, this is true.

Spin Zone / Re: Foreign policy positions, as if they mattered
« on: October 13, 2016, 04:06:54 PM »
I think that the president, not the vice president, is the driver of public policy positions that emanate from the executive office. Johnson is a long time gun rights advocate with a proven, consistent position. Trump has no such consistent position. It is my opinion that the NRA should have endorsed Johnson.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 13, 2016, 09:48:17 AM »
SO if a candidate says something that should be taken as gospel then?  Apply to Hillary as well then?

If someone is merely accused of something, without any proof, they are automatically guilty then?  Apply to Hillary as well then?

Because groping is a far cry short of treason, murder, corruption, dereliction of duty, willful destruction of evidence, etc.

Just want to see where the hypocrisy line is.


I don't support Hillary. I'd be very happy to see her held to account.

To answer your basic questions: if someone is caught saying they do something, it is not unfair to take them at their word. When said person is then accused of doing what they said they do, those accusations naturally hold more weight. No, it doesn't mean they are automatically guilty.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 08, 2016, 10:40:10 AM »
Jeff has nothing to add to the conversation, as usual. 

He's an asshat, period.
The master of projection speaks again.

Thanks for giving us a horrible nominee for President. You Trumpkins own this.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 07, 2016, 07:51:20 PM »
And Hillary, and Bill don't have tons of skeletons?  They all have skeletons.  I am  still voting for Trump because if Hillary wins western civilization as we know it is ASSURED to be gone.
You'd be better off focusing your energies on the Senate, but if you can vote for someone as unprincipled and despicable as Donnie, well, I'm sorry.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Debate Preview
« on: August 13, 2016, 01:06:40 PM »
Well, conservatives could prevent that by supporting, and voting for Trump.

They could also soften the effect by getting on board to confirm Merrick Garland, who by all accounts is a middle of the road, open-minded and qualified candidate to the Supreme Court.  Judge Garland is likely to be far less liberal than anyone Hillary is likely to nominate.  But, then again, the message I heard was "let the next President decide".

Spin Zone / Re: Donald Trump Wins GOP Nomination on First Ballot
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:53:13 PM »
When did being a liberal equate to being such a bad thing?  I thought political discourse was a good thing, or is groupthink really the way to go?

About the time when the left wing realized that they controlled the media, the schools, academia  and much of the courts. They then realized that if they made a "movement" or a "cause" out of something they could effect real change. Then they were "educated" or came to the conclusion that everything was better in Europe and the socialist ways they do things is superior to our provincial, back waters ways and set abut changing that.

Once the left did this, the reaction from the right was, "You're either with us, or agin' us!" Black or white, no shades of gray. They laid out hard, inflexible "principles" and "core values" that must be adhered to or... your agin' us. The right wing has been boxed into just AM talk radio, the internet and Fox News. From these places they provide plenty of slogans and derogatory phrases to attack the enemy with. They get repeated again and again.

These media outlets proclaimed "liberal" a dirty word and it has stuck amongst the right wing faithful.

Anyone that thinks there is a clear distinction between "good guys" and "bad guys" where political alliances are concerned must also think there is a such thing as an "honest politician".

Spin Zone / Re: Donald Trump Wins GOP Nomination on First Ballot
« on: July 23, 2016, 06:33:44 PM »
I have read several different sources, quoting different people, all of who say that Hillary is a devote Methodist.
Lucifer will be quoting Hedly Lamar from Blazing Saddles lumping Methodists in with all other manner of thugs soon.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: Donald Trump Wins GOP Nomination on First Ballot
« on: July 23, 2016, 05:58:52 PM »
Oh yes, I forgot, you read her biography.  And it must be the 100% gospel truth. 

 Let me guess, you read Baracks two books and you believed every word there as well?
This from the guy who thinks Donnie is the messiah, and The Art of the Deal is the revealed word of God.

Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 10, 2016, 01:15:06 PM »

So...more die first then?

Unacceptable. How about you condemn violence in your own community and condemn aggressiveness by those stopped by police.

If the cops shoot everyone on sight, none of them will die.  Obviously no one wants that extreme. I just suggest we've moved too far toward that end of the spectrum, starting with the Reagan administration and bringing us to the militarized forces we have today.

Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 10, 2016, 01:11:29 PM »
I think you have it backwards.  Society has become so violent, and criminals have become so well armed that police are in a daily struggle for their lives.  Part of the problem is the culture of silence in the black community.  They would rather have drug dealers and gang bangers living in their neighbor hood than be a snitch.  And there are the courts that release too many violent criminals on technicalities during the arrest.  IT is at the point where any and every traffic stop has to be considered a potential life threatening situation.

I don't know what the solution is, but disarming the cops without giving them some other form of protection is not the answer.

Actually you have it backward. Being a police officer has become far more safe over the years.  Violent crime among others is down substantially and continues to decline. I've never suggested both sides of the equation don't have a part to play. But I do believe we've strayed too far from what a police officer should be; a member of the community, supported by our tax dollars, protecting the many good from the few bad.

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:55:55 AM »
Then what's up with the Mexican flags at La Raza rallies and people reclaiming the southwest for Mexico? Are they first generation, later, what?

There are two separate houses in my neighborhood that fly Irish flags along side the US flag. Having never lived anywhere else, I can't really say what it's like, but I think you always have some pride in where you are from and the people that you descended from. I imagine that if I were to move to a foreign country I might still display the US flag from time to time.

I hear people in the south still fly Confederate flags and they used to say stuff like- "The South will rise again!". What the hell is up with that?

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:59:06 AM »
There's going to be some chaos for a little while because no one understands all the impacts of this.  Uncertainty lowers value.  But in the long run, the mini panic going on is going to be much ado about nothing.

Great time for a vacation to the UK.

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