I'm sure you are all probably aware of the school shooting this week. Apparently this young man was known to the FBI since last year and his family was interviewed by them last year. They claimed that they had guns but they were locked away and their son, Colt, did not have access. In the end the father purchased the AR-15 used in the shootings.
This school is approx. fifteen miles from me. It is very close to the theater my wife and I go to a couple of times a week. The coach that was killed was a neighbor of one of church families.
Lots of calls on FB locally for metal detectors at the schools. No calls for mental therapy. This kid was trans. Here are a couple of local newspaper articles. The father appeared in court this morning, it was televised and as he sat in his seat he kept rocking back and forth. There are reports the kid was bullied or made fun of at school. That does not give one the approval to shoot up the school.
https://www.mainstreetnews.com/barrow/news/apalacchee-shooters-father-arrested/article_67a8ff64-6bf7-11ef-a9ab-1784597ecea6.htmlhttps://www.mainstreetnews.com/barrow/news/apalachee-school-shooting-leaves-4-dead-9-injured/article_534d8cde-6b29-11ef-a5a3-972a977c8912.htmlThe West Jackson Middle School mentioned in the second article is less than two mile from my house. I used to go there to mentor. The Jefferson Middle School is a city school less than ten miles from us.