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Messages - LevelWing

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Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:41:58 AM »
If there is enough congressional opposition to what Trump did or is doing all they have to do is change the law allowing it with enough margin to override a veto.
Probably not. Congress tends to not want to do their jobs anyway, so they'll probably rely on the courts to stop this. I'm sure some measures may pass the House, but they probably won't get passed the Senate.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:40:54 AM »
But now he’s declaring his emergency to raid the govco piggy bank.  And that lands straight into separation of powers.  And you’d better pray to your fuzzy white god that he doesn’t get away with it.  Because if he does most presidents will be able to do anything they want.  Our government was set up to avoid giving any one person too much power, and the Founders were wise in so doing.
Where were you when Obama picked up his "pen and phone" and went around Congress, after admitting he couldn't do that, but then did it anyway? How is that not, at the very least, on the same level as this, if not worse?

There's a chance that Trump will get away with this because courts tend to defer to the president on national security matters for fear that they will tie a president's hands too much to protect the country. Presidents enjoy broad discretion when it comes to national security. That being said, I think this one might go against Trump for reasons that have already been listed in this thread. But don't come in here acting like Trump is the first person trying to stretch his power. He's certainly not the worst offender in history (Wilson and FDR come to mind immediately).

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:37:02 AM »
Who is breaking the law?

Justice Roberts when he said he didn't want to strike down Obamacare out of emotion, not law?
That's a bold statement. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court broke the law because he didn't rule the way you and millions of others (myself included) wanted him to?

Obama when he chose not to enforce immigration law, and others he didn't like?
Obama didn't just refuse to enforce immigration law, he used his "pen and phone" to bypass Congress, even after admitting that he knew he couldn't do it. He just wanted to do it faster. He tried to write, pass, and enforce laws that he wanted.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:33:35 AM »
Let's look at the real reason the dims and the establishment republicans are so butthurt over this.  Let's stop pretending that the President has done something sooooooo bad and something against the law (it's not).
But it might be. You saying it's legal does not make it so (the same holds true for me, just so we're clear).

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:29:47 AM »
Do you beleive border security is a national security issue or not?  What is the President's role and responsibilty in these matters of national security?
You know where I stand on this because I've said so before. A national security matter is not always a military matter, but you know that.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:28:03 AM »
I'm sure the President didn't consult National Review before making his decision, rather he relied on his team of lawyers.  Hard to imagine, huh?
I'm sure all presidents have listened to their team of lawyers and yet that doesn't make all of their actions legal. We can reference a number of Obama's decisions, but for the purposes of this conversation, DAPA works as a great example since it's related.

As far as McCarthy?  Yes, he does most of the time give insightful opinions.  Unlike you, that doesn't make me believe or follow everything he writes.  He's been off base before.
I'm not sure where you get the "unlike you" bit from. I read a variety of sources, as most people here do. I just happen to think he's right on this, along with the others who say the president is wrong and that this was unnecessary (which Trump said himself he didn't need to do).

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 15, 2019, 02:51:24 PM »
He said he didn't "need" to do it this quickly but WANTED to do it this quickly. He said it is an emergency which you acknowledge.  You are really arguing semantics, not issues, or actions.  He did the right thing.  He is a man of action unlike most politicians.  It is an emergency, we need to stop the illegal invasion.  The fact that both Republicans and Democrats don't like it speaks volumes, and underscores that it is the right thing to do.
What he said was, "I didn't need to do this". If you want to accuse me of arguing over semantics, at least get his quote right. This is all about the issue of immigration and his actions to address it. If you want to argue he's a "man of action" then we can say the exact same thing about Obama. Obama felt it was necessary and proper to protect millions of illegal aliens through DACA and DAPA and Republicans cried foul, as they should have. But somehow when Trump goes around Congress, he's completely justified in doing so. This is clearly partisan and hypocritical.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 15, 2019, 02:37:49 PM »
If you had bother to actually research the applicable laws you'd see how preposterous it is to make such a post.

 How about doing some reading and not using the MSM talking points.
I have. I'll post some links, which I'm sure you'll promptly dismiss because they didn't come from an author you approve of, but here they are nonetheless:

And one specifically on the applicable laws:

You'll note that National Review isn't part of the mainstream media. You'll also note that one of the articles is from Andrew C. McCarthy, an author which you've mentioned in the past you really like.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 15, 2019, 02:35:22 PM »
Where is Trump saying it's not an emergency?  He said he could have done it slower, but wanted to do it faster.  You are grabbing at straws because you just don't like Trump.  Admit it.  You let your dislike of Trump cloud your judgement.
Read what I wrote. I never said that Trump isn't saying it's an emergency. I'm saying it's either an emergency or it isn't. If it is truly an emergency, legalities aside, then he wouldn't have said at a press conference that he didn't "need" to do it.

I'm not grabbing at straws. Many people disagree with this for a variety of reasons. I actually like many of Trump's policies and am pleased that he's governed far more conservatively than I expected. That doesn't mean I agree with everything he does, nor does it mean that I'm somehow anti-Trump because I disagree with certain things he does. Defaulting to "you just don't like Trump!" because I disagree is not a rational argument to make.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 15, 2019, 12:39:55 PM »
I'll take the actions of a President his own Party hates as much as the opposition.  Tells me the action is correct.  The Republicans, and their corporate masters, and orgs like the Chamber of Commerce LOVE the flood of cheap labor illegally into the U.S.  They are fine with the risks they bring to the average citizen.  They are insulated from it.
You are deflecting and trying to change the narrative and it's not working. It's either an emergency or it isn't.

I want a border wall and I want Congress to pass funding for it. But they didn't. And until they do, the president doesn't get to just do what he wants. Obama did that and the right correctly called him out for it.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 15, 2019, 12:30:08 PM »

He wants to do it faster.  So do I.  I'd rather stop illegals coming here sooner than later.  This is one of the few core, legitimate functions of the Federal Government, and the President is totally within his authority.
If he wants to do it faster, then get Congress to pass funding faster. Don't boast about getting funding for the wall and then announce that he didn't need to do it because that was kind of the point of declaring a "national emergency". If he didn't need to do it, then it's not much of an emergency.

Also, there's a debate that's going to be had on the legalities of this. It's not a sure fire thing that it's completely legal. There's conservatives questioning the legalities of this; not just Democrats declaring it so.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 15, 2019, 12:13:17 PM »
And here he is defeating his own argument:

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 15, 2019, 12:08:34 PM »
The bright side is that it keeps the Dems and their their anti-American-citizen howlings and chest beatings in the bright sunlight.
They didn't need any help with this.

And I agree ... precedent with the Dems has already been set. They’ll do anything to stiff Americans and get control. What POTUS does today or next year won’t matter a jot.
Lots of precedents have been set by lots of presidents. This is a new one. What's to stop the next Democratic president from declaring climate change or gun violence to be a national emergency? What the president did today was outside of his authority. He made an end-run around Congress when he didn't get his way with Congress. He did the exact same thing Obama did and the right correctly called Obama out for it.

Spin Zone / Re: He's done it
« on: February 15, 2019, 12:06:25 PM »
I gotta admit, I'm not necessarily supportive of this method.  Next thing you know, President OAC will be declaring a national emergency over guns and climate change.  Of course, if she gets elected, she would probably do that anyway.
This is one of the big reasons why this was an ill-advised course of action. That, and the dubious legal reasons he's citing for authorities to declare the emergency.

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