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Messages - Kristin

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Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 20, 2021, 03:06:39 PM »
You are so full of shit. Direct attack on the Republic? 

In 2000 did you call it a direct attack on the Republic when Rep. Alcee Hastings and a dozen other democrats objected to George Bush’s electoral victory?

In 2004 did you call it a direct attack on the Republic when Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones stopped the electoral count and formally objected to George Bush’s victory?

In 2016 did you call it a direct attack on the Republic when the democrats wanted 12% of Trump’s electors to become faithless electors and vote for Hillary, and Rep. Pramila Jayapal and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, supported by Nancy Pelosi, objected to Donald Trump’s victory? 

When I call a man a drama queen, it’s a statement of ridicule and derision. In your case, you are LITERALLY a drama queen.

Yeah!  Yeah!  Whatabout!  Whatabout!  Whatabout!  My point still stands.  He didn't lose the book deal because he was a conservative.  He did it because he lied about the election and he objected to the election based on the lies.  End of story!

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 20, 2021, 03:03:51 PM »
I know that courts in Pennsylvania and Michigan have ruled some of the restrictions in those states were unconstitutional. Could be other cases in other states, but those were notable by anyone paying attention. I do not know the current appeal status, if any. Some became moot after the restrictions were lifted so may not have been worth appealing.

Pretty much the only ruling that I recall that went Trumps way was one that asked for better access for the observers.  That was in PA.  If there was one in MI similar, I don't know.  But there were none that invalidated any ballots or required any redo's.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 20, 2021, 03:01:30 PM »
I get it.  Pointing out flaws in the government prevents elected representatives from performing their constitutional duties, so it must be suppressed.  Anything critical of the government must be silenced since it seeks to prevent representatives from doing what they do to (in the opinion of the author) destroy the nation.  Is that correct?  Then CNN should have been suppressed forever ago as they did everything they could to seek to prevent Trump (and pretty much any conservative representative) from performing their constitutional duties.

We are not talking about dissent!  We are talking about breaking window, beating officers, and ransacking the capital. Pay attention and put away the hyperbole.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 20, 2021, 02:59:22 PM »
You are showing your lack of understanding of the Georgia system. There is absolutely nothing on a ballot that names the voter. I believe they call it a secret ballot.  ::)

You can do your own research on the the suits.

Lets see!  Machine counted once!  Hand counted!  Machine counted again!  Every suit rejected so far!  What is the over and under on the dismissal?

You all ever get tired of hating, or is it as natural as breathing.  Just curious?

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:54:01 AM »
Is it your position that all "baseless, unsupported" claims against the government should be suppressed?  Think carefully before answering.

Pretty much just the ones that seek to prevent the duly elected representatives from performing their constitutional duties.


Nothing that Trump said or did incited anyone to resistance or insurrection.

Clearly we disagree.  See my previous post.

Sedition.  Seriously?

And just when I thought you might be rational and calm.  Your hate is making you say thing that you should know are not right.  If you believe the president committed sedition, quote just one thing - in context - that he said that supports that.

Aside from everything he has said and tweeted that he actually won the election in a landslide, we have his speech to the crowd which he gathered on Jan 6:

That's pathetic and totally incorrect.

So I am only allow to have opinions approved by the group?

Typical leftist.  Trial by accusation.  The accusation is serious enough to prove he's guilty, right?

Mostly I based on what comes out of his mouth and what he has done.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:36:52 AM »

Ok, if you're being ignored, that's hilarious.  There hasn't been this much activity since I asked people for the proof of election fraud.

No, I don't think I am being ignored, I was pointing out that 7IQ was trying to cancel me.  The point being that cancel is not limited to the left wing.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:35:30 AM »

Democrats are suggesting that conservatives be cancelled.  Anyone who supported Trump should be shut out of social media, fired from their jobs and deprogrammed.  They are suggesting that Republican senators have committed an insurrection because they disagree and they need to be removed via the 14th Amendment (not tried, convicted and removed, just straight to removal).  The term "ultimate solution" has been used by some radicals.  I don't believe the Left is ready to do that yet, but the fact that the words were even spoken is crazy - NEVER AGAIN.

You are confusing conservatism with sedition.  The GOP underfire have basely sought to foment an insurrection with the false claim that the election was stolen.  That led directly to the ransacking of the capital.  They are not being targeted for conservative views, because they are not conservatives.  They are authoritarian populists who love their power much more than they love our country.

No one who truly loves our country, or their guns for that matter, should be willing to live under a dictator/oligarchy form of government.  You think your liberties are under threat now, just what until someone like Trump has all the power and the legislature is neutered.  They will disarm your ass so fast you won't know what hit you.  Without our form of government, imperfect though it might be, we would be Russia.  Lots of land, lots of resources, educated people, but no freedoms. 

This isn't new, it's been discussed for a while now - I easily found an article dated from June on Fox talking about cancellation.  But with control of the entire government, Democrats have quit feeling the need to hide the opinions they have previously held in secret.  This is discrimination and bigotry - it's ugly and unAmerican.

To the degree that is true, it is true of both the left and the right.  We have extremists on both flanks who, thanks mostly to the internet, have a megaphone to vent their spleen. 

You want something more recent - look at the number of Democrats who railed against conservatives yesterday for the crime of "daring" to praise Dr King.  On Dr Martin Luther King day, multiple were told that white people cannot talk about Dr King and they will regret it once the purge happens.  Talk about missing a message.

I assume you are talking about black Democrats.  I know it is scary when black and brown people say divisive things, but it is also scary when the Proud Boys show up with guns.  Everyone needs to take a chill pill.

Are you unaware of this?  If so, you should read media sources from all over because if you're only reading CNN, you are being lied to through omission.

I read media sources from half a dozen places a day.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:23:08 AM »
I’m not going to make a list of things o know you’ve seen and heard.

Here’s a 12 second search about Josh Hawley’s book contract being canceled due to his objection to certification of the election - a valid, common occurrence in Congress.

Josh Hawley's book deal wasn't cancelled just for being conservative.  It was cancelled for a baseless challenges to our democratic processes.  He, and other "conservatives" stepped over the line when they made unsupportable and baseless claims that the election was stolen.  This was a direct attack at the republic which was not in fact conservative, but rather authoritarian populism.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:20:03 AM »
Things are not over here in Georgia yet. There was a hearing last Friday concerning Fulton County not turning over ballots for analysis and ignoring open records requests.

Who is requesting the ballots and for what purpose?  Balloting in this country is secret for a reason.  I am sure that you don't really want the world to know who you are, where you live, and how you vote.  Is this a court case?

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:17:33 AM »
Free speech with the repercussions with Cancel Culture.  Say something they don't like, you get FIRED from your job.  They are trying to take gun rights away.  Also restraint GATHERING IN GROUPS, TRADE and TRAVEL bankrupting many small businesses.  Just to name a few off the top of my head.  There are many more. 

You're joking, right?

Do you understand that the Bill of Rights applies to governments and not private entities?  That being said, you don't explain how the media is infringing on anyone's right to free speech, even assuming that such were possible.

You don't have a constitutional right to work for a particular employer.  If you do something that reflects badly on the company they are generally free to discharge you, assuming you are an at-will employee as are the vast majority of the working Americans.  Few workers have any union protections, which is mostly thanks to the GOP, not the Dems.

As for the Covid restrictions, I assume that is what you are talking about, so far, I don't know of a court that has declared them to be unconstitutional.  Maybe someday a court will, but if it was your decision, would you just let everyone go about their business with no restrictions?  How many should die to keep the economy humming along, assuming that is possible?  I don't have an answer.  I can sympathize with the politicians who have to make the decision.

I will say that I think that the approach has been wrong in that if we are going to shut down, then the government should have spend the stimulus money covering payroll and expenses of the companies affected.  If the government shuts down a business for the greater good of society, then society should step in with cash as long as the business is forced into stasis.

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