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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Interesting Opinion Piece
« on: March 17, 2016, 11:57:55 AM »

So how does this compare to other elections in the past 40 years, historically speaking?  Look at the March poll numbers historically and tell us how the polls this year are absolute and reflect what will happen this November.

"But then again, it’s only March 15th and no pollster could be a soothsayer this far away from the general election, right?

"Well, on March 15th, 2012, President Obama led Mitt Romney by 4% in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls.  He ended up winning the popular 4%. 

"On March 15th, Obama led Romney in Pennsylvania by 5%. In November, he won by 5%. 

"On March 15th, he led by 4% in Ohio and ended up winning there by 3%. 

"On March 15th, the race was within a percentage point in Florida.  In November, it was within a percentage point in Florida. 

"On March 15th, Obama led by 4% in Virginia.  In November, he won by 4% in Virginia."

Spin Zone / Re: Beware the Ides of March
« on: March 17, 2016, 10:51:25 AM »

Since the country is only half way through the primaries and the general is still 8 months away, gazing into a crystal ball and playing "who will win what state" in the electoral college amounts to mental masturbation at this point.

 Many factors are in play right now that will affect the electoral map.  Voter turnout being primary.  So far we are seeing very weak turnout for democrats and very robust turnout for republicans.  And as of today, neither party has a nominee at this point.  But yet the media in their undying effort to swing the vote is putting up electoral maps based upon witchcraft in order to persuade simple minded voters such as yourself who can and cannot win in the general, and you are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.

 Please make sure to put up the electoral data your barber has come up with as yet more evidence of who the winner will be in November.

I know you think Trump can make a yuuuge deal and convince the electorate to all vote for him, because, you know, he makes beautiful deals, but someday you're going to have to learn that the tooth fairy isn't real, the Easter Bunny doesn't really bring candy, and as much as he thinks he can, Trump can't force people to do what they don't want to do.

I'm sorry if I shattered your image of any of those fables. Now go get a juice box, you'll feel better.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump vs. Clinton
« on: March 16, 2016, 04:31:57 PM »

You could as easily say that I am voting for Trump on that logic.

The GOP is being stupid by refusing to confirm the moderate judge that Obama announced as his nominee.  They run too great a risk of losing the Senate and the WH.  If that happens, you can guarantee that Hillary will nominate someone far to the left and the Senate will cram it down the GOP's throat.  Better a moderate than a liberal.  But then the GOP has not been able to smell the coffee for a long time, hence Trump.
So the GOP Senate should sacrifice the Second Amendment by confirming a judge who sounds like he would have voted with the minority in Heller, just so they can secure reelection? 

That's the lack of principles that got us the current GOP establishment.

If you think the electorate will moderate in attacking GOP Senate incumbents because they confirm a moderate judge for Obama, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Spin Zone / Re: Marco is out
« on: March 15, 2016, 07:03:47 PM »
Unfortunately Kasich will stay in

Kasich is a delusional fucking idiot. 

Spin Zone / Re: Just for the record: re Jeff and Stan . . .
« on: March 15, 2016, 05:32:05 PM »

They are two people I greatly admire.

I just think they are dead wrong about Trump.  And Cruz.

But I would still vote for 'Gimp for President if he would run.

Well, I think we've all put forth our opinions quite strongly and forcefully.  Better that than the milquetoast middle that is still yet undecided because they haven't had their bran muffin today.

If it inevitable, my greatest wish is that in four years you and Gimp can tell Jeff and I "we told you so."  My greatest fear is that we will be able to say the same to you two guys.

I admire you both as well.   

Spin Zone / Re: George Soros is John Kasich's 6th Largest Donor?
« on: March 15, 2016, 05:01:11 AM »
Yea but...his dad was a mailman. Haters! 


While I agree with your first paragraph, my attitude toward Christie actually improved with his debate performances.  Whatever positive impact he may have won with me was lost in this single action.  Not that I expect my opinion of him to matter one bit.

Agreed. My attitude was very negative going in, but improved with the debates. At least until the 18th time he told me that he was fighting terror right after 9/11.


Me too.  Fiorina, Jindal, Carson, even Perry and Santorum - but none were able to close the deal and get the support of enough polling to stay in the limelight, attract the money needed, etc.  Last go round I was strongly for Herman Cain and was heartbroken at the levels the opposition went to (where is the most dangerous place on the planet, between Gloria Allred and a camera).

The atrocious debate moderation this go round, coupled with a similarly hostile 'friendly' media did nothing to help any of them except Trump oddly enough IMO.


It's pathetic to think that CNN had better GOP debates than Fox News. Such utter disappointment in Fox.  And I think Sean Hannity is going to be having Trump's baby in a few months.

But at least I now have time to watch (Stone Cold) Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge on CMT.

I was so, so excited and energized about the slate of candidates that the GOP put forth last summer. We had youth; we had energy; we had diversity of thought;  and we had righteousness on our side.

Even if I didn't agree with them, I was excited about having them in the field to chose from. That included Christie.

And one by one they have disappointed me. They have acted like the politicians that they disdain.

Chalk up another disappointment.

Spin Zone / Re: Reasons to Vote for Trump
« on: March 14, 2016, 11:11:51 AM »

Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse?

I'd gather whatever tinfoil you may have lying around. ;)


If you guys are going to jump the shark with the whole Mafia connection trope at least get it right - Joe Pesci in Goodfellas would be a much better start.  I mean either he has Mafia connections or he doesn't.


I was trying to make things a little lighthearted with guys with pinky rings and three piece suits walking around the Rio Grande, but yea, Goodfellas works as well.

Spin Zone / Vote for the Candidate Who Walks the Walk
« on: March 13, 2016, 09:00:08 AM »
"I don’t oppose Trump because I want to protect the Washington cartel. I oppose him because he is the Washington cartel. You think Republicans have broken your hearts. Wait till you get a load of what this guy would do.

"That’s just it, though: I’m talking about what Trump would do. He hasn’t done it yet. We anti-Trump forces continue to show, eight ways to Sunday, that there is no reason to believe Trump’s outlandish promises — indeed, that what he says at 8 a.m. is apt to change by 8 p.m., and at neither time resemble his campaign’s position papers. But since he hasn’t yet had the chance to do anything horrible, his backers want to know how come we’re so whipped up about the guy who might screw them but so indulgent of the guys who have screwed them?

"It’s a fair question. But the answer is the candidate who actually walks the walk. There’s already been enough talking, and way too much dealing. That’s why I’m supporting Ted Cruz."

Read more at:

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago Police Department: We Weren't Consulted
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:18:47 PM »

So who do you believe, and why?

There are thousands of Chicago cops. I suspect he talked with a couple of them but maybe not the one that is officially The Chicago Police Department.

And there is a thread saying we need more liberals. Sheesh. We have enough of you guys that we do t need no stinking liberals.

I believe Trump. There is no way he or the USSS wouldn't coordinate with them.

Lighten up, Francis.

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago Police Department: We Weren't Consulted
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:14:00 PM »

Do you think by chance the Trump campaign has a security detail that coordinates with law enforcement, the Secret Service and other security concerns when they plan events, or are you just assuming Mr. Trump takes care of this himself?

No, and relax. This smells like a rat, and I think that rat is named Rahm.

I think it's a damned shame Trump had to cancel this, and put the blame primarily on Obama and his sycophants and race baiters, and the Machine politicians who seek to divide.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:44:31 AM »

Just watched most of a Trump speech today.

Disgusting. And, for me, scary.

He told the same story about executing enemy soldiers with bullets dipped in pig's blood. And the crowd cheered their approval.

Essentially the account below:

I believe the whole account is apocryphal*, but the fact that he keeps recounting it as if were a commendable way to deal with terrorism is beyond the pale.


And Cruz is the bad guy for pointing out Trump's tone of his campaign. :rolleyes:

I'm not shitting you when I say Obama is the most divisive president in my lifetime.

He has directly caused the violent protests we are seeing today by feeding racial and social division every times he opens up his fucking mouth.

But I'm not going to sit here and support a divisive candidate just because he's wearing my jersey. 

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