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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 126 127 [128] 129 130 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:02:37 PM »
It's cancelled. The protesters won. WTF is going on?
I wonder - is this what the summer and fall will look like with a GOP nominee Trump?

Spin Zone / Re: Medicare for all.....
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:23:13 PM »
So is the right to keep and bear arms.
RKBA doesn't require someone to treat you, or pay for your healthcare.  Bernie's healthcare "right" requires someone to lose something so can have that "right."

Spin Zone / Re: Medicare for all.....
« on: March 11, 2016, 03:08:58 PM »

Or the Veterans Administration, or many other government agencies.  The profit motive drives better service.

Or my experience getting my TSA Pre-Check number today. I waited in line 2 hours, got fingerprinted like a criminal, and got to pay $85 for the privilege.

Spin Zone / Re: Medicare for all.....
« on: March 11, 2016, 01:46:15 PM »

This is a simple thing.  The US spends more per capita on medical care than any of the industrialized nation.  Yet we still see poorer outcomes nearly across the board.  We spending more and getting less.  I don't care if the cat is black or white, I only care if it catches mice.

That all sounds peachy as long as you leave out the fundamental and structural problems of health systems in places like the UK.

Are American patients being "parked" in closets and hallways for days, being forced to sleeping chairs or on the floors, or denied access to water or oxygen in our hospitals?

Are Americans being denied hip replacements because of budget cuts, or being made to wait 6-12 months for "elective" surgeries?  Are Americans SOL if they need a doctor after 5:00 pm like they are in the UK, which has a fraction of the emergency facilities that we have here? 

Anyway, pip pip. Cherio. Carry on. Long live the Queen.

Spin Zone / Re: March 10 GOP Debate
« on: March 11, 2016, 12:54:51 PM »

Trump has in the past been for gun bans, and other restrictions on the 2A.  That scares me about him.

In Trump-speak, that would be the "Two Amendment."  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: March 10 GOP Debate
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:29:32 AM »

Click on any of the Read More hyperlinks below:

These debates are a joke if you are expecting anything of real substance to come out of them.  I believe Trump understands what the value of the debates is, quick soundbites to get people interested enough to do their own research.  The man is a performer who knows how to create, hold and grow and influence an audience. 

The level of detail present in the debates is a deliberate decision on his part IMO, not a lack of intelligence, preparation or definition - he is choosing not to go as deep as the other guys and using the debates to meet his desired outcome instead of the desired establishment or media outcome.

Just because it does not meet your (or my) expectation of what should happen in a debate does not mean it is not working as he intends it.  The debates themselves have been a mockery of the process for several cycles now (but have become unwatchable this cycle and last), they ceased to be of value for evaluating the candidates many year ago IMO.

Do you guys think he makes multi-million dollar deals on the sheer force of his personality?  Do you think he is some megalomaniac who can't address difference of opinion and conflicting goals or work within the confines of the law and contracts?

Trump is a very shrewd, intelligent and well prepared professional who has been successful across a number of different industries for several decades- it makes no sense to assume he would approach this campaign or a potential Presidency with any less.  And unlike any candidate the Republicans have had since Reagan he is able to connect to the American people at will, especially as compared to not just the last couple candidates (McCain and Romney), but even more so than his remaining competition in the primaries.

We seem to forget the hostility that Reagan faced from the media and the Democrats as well as from the Party in '76 leading up to his nomination and win in '80.  Many of the criticisms being leveled at Trump by folks on both sides now echo those same tropes rolled out against a man who ultimately became one of the best Presidents in the history of the United States.  Do I think Trump is Reagan, no I don't.  Do I think Trump would be considered among the best ever?  Can't say, we live in an even more fractured and balkanized culture than ever, all the old rules seem to no longer apply.

I do believe he is serious.  I know he has specifics.  And I believe he can win the nomination and the general election.  I also firmly believe that the Republican Party needs to undergo a foundational reformation and like him or not Trump has been a real catalyst for that, the Establishment having survived/outlasted/co-opted the Tea Party insurgency.  I am not sure that the change I want to see will result but he has illuminated the real and pronounced schism between the Establishment and the people in a way that nobody has, again, since Reagan.

I no longer provide monetary or volunteer support for the Republican party having been shit on one too many times, and I won't change that, but as of now I will say I am Trump supporter. 

I have substantive policy differences with several of his stated detailed positions, and I find his approach to certain press events to be pedantic/repetitive, but in the big picture I find him to be the least objectionable alternative and I believe he is the only person being considered who has the ability to connect to the people going around the kingmakers and mainstream media and that is what is needed to enact any real change for our nation.


So, he's acting dumb to attract more voters?

I expect a candidate for POTUS to have studied the issues for the past 8-10 months and be able to give a 60-second elevator speech about any given topic, and his specific plans for dealing with things.

Otherwise he looks out of his league, thinking that he can bombast his way through every debate.

Spin Zone / Re: De-Concatenating Legislation
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:09:56 PM »
Any bill using the words "Omnibus" means "So ladened with pork that we are utterly embarrassed to even show you the crap that's in here."

Spin Zone / Re: BUFFs to Bomb ISIS
« on: March 09, 2016, 09:15:03 AM »

That's a great idea. Just start carpet bombing civilians again. We sure know how to win hearts and minds around the world.

Why is it that Americans crave warfare so much?? We just can't get enough of blowing people up and now that we can get bomb site footage on the nightly news, we're just giddy with joy. I swear, if ISIS didn't exist, we have to create them just to have somebody to bomb. Oh wait... we did pretty much create ISIS.

No. Americans crave winning wars and ending hostilities promptly and decisively, thereby reducing the chance that we need to do it again. Unfortunately we haven't tried that for 70 years.

Spin Zone / Re: What could possibly go wrong?
« on: March 07, 2016, 01:23:41 PM »

But but but.....don't they remember how that ended?

Jurassic Park was a private enterprise, and that's why it failed. What they really needed was involvement by FedGov, because there's nothing the government can't do. ;)

Spin Zone / Re: The Classy Lady is Gone
« on: March 06, 2016, 08:17:49 PM »
Progressives will be out in force chanting and celebrating her death.
Wait for it.
And, you were right.  This is just a taste:

Spin Zone / Re: So how does he do it?
« on: March 05, 2016, 11:02:27 PM »

Federal agencies serve at the pleasure of the President.  He can shut them down legally.  I'd start with Education.  Remember, we are a COLLETION OF STATES FIRST.

What are you, a radical right wing Constitutionalist?  Or a RACIST!!!! ;)

Spin Zone / I cant stream the GOP debate.
« on: March 04, 2016, 09:48:36 AM »
I was never a waiter either, but I did bartend in college.  If I hear Marco Rubio tell me his dad was a bartender again, I'm going to puke.  Oh yeah, and Kasich constantly tells me his dad was a mail man.  My dad was a dentist.  Should I feel guilty?

But in all seriousness, that could suck having a dad as a dentist. Did he ever threaten to do a filling without Novocain if you didn't straighten up?  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to punt this one for 100, Alex
« on: March 04, 2016, 09:15:22 AM »

I thought it was consensual

How old are you? 

The suit wasn't with Monica Lewinski; that was consensual.

Google Paula Jones. That was the sexual assault case that led to discovery that led to Clinton's denial under oath ("It depends on what the definition of 'is' is") that led to his impeachment.

Spin Zone / An Open Letter to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio
« on: March 03, 2016, 01:01:28 PM »
An open letter to Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Marco Rubio:

Gentlemen, I believe the games are over.  You each have sadly taken the bait from the "media" debate moderators, and have attacked each other without remorse.  It has diminished each of you in my eyes, and in the eyes of many Conservatives.  That in turn has made the race for the GOP nomination more of a reality TV show than a process to select the leader of the free world.  This has to stop NOW.  You each, in your own way, carry the Conservative mantle.  I frankly don't care what happened with the Gang of Eight, or who supported what ten years ago.  Those days are OVER.  What matters NOW is who you are as men, and what you will do in the future on behalf of this great nation. 

You are both running against a charlatan.  With the exception of his bravado about the border, Donald Trump has yet to give a full-throated embrace of Conservative ideals.  He embraces the use of Eminent Domain to give one citizen's property to a private party; he recently said we need to "open up" the libel laws, effectively making the First Amendment a thing of the past; he has admitted to "buying" politicians, and has contributed over $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, and hundreds of thousand more to the very politicians who fight to this day against Conservative causes; and he has supported gun control and the assault weapons ban, making the Second Amendment yet another part of the Constitution that would be at risk under a President Trump.

The fight should be against Hillary Clinton, and her socialist/progressive agenda.  However, you have an impediment in Donald Trump that is preventing you from taking the fight where it belongs. 

I implore - no, as my preferred GOP presidential candidates, I insist - that you both cease and desist from the fighting between the two of you, and that you join forces to overcome the impediment in Donald Trump so that one of you becomes the candidate who can defeat Hillary Clinton in the general election. This detent must begin tonight at the debate hosted by Fox News.  The National Review Online article by Randy Barnett provides you both with the way forward, while preserving the right of the GOP electorate to select their preferred candidate, and eliminating the chaos of a brokered convention.

I expect to see two leaders on the stage tonight.  Please don't disappoint me.

Spin Zone / Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 03, 2016, 09:20:45 AM »
Let me see I have this right. The media, educational institutions and the government have brain washed half of America with poisonous ideas with nefarious intent of destroying America and the other half of America just knows what is right and true. So if we want a united people, we just need to force the media, the educational institutions and all the branches of government to espouse only what is right and true, then the misguided half of the country will come around and join the "right" side of the country.

"Special interest" groups seem to be the boogie man to people until it's one of their special interests, then it's a collective voice on capitol hill speaking for the people. Why would people need these groups in the first place? Now I see how unification works for conservatives, just get everyone on the left to think as they do and we'll all be unified. No compromise required.  ::)

Since the beginning of this country, there have been people on the left and people on the right. The founding fathers fought and argued all the time. It is believed that the majority of the people in the colonies in revolutionary times took the conservative position of sticking with the king and remaining royal subjects of the crown. It is those that we hold dear now that were the lefty progressives of that era. What a radical and dangerous idea, that people should have a say in government!!

I agree that the media and particularly the internet, has amplified and increased the intensity of our opinions. They do this because there is good money in conflict. Ultimately though, it is the people that choose to be divided. If there were no TV, radio, newspaper, or internet, we would still have differences of opinion, but likely be much closer together as our positions wouldn't be so extreme and inflexible. There are millions of people in the country like this now. They avoid politics and the political media out there and they are much more open to other ideas. They are those annoying swing voters, or worse yet, those that don't vote at all.

How in the world that a single individual is supposed emerge and overcome the power of the media and all the rhetoric to bring the country together is beyond me. A very tall order for a mere mortal that was placed in that position by practitioners of partisan politics in the first place.

If you can't see that Obama is the most divisive president in my lifetime, and has purposefully and willingly stoked the flames of racial, class, economic and social divides, you are delusional.

The fact that he has an accomplice media and sycophantic supporters in government and among the electorate is simply a bonus.

The president has the ultimate bully pulpit. Unfortunately, Obama used it to further the divides, not bridge them.

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