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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 08, 2016, 06:26:02 AM »
The Fundamental Transformation continues.

Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 08, 2016, 05:38:21 AM »

While you all were here talking about "Doormat" or other such events, I was having conversations about police assassinations of Black Men.

I honestly felt it was a bit insensitive to not even see a mention on the site as I checked a couple times today. Nobody asked how I felt- nobody cared.

Well, mark my words...were one day closer to "Fuck It" like I said in another post about a week ago. See the link above- I hope you can watch the entire 9min video. Maybe you'll give a shit.

 Why didn't you care about all of the murders in Chicago over the last weekend?   Why don't you care when it's a black murdering a white? Why don't you care when it's black on black murder?

Spin Zone / Secret Ballot @ Convention
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:01:46 PM »
That might be a great idea.

Spin Zone / Re: Extremely Careless
« on: July 06, 2016, 02:40:34 PM »
nothing but excuses from the liberal pukes.


Spin Zone / Re: What if?
« on: July 06, 2016, 02:39:39 PM »
The young folks wanted Bernie.  I liked him, but I thought most of his ideas were utterly unworkable.  Say what you want about the Hildebeast, but I think she has a very firm grip on the possible.  That's more than I can say for either The Bern or the Donald.
That might be true.
But I'm not sure that what is possible for her is possible, or good for the rest of us.

Please print out this web page and take with you to your next psychiatric visit.

 Talking this out with the psychiatrist may help you (along with medication) understand your delusional disorder problem, along with the many others you exhibit.

 We are all hoping you can rejoin society at some point in your life.
Your cowardice is only exceeded by your bigotry. A strange but not unheard of malady.
Maybe you should try to address the topic instead of attacking in such a junior high school fashion.
But then you would have to examine your bigotry and insane devotion to orange man.

You are both acting like a couple of children and are not adding anything to the conversation.
Please kiss and make up.

Or don't.  Especially if you are the same person, because that is how it sounds.  Or maybe you both really are sock puppets of the master.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Independence Day
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:56:33 AM »

True, but not the entire story.  There are limits on successful application of this idea.  The limitations are not as great as they were 20 years ago, but they are still there; denial doesn't make them go away.

What limits?  You keep suggesting that somehow high school limits children of black (and BTW brown) color, but not white or yellow color skin.  But you can't talk about it.

You run in here, drop a load of crap on the floor and the strut around talking about how hurt you are.  Sorry, I don't buy it.  In the past 30 years I have never heard a black person say that they went to school, paid attention, studied hard, graduated and then say that they can't find a job because all the businesses are racist.  Why?  It doesn't happen.

I'm for us not hearing more complaints and start hearing recommendations for solutions.

Poverty and income differences between black families and white families?  How about comparing that to HS and college graduations?  More white people attend and graduate HS and college, so you would expect college graduates to make more money.

WHY do more white people graduate HS and college? Now you're getting somewhere.  DC is one of the worst where 86% of white students graduate high school but only 58% of black students do.  Are DC schools institutionally racist or are black students dropping out of school?  Where does the fault lie?

I also think that when white people experience racism, we write it off.  Black people write it down.  Yes, I live in the south and when I'm out I experience racism pretty much daily in some form.

But I don't really care.  My family has only been here about 100 years and we've dealt with our own racism.  Nobody would hire my great-grandfather, the Mick, so he opened his own business, a bar and worked his way up.  My grandfather worked that bar his whole life and pretty much went from working there to dying in the hospital from cancer.  My grandmother was from polish mine workers, slaves to the company store - it's not just a song, it's family history.  I was only the third fourth in my family to go to college and the first to go to graduate school. 

How did we do it - work.  It's four letter word.

I'm not trying to twist this - can you see my confusion?  You state once "not in favor of anyone losing their rights", but then "not in favor of terrorists...having weapons".   

I get the due process part of what you say, but I even said there was a due process part and you still disagreed.  So you ARE in favor of terrorists and others losing their rights when declared by a court.  I propose that the militia clause of the Constitution is the constitutional way to do that.  Of course there has to be due process involved. 

You disagree on what is essentially agreement, so it just comes across to me as you wanting to disagree. 

If we put a $19,000 tax on ARs and raise the price of to $20,000, you'd be ok with effectively banning them?  Because outside a select few, who can afford that?

My answer is that sniper rifles, tanks, airplanes ships and nuclear weapons are strategic, they are political weapons.  There are political consequences to their use.  War is diplomacy continued by other means, a private citizen is not authorized to conduct diplomacy.

This isn't hard. They are not in favor of removal of rights before due process is had. The accusation phase is not the right point to remove rights.

Spin Zone / Re: Appearance of Impropriety
« on: June 30, 2016, 11:58:54 AM »
Lynch will get a high pay position with the Clinton Foundation after she leaves office. Watch for it.

I never really thought of mercenaries as bureaucrats.  Seems like  different skill set.  Then again, what do you expect after a couple decades of outsourcing war?

You should read the article. It's not about military contractors or our out sourced wars. It's about all the various law enforcement agencies within the country. Basically there are more cops outfitted like Marines than there are Marines.

We're in an arms race. The more the civilians buy better weapons, the more the government buys better weapons. This in turn is followed by civilians buying even more weapons. Basically, we don't trust our government and the government doesn't trust us. More specifically, the government works to maintain the upper hand, but since the government is made up of citizens, the bureaucrats may be shocked one day when their soldiers refuse to follow their orders.

Spin Zone / Re: If the GOP denies Trump the nomination . . .
« on: June 20, 2016, 08:24:06 PM »
I am late to the thread and didn't read all the responses, but yes, I would vote for damn near anybody they propped up, even the "good ol' boys". Trump is an abomination. He probably has wrecked the GOP and I can live with that, but now I am sure he will wreck the country and that's a whole other matter.

Spin Zone / Re: If the GOP denies Trump the nomination . . .
« on: June 19, 2016, 07:11:12 AM »
It would likely save a lot of down-ballot races. 

So instead of Hillary having a Democrat Congress to deal with that will rubber-stamp all her stuff, she'd have at least some speed bumps.

GOP basically wrote off the White House the moment they had Donnie win the primaries, the question now is, will they do what is needed to save Congress or not?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump: "Shut up and let me handle things"
« on: June 18, 2016, 10:40:12 AM »
There are a ton of sheeple who will vote for Hillary whether she debates or not, whether she wins or loses any debates, whether she is indicted, or pardoned.  They don't care about all these witch hunts by the vast right-wing conspiracy.

And there just as many sheeple that are going to vote for Trump because he has an R next to his name and well... because Hillary!!

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