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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 289 290 [291] 292 293 ... 713
Pilot Zone / Re: Ford Tri-Motor Restoration
« on: October 06, 2020, 02:49:52 PM »
Is she an Island Airlines Ford?  That was my first airplane ride in the 1970s. We flew a Ford Tri-Motor from Port Clinton to Put in Bay in Lake Erie. It was super cool.

Ironically, my dad’s first airplane flight was in a Tri-Motor back in the late 1930s.

Spin Zone / Re: Laying the groundwork
« on: October 06, 2020, 02:35:49 PM »
The rate of hospitalization is somewhat north of that.  The rate at which people are permanently or semi-permantly disabled by the virus is in the double digits, last time I checked.  And we still really don't know all the stuff the virus does to the human body.  Last week I read in Science that lots of COVID patients wind up with myocarditis that can persist for weeks after the infection abates.  Doing nothing and letting the virus run rampant in our population is the height of irresponsibility.  Thankfully you're nothing more than a pack of embittered old men and have no impact on public policy.

Spin Zone / Re: Eddie Van Halen dead
« on: October 06, 2020, 02:33:49 PM »
Aaaaaaaaaaand another reason to end 2020 ASAP.

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS got COVID!
« on: October 06, 2020, 02:33:02 PM »
Perfesser wants more fear mongering, which is what the left is clinging to.   The President stated the obvious and what the medical community has been saying, but the dims and their propaganda arm (MSM) wants to stoke more fear.
Yep. Our pencil-necked governor just issued another mandate today limiting restaurants  and all indoor gatherings to 25% capacity, and other limitations.

They will remain in place until NOVEMBER 6.

I’m certain it’s genuine concern and not political.

But sure, it’s the president sending the wrong message. Smh

Spin Zone / Re: Halloween is approaching
« on: October 06, 2020, 12:15:50 PM »
That doesn't look like any Democrat I know.
It didn’t intend to be one, but if you insist, here you go - the only attractive democrat woman on earth.

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS got COVID!
« on: October 06, 2020, 12:10:15 PM »
kind of a catch-22...  many people have been pooh-poohing how dangerous covid-19 is.  Those people would be somewhat hypocritical to claim that someone tried to kill President Trump by infecting him with covid-19.

Of course, given the extremely high survival rate, trying to kill someone by giving them covid-19 would be monumentally stupid.
The mission need not be murder. Someone could accomplish a lot by placing blame on Trump himself, which in turn supports Biden’s ads that the 200,000 American Covid deaths were entirely Trump’s fault.  Should he get seriously ill it could cause Republicans to not vote. And of course I think another serious motive is the delay of the ACB nomination until not just after the election, but into 2021. Finally, just being sick should stop Trump from going to a dozen or more rallies with thousands of fans and voters before Election Day. Or so they thought.

In fact Trump’s quick turnaround and the steadfastness of Mitch McConnell has really, REALLY hurt the deep states’ ability to put Trump into a box, literally or figuratively.

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS got COVID!
« on: October 06, 2020, 12:02:42 PM »
I’ve been saying all along there’s gonna be an assassination attempt. Maybe this was their pathetic show.
Or a false flag.

Spin Zone / Re: Halloween is approaching
« on: October 06, 2020, 07:59:13 AM »
Goddamn you Lucifer and Anthony. I’m ashamed of my fellow moderators for damaging my phone with those disgusting pictures.

Your Pilot Spin account has been suspended until further notice, and until you are ready to post non-offensive pictures.

Here’s an example that will also cleanse this thread.

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS got COVID!
« on: October 06, 2020, 07:21:44 AM »
Man, Donald Trump is brilliant. Talk about turning lemons into lemon aid.

This is awesome.

Pilot Zone / Re: Commercial flights...
« on: October 05, 2020, 10:01:17 PM »
Yes. Someone I met today is financially devastated because she is a cafeteria worker at the schools and they can’t work remotely and don’t get paid when the schools are closed. She can drive buses but nobody is going to school. She drove the van for the senior center but it’s closed. The unemployment and stimulus isn’t enough to meet her bills. My sister has been slipping her cash to get her through. She is a single mother. They keep pushing back the school opening. Current plan is K through grade 5 in two weeks but her daughter is in grade 7 and has to stay home, but she said if you leave a 12 year old alone at home then CPS will come after you and she is scared, but they allow some children with special needs to come to school, such as autistic and she is applying to get her daughter to be able to come so she can go back to work so she can pay her bills.  It’s a horrific horrible MESS and all of it the shutdown not the virus. This isn’t someone wanting charity, she is desperate to get back to work and loves her work, she loves the children and loves the old people she drove for. That’s how we met her, she is wonderful and patient and loving and hard working.

This is one person’s story and there are hundreds of thousands just like her. It is the blue collar working class that is suffering the most, the ones that can’t do a job remotely from home, and the small businesses being shuttered forever. Trump’s stimulus package was NEVER designed for months on end. This is unsustainable, it is way past the point of reason.
Yet I’ll bet the teachers are still getting paid, which is why they are all for canceling live classes. It doesn’t matter to them.

The next public teacher that says teachers are heroes I’m going to smack the shit out of them. Heroes go to work. Heroes help their fellow man and their community. Heroes are the private school teachers who have continued live school throughout this Covid thing. Heroes check you out at the grocery store checkout line. Heroes are the bartenders and servers who are hoping to have enough customers this week that they are able to pay the rent.

I’m sorry for your friend Rush. As you said, it’s not the Covid that is hurting her. It’s the politicians.

Rusty & Student Pilots / Re: First flight in 3 years
« on: October 05, 2020, 02:13:05 PM »
Amen brother.  Thank you.
Little Joe nails it.

Pilot Zone / Re: Commercial flights...
« on: October 05, 2020, 02:11:51 PM »

 The actions of government has done more harm to people than this virus could have ever done.  Millions will have their lives upended, many will have their lives destroyed.   Yet we don't see anyone in the media showing us the effects of these because it simple doesn't fit the narrative.

THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The damage is incalculable.  I’ve known one family to get the virus. All came out fine with mild cold/flu symptoms. I know a half dozen people suffering from depression from what it has done to their lives.

Spin Zone / Re: Laying the groundwork
« on: October 05, 2020, 07:46:28 AM »
Unless someone was infectious.  In that case people could die.  I wouldn't subject people I care about to that kind risk to celebrate my nuptials.
For how long?  Years?  Lives will end with people not living life, people not embracing their loved ones in nursing homes, people not playing with their grand kids, lives destroyed because of the economic disaster of closing restaurants and other personal service businesses due to a virus with a 98% recovery rate.

We may all eventually get this. 60 million Americans were infected with H1N1 and FedGov or the states didn’t do anything to prevent it, aside from Biden creating panic. I’ve read that it was pure luck that it’s lethality wasn’t worse.

We all entered this sphere with a terminal case of life. I chose not to live each day hiding like a rodent.

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