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Messages - bflynn

Pages: 1 ... 315 316 [317] 318 319 ... 321
Spin Zone / Re: Melissa v Springsteen
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:54:52 PM »
You mean if it is against my religion to pay taxes I don't have to?  How about when my neighbor blasts some devil music, can I off him?

Or perhaps religious freedom is not absolute after all.

Religious freedom is absolute or it does not exist.

You ignored my phrase "consistent with equality".  You must pay taxes because you use roads and you want to have policemen and armies to protect our country and we have commonly agreed that we will share the cost of those things for the general welfare of the country. 

Try again.

Spin Zone / Re: Melissa v Springsteen
« on: April 21, 2016, 09:14:19 AM »
Sorry about your family issues. Your paragraph #2 is a cop-out, though. My response was detailed and in response to your solicitation for comments and your calling me out as having a contradictory view that I didn't understand. I believe it is based on legal precedent, and is not nit picking.

If you want to go the legal law route, then let's explore that.  In your view what constitutes "personal"?  Why are legal sexual services personal but services compelling violation of religious beliefs are not?  I claim both are personal and both ought to be protected since the Constitution legally is a higher law than State law.  My response is simple - services compelling the violation of religious beliefs falls under the personal services exclusion.  That's why I asked about the most personal service I could come up with, to show that there are boundaries that must not be crossed.

Religious beliefs get to the core of who a person is.  We must never forget that it was people fleeing from religious compulsion that made up many of the first settlers of our country.  The United States has always been that place where people could believe and worship as they wished consistent with equality.  I am not more important than you and you are not more important than me.  To argue that one of us must be legally subjugated to the other and put our moral frameworks aside because we engage in business would be comical if the results were not so insulting.

But beyond all this, you actually can never compel someone to violate their religious beliefs.  All you can do is to beat them for failing to do so.  The slaves in the cotton fields weren't compelled to work, they could have chosen not to and been whipped to death.  That's the same principal being applied to religious compulsion and it doesn't make much of a basis for a moral or just Republic.

If I can compel your behavior against your religious will by the threat of extreme punishment then what behavior can I not compel?

Spin Zone / Re: "You don't pay your Fair Share!"
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:50:15 AM »
This is one area that I have trouble with Cruz. And for those of you who claim that I think Cruz is a savior, please take note of this.

Where is the line for business income?  Retirement income?  Rental income?  Royalties?  State tax refunds?  Bartering?  Prizes?  Lottery?  Lawsuit settlements? 

Of this picture from the cabinet above my side desk, how many inches of the Code (red books) and Regulations (blue books) will Cruz' plan save?  As a point of reference, that's a FAR/AIM on the far right.

I'm not against simplification, and I'm confident I won't be without tax work if his simplification is passed. Hell, the instructions for the 2015 Federal Form 1040 is 105 pages!  Knock that bitch down.  But A Flat Tax?  I'm all for it.

You're all for a Flat Tax but against Cruz's plan?  That's essentially what this is, the only difference is that there is a 3 tiered level to tax rates. 

The simplicity is that you don't classify income differently...perhaps you're so deep into it that you don't recognize that calling it all "Comes-In"  IS the simplicity.  As an individual, t doesn't matter if you made the money by an employment contract with someone else, by doing work independently, winning the lottery or any other means.  If you take cash in then it's cash in.

There's a little bit of differentiation on the "Goes-Out", but I'm ok with that as long as it doesn't expand. 

The total tax due formula is something like ((Sum(Comes-In) - Sum(Goes-Out)) * rate.  As a bonus, we ought to be able to compute that down to the penny on the payroll taxes and neither pay nor get a refund every year.

If we adopt this as out tax policy, I expect you would see a great drop in the tax business.

Spin Zone / Re: Melissa v Springsteen
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:33:32 AM »
Hi there. You dropped off the map without responding to this.

Yes, I've been dealing with family issues. 

I'm not really in a mood right not to pick nits over personal services and what makes something personal.  Especially since I don't find things that are much more personal than religious beliefs and anything more offensive than the compulsion to violate them.

Spin Zone / Re: Loader Fight.
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:21:52 AM »
I see a new reality show on CMT.  😆

I think it's a great idea.  I'd watch.

Spin Zone / Re: Systemic boycotta a violation of the Civil Rights Act?
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:17:46 AM »
I would not call Republicans either left of center or far right wing.  I would call them to the right, the same way I would say that Democrats are to the left and both have fringe fanatics in their parties.

Nor would I credit Republicans with "continuing to increase the size of government".  If you recall Obama blames Republicans for the sequester legislation which forces cuts in government. 

Unfortunately the government is has a mechanism whereby it grows without controls.  If nobody makes any laws to change it, our government will increase in size every year.  And every time it grows, it needs more of our money.  That ought to be a concern for everyone.

Spin Zone / Re: No Wonder They're Pushing Cruz.....
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:09:33 AM »
The GOP party is giving money to Glenn Beck to attack Trump?

Bwhaaaahhhhaaa.  Oh man are you out of touch.

Spin Zone / Re: Why do liberals thing the economy is good?
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:02:31 AM »
Ask first what their definition of "good" is.  Then you'll get your answer.

Spin Zone / Re: Melissa v Springsteen
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:00:47 AM »
The world is HAS changinged.

"progressing" implies that everything is changing for the better.


The core problem with being a progressive is that it is a selfish and defective philosophy.  They actually believe that what they think is better is really better for everyone.  They don't recognize differences in preferences because they are so self centered that they cannot do it.

Spin Zone / Re: Melissa v Springsteen
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:38:59 AM »
I think Dav8or likes to attack conservatives, but hates to be called out when an example breaks down his code of acceptable beliefs. That might be harsh, but I've not seen him aggressive take on those things that weaken his perceptions of what should be legal to believe, and what should not.

The funny thing is that I'm not conservative.  I just think the only two things worse than the Charlotte bathroom ordinance are the HB2 law and then people outside of North Carolina trying to force NC to change. 

Spin Zone / Re: "You don't pay your Fair Share!"
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:33:14 AM »
I'm liking this idea

Straight tax, no deductions, simple (if progressive) rate structure. 

There's zero chance that a rich person will pay less than their fair share unless they lie about it.

Spin Zone / Re: Melissa v Springsteen
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:28:40 AM »
I can't believe I'm breaking this down, but what the heck. If you have sex with people for money, it is a job. It is work. It's not about fun and enjoyment and it's not about making babies. If there is a legal, public brothel operating in the US, then yes, they should offer services to both gay and straight patrons as well as black, white, brown, christian, jew and muslim. It's not only their legal obligation, but very much in their financial interests as well. I bet if you were to go Nevada, you would find they already offer this service. 

But obviously you are breaking this down.  You've planted your flag there - that sex workers must be required to have gay sex. 

I actually can't believe that you don't recognize how bizarre that position.  Did I pick an extreme example?  Yes, the most extreme one I could and you're agreeing on compelling people to involuntary homosexual acts.

Spin Zone / Re: Melissa v Springsteen
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:24:28 AM »
The personal service of the prostitute is the topic, not the brothel.

So you would claim that the employees are not subject to the same rules as their employer?  Nope, try again.

You don't have an answer for your contradiction.  That should be telling to you.

Spin Zone / Re: Systemic boycotta a violation of the Civil Rights Act?
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:22:51 AM »
I've never met a progressive willing to admit that the knife cuts both ways when challenged like that.

I rarely have either.  But I have met many who can be shown to  be idiots because they cling to blatantly contradictory positions depending on whether they are for or against certain groups.  The hypocrisy is glaring.

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