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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

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Spin Zone / Re: Soak The Rich
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:37:42 AM »
That guy had every bogus talking point ready to fire out. He was like Aunt Peggy in drag.

I don't know the name of the black guy but he was 100% right; the ones who pay the least suck up most of the resources.

Charles Payne is his name.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 23, 2016, 09:21:12 AM »
You have another baby your check gets cut by xx%.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 22, 2016, 06:49:59 PM »
They surely are welfare. And you didn't pay for yours, you paid for others. Your kids and grand-kids are paying for yours. Isn't welfare great? So if welfare causes poverty, let us get rid of it all.

PS - You're wrong about immigrants; legal immigrants, certainly, and even illegal immigrants, who pay billions into SS.

You realize that it is only that way because fucking Congress stole the money and spent it.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Will Get Out the Vote - For Democrats
« on: March 19, 2016, 06:03:40 PM »
We're still quoting fucking national polls when we vote state by state and I know the people here in Georgia are pretty fucking different from those in Massachusetts, Illinois, Indiana, etc, etc. 

Spin Zone / Re: Beware the Ides of March
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:05:50 AM »
All the Trump haters need not worry, the Republican establishment and the "Conservatives" will team up and concoct some way to keep him off the ballot.  The "Conservatives" are meeting today to talk about how they can submarine Trump.

Here in the ATL we have a battle going on the airwaves between Herman Cain and Eric Erickson.  Cain has the 9:00 - 12:00 slot on WSB and Erickson has the 5:00 - 7:00 slot where he get to talk between traffic reports.  Erickson is flat out anti Trump, pro Cruz and is very ope about it.  Herman was contacted by Trump before Trump entered the race and asked about what it would be like.  Herman tells his listeners that he doesn't care who you vote, just do your homework.  Eric speaks openly about stopping Trump at all costs.  Last week Erickson even managed to attack Cain during his show by using false allegations.  It was rather pathetic.

If we are at a point, in this country, where subverting the peoples will is the way of the future then the country is nearer the end than I first believed.  The revolution will not be far away.

Spin Zone / Re: Proposal for Primary Reform
« on: March 14, 2016, 03:46:24 PM »
I'm not a big fan of early voting or releasing early voting results.  No results should be released until all voting is over at the very least.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Wants to Sue Cruz Unless He Apologizes for Ads
« on: March 14, 2016, 04:14:52 AM »
I love the "majority don't want him" argument.  Of course this will happen when you have four candidates still running.  If Rubio were winning the majority of delegates and only getting 30 something percent of the vote would we still hear the same argument? How about Cruz or Kasich?  The next logical assumption for the group is that if Rubio dropped out all of his backers would switch to Cruz or Kasich.  The logic just isn't there, but it makes for a good bashing opportunity.

None of you seem to understand that Trump is doing so well because of the politicians currently running the country.  These are a lot middle class blue collar workers that have seen nothing done for them over the last 15 years or better.  They see illegals come into their country and take jobs away from citizens and the politicians, on both sides, do nothing.  In fact Rubio was part of the team trying to make them citizens.

I get that most of you probably don't know any of these individuals or may have never worked in a job with any of these folks so understanding this is hard from your protected world.

If Cruz is such a straight up Christian, why did he allow his campaign to send out those phony notices in Iowa and to make the phone calls saying Carson was dropping out and then not rescinding that message when they knew it was not true?  Seems to me a good Christian would not allow his people to do any such thing.

Spin Zone / Re: How Can We Fix Our Nation's Financial Ills?
« on: March 08, 2016, 09:10:45 PM »
I guess 67% of the budget going towards social programs is just not enough.  Unfucking believable.

Spin Zone / Re: An Open Letter to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio
« on: March 03, 2016, 05:22:28 PM »
You thought the last debate was wild, you ain't seen nothing yet.  I don't know about Cruz, but Rubio is working from the same script that was given to Romney for his speech this morning.  I'm guessing the same money people are behind it.  The best politicians money can buy, yet they can't buy Trump and it is pissing them off to no end.

Spin Zone / Re: Carson is out
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:59:04 PM »
This is fun to watch.  The better Trump does the more unhinged the Republican establishment gets.  First they pissed away over $100M with Jeb, their first chosen one.  Trouble is, no one wanted another Bush in the WH.  Think of that for a minute, over $100M pissed away.  Now they've moved behind Marco and they've decided the thing to do is to throw the kitchen sink at Trump.  Marco was sent to the Senate as a Tea Party, but it's so obvious he just wants to be one of the boys that he immediately threw in with the Gang of Eight and ended up getting cut off at the knees.  Now that is haunting him and instead of just owning up to it and saying he lost his way, he tried to spin it all over to Cruz.  Apparently he has trouble taking responsibility for his mistakes and just wants to be part of the in crowd.

Kasich is the Governor of Ohio and his Dad was a mailman.  Cruz has at least stood up for what he believes in and has been smacked down several times along the way, but gets up and keeps trying.  If he is elected, who is going to want to work with him versus stabbing him on the back every chance they get?  My current problem with Cruz was the Iowa mailing and the phone calls to tell Carson supporters their man had pulled out.  The timeline shows they could have pulled that one back, but instead chose to go forward with and gives that apology after they'd stolen Dr. Carson votes.  While there is no proof, they'd could have influenced enough votes to have won instead of finishing second to Trump.

The media dn all the experts are missing the point that America is beyond pissed off.  They watched Obama stuff the ACA down everyone's throats.  They then went out and began voting in Republicans that said they would appeal it.  Well, that never happened so they voted in more Republicans and took the Senate.  Guess what, still nothing. In fact they recently gave Obama everything he wanted and an open ended checkbook.  Is it any wonder folks are voting for Trump?

Now we're going to be lectured by fucking Romney who just totally blew it in 2012.  Give me a freaking break and go home Mitt.

Spin Zone / Re: Any hillary supporters here?
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:43:29 PM »
If your history holds true, I'm glad.  Because I'm for Rubio.

The history of these primaries will be how Rubio wouldn't drop out and handed the nomination to Trump. I hope he can live with those headlines.  Mr. 3rd place should see the writing on the wall. 

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:36:35 PM »
I think Rubio has been put away, he just doesn't realize it yet.   He makes placing third sound like a victory.  If he decides to stay in the headlines down the road will remind us how Rubio allowed Trump to win.

Spin Zone / Re: Way to Go Tim Cook!
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:45:02 PM »
Maybe if the govt. had taken care of business and got these two before they went on their rampage we wouldn't be here. 

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