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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

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Spin Zone / Re: Suicide Watch at MSNBC
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:33:12 AM »

I hope you don't take offense to this, but what you were watching on MSNBC were your across-the-aisle doppelgangers. Those are ultra-partisans who fear that a Trump presidency is the end of our Republic as we know it, just as many of you feared that a Clinton presidency would result in the same.

I voted for Gary Johnson in large part because I reject those extremes, and that allowed me to vote my conscience and avoid voting for a candidate(s) whom I could not support in good faith. I didn't and don't believe that the election of either of the two major party candidates would have resulted in the death of our country.

I am not at all pleased with Trump as president. But the US will be alright.

Not sure what to say to those here who said that the Republicans nominated the only person who could not beat Hillary.
I said that. I was clearly wrong. I didn't gauge just how pissed off the rest of the country was. Sometimes you think we are in such a minority that our pissed off attitude is narrow or unique. As a Tea Partier, I know what it's like to be marginalized.

I'm glad millions of my fellow citizens feel like me.

Not sure what to say to those here who said that the Republicans nominated the only person who could not beat Hillary.
I was wrong about him being able to win. Now it's up to him to prove me wrong again about how he'll govern. I want him to succeed and like I said in another thread, until he proves otherwise, he deserves a chance.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Election Results
« on: November 08, 2016, 11:59:09 PM »
This might drag out like 2000. Lots of time to find some "lost" ballots. Dems are not gracious losers.

And yet it was the dems who were "appalled" that Trump said he would wait till election night to decide if he would concede.

 I don't put it past Hillary to demand recounts.  Dammit!  She derserves this!

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Election Results
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:41:14 PM »
I am in shock out here in the sticks of Florida.
Just shocked.
PLEASE tell me what you think Hilary does tomorrow morning????
Does she go quietly and never be heard from again?
Does she start running for 2020 as soon as it's practicable?
Does she start suing like Al Gore in 2000?
Will anyone much care if she actually loses tonight?

I think she concedes and will not run again for President. DNC put up a shit candidate (and screwed over Bernie in the process), and they are paying the price. This is the bright spot for a Liberal like me even in the face of a GOP win. It may send a message: Wake the fuck up, DNC!

PS - And please let me not hear, at least for a long while, you guys blabber about how vote fraud guarantees a Democrat win.  ;)

Spin Zone / President Trump's Press Secretary
« on: November 02, 2016, 07:07:53 AM »
I want this, I want Milo as Press Secretary


Spin Zone / Re: Can Clinton keep a (national security) secret?
« on: November 01, 2016, 02:44:39 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Opinion
« on: October 23, 2016, 11:10:43 AM »
Did you all notice how nobody calls them "the news" anymore?  They're "the media" now, a source of entertainment video like Netflix. 

Without fair and impartial news organizations, there is nobody to call out the government and to hold them accountable.  Cronyism reigns, chaos ensues and the Republic is gone.

Spin Zone / Re: The final 2016 debate
« on: October 20, 2016, 10:48:48 AM »
Actually, she was using the term "debt", not just deficit. Apparently, as long as you think you can turn the spigot as high as you need to (from those wealthy that aren't paying their fair share) then I guess her free everything plan can be deficit neutral.

There's just one problem with that. Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Anyone?
Is she using the same government speak as when they say they are cutting spending, but they really mean they are reducing the rate of increase in spending?

Or did she mean that rather than adding one cent, she will be adding some other amount, like a Billion or Trillion or . . .

Spin Zone / Re: DNC Bus Drops Raw Sewage into Storm Drain
« on: October 19, 2016, 05:58:51 PM »
The jokes kind of write themselves on this one, don't they?

Spin Zone / Re: DNC Bus Drops Raw Sewage into Storm Drain
« on: October 18, 2016, 05:25:36 PM »
How poetic.  DNC dumping on the American people.  Nothing really new there...

Spin Zone / Re: How Were You Taught to Treat People......
« on: October 18, 2016, 02:11:43 PM »
I have always tried to treat everyone with respect.  In a store or at a restaurant I always address someone by their name if I know it.  I am no more important than any of them and they deserve to be treated nicely.

To think that Hillary goes around treating people like shit and acting like she is just above everyone is truly fucked up.
Yep. When my dad died, he had everyone from bankers to waitresses show up at his wake. He treated everyone with graciousness, used their names, and engaged them.

I'm working hard to be at least half the man he was.

Watching this video has me seriously pissed off to even think that we could elect Hillary.  These are some seriously fucked up people doing this shit.
When you believe the ends justifies the means, anything is fair game, this is just the first in a string of evidence speaking directly to this, and it follows the pattern of behavior for the Left in general and Hillary in specific, for her ENTIRE career in private and public life.

We are truly and utterly fucked if she wins as she will weaponize every corner of government and pop culture with her sycophantic followers - it will make the past 8 years seem like 'the good old days' when they were only out to destroy the TEA Party and major conservative groups.


Spin Zone / Re: The new religious freedom
« on: October 16, 2016, 09:07:58 AM »
That's BS. Preventing religion from creeping into places it doesn't belong is not an infringement of your religious freedom. "Religious freedom" doesn't include the opportunity to wedge it into other people's lives via government.

What is BS is claiming that your right to freedom from religious exposure trumps the rights of everyone else from practicing their religious convictions. It is no different than the little progressive snowflakes claiming that seeing the word TRUMP written ona  whiteboard at a college campus is a hate crime. You folks simply insist that whatever your current popular idiocy is should be mandatory for everyone, or you are being discriminated against, the victim of micro aggression, scared, frightened, and / or the victim of sexism. It's all made up stupidity to make yourselves feel important at others' expense.

Spin Zone / Re: Where's Hillary?
« on: October 15, 2016, 08:34:45 AM »
Liberal has been redefined over the last generation to the point that it is absolutely indistinguishable from what an actual liberal was in the sixties. An actual liberal would despise the politics of those that think of themselves as liberal to day because the modern liberal is all in on the concept of cradle to grave life manipulation by a small group of thugs who call themselves progressives and are nothing but hard line communists in the Stalin model.
The modern liberal hates freedom to choose except to choose abortion because that is still the holy grail of the communists who call themselves liberal.
The modern liberal claims to hate the 1% who own and control almost everything, but never actually live up to their make believe antipathy because they LOVE 1%'ers as long as they are properly pro abortion and as long as they have TOLD to ignore the abject hypocrisy of everything they say, do and pretend.
The modern liberal rails about the environment but adores the 1%ers who fly in private jets, spewing into the environment the very thing they claim is killing the planet, as long as those people are pro abortion and as long as they have been TOLD to exempt those people from their rants.
The modern liberal hates thinking for themselves, preferring to be TOLD what to think and then they run out demanding everyone else think exactly the same way or be unceasingly attacked for their free thought.
The modern liberal thinks that black ghetto thugs burning American cities over supposed civil rights violations that the majority of the thugs can't accurately describe, but believes that the TEA Party is evil because they think the government should be forced to spend only what they take in. The real truth is that modern liberals HATE us because they've been TOLD to hate us and lack the moral or mental fiber to do otherwise.
The modern liberal thinks their iPhone is wonderful and can't live without it, while attacking the company that makes it for being successful.
The modern liberal hates success in others because it makes them 'feel' less and feelings are so much more important that actions to a modern liberal.
Kristin hates us because that's all she's got.

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