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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: CBS Fires Catherine Herridge....
« on: February 23, 2024, 06:23:54 AM »

  And is anyone willing to venture where CBS got their orders from?   Catherine Herridge is one of the few journalist with integrity and has done her research.   Someone is very frightened of her.

Spin Zone / Re: Kangaroo Courts
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:34:22 PM »
  They have taken the pages right out of the totalitarian playbook.

  Add to it the judgement way exceeds the threshold of any damages (there are none) and the DA and Judge both know there is a likely event that this will be tossed on appeal.

  So set the number extremely high, deny Trump the time to prepare an appeal, oh, and now since he and his sons are barred from doing business in NY, they can't even approach financial institutions to assist in setting up a bond.

  Let's drill down a bit further.  Think this ends with Trump?  Hardly.   NY needs homes for all their new found residents (illegals).  This sets a precedent for the government to use lawfare to begin ceasing private property for all sorts of things they consider "illegal".

   NY state has crossed over into full communism, and they are proud of it.  Look for other blue shitholes to follow suit.

I believe that there was election fraud, but whether or not it was enough to sway the election I don't know.  However, states violating election law based on their secretaries of state's opinions on "safety during a pandemic" DID affect the election.  Democrat groups took advantage of the slack laws and, perhaps as allowed at the time, flooded the system and gave it to FJB.  That was by far the biggest factor in 2020.

  Several states violated the constitution by allowing Secretaries of State to rewrite election laws absent of legislation.  They also allowed state Supreme Courts to legislate from the bench, again absent of legislation.

  Mass Mail in ballots of everyone on the voter rolls, even knowing that those voter rolls had dead people, people that no longer lived in the area, etc.   This resulted in some addresses receiving multiple ballots for people who were no longer alive or lived at that residence.

  They went even further by not requiring a valid signature, allowing votes to be counted well past the election deadline.  Other localities had voters registered to empty lots.   Districts had more votes than the actual legitimate voters.

  Then we had videos of election workers pulling huge cases out from under tables and running the same ballots through the tabulator multiple times.  Stacks of pristine ballots with no fold lines.  Each one with identical marks.

  And election officials and SoS forbidding examinations.  If there was no fraud, then why forbid examination of ballots and machines?  That should bolster the case if everything was on the up and up.

Spin Zone / Re: You Can't Have No Stinkin` Guns
« on: February 17, 2024, 08:49:29 AM »
Why people still live in the blue shithole states and cities is beyond me. 

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration Gas Lighting
« on: February 16, 2024, 07:49:56 AM »
Everyone needs to understand the amount of damage that has been done, and that this can't be undone.

Even if the next president stops this nonsense, he will not be able to remove these invaders.   The democrat communist and the establishment are already talking AMNESTY and fast tracking these invaders to citizenship.

These invaders will need housing, and already we are witnessing apartments going up for "low income" (invaders) people, which of course will be taxpayer subsidized.

 Wonder why so many companies are buying homes right now?  What do they know we don't?  Look for the government to get into "fair equitable housing" soon, again, subsidized by me and you.

Spin Zone / Immigration Gas Lighting
« on: February 15, 2024, 07:00:00 PM »

  I'm sick and tired of this.

  First of all, it's not immigration.  Immigration is the process of legally entering a country that may lead to citizenship.   What we are dealing with on our border is an invasion.  These are criminals that are evading our immigration laws.

  Then we hear our government "we need to create laws to deal with immigration".   Bullshit.

  We already have a comprehensive set of laws that deal with immigration, and they work.   We also have laws already to deal with people who enter our country illegally.   No new laws needed.

  What we need is a government that will carry out our laws.  The Executive and Legislative are responsible for this mess.  And they keep gas lighting the public about the need for more laws (read= more appropriations)

  These invaders are here and we can't remove them.  Even if the next president decides to start removing them, congress will intervene and stop it.

  Another week has passed and congress has done absolutely nothing to stop the invasion.

I've said this before, and I'll repeat.

  Get ready this fall to see this again, except this time it will be the dems shouting stolen election.  They are going to use everything the republicans used in 2020, except this time the judges will listen and the lawsuits will happen.   This will tie up election certifications and eventually tip the election to the twelfth amendment and congress.

  And Rush and Becky are spot on about 2020.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: February 12, 2024, 07:11:38 PM »

‘We are looting the Treasury for Zelensky.’

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: February 12, 2024, 03:24:01 PM »
Here's the deal.

The communist have told us 2020 was the most secure election ever.   

This November we will be told that the election was stolen, and fraud claims everywhere.   The democrat lawyers will file lawsuit after lawsuit in an attempt to stop state certifications.   But this time, the courts will want to hear it.   

 We will see the twelve amendment take place.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: February 12, 2024, 02:30:42 PM »

An expert in election data asserts that almost 35,000 Georgia voters in 2020 cast ballots from the wrong jurisdictions, but Georgia’s top election official hasn’t responded to his request for an investigation.

Mark Davis, president of Georgia-based Data Productions Inc., has pushed for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office to investigate his data since May 2021. Davis says he inquired again earlier this month after finding evidence of the same problems in Georgia’s 2021 and 2022 elections.

“The same thing is going to happen again in 2024,” Davis, who earlier this year scored a legal victory over the Stacey Abrams-founded group Fair Fight Action– told The Daily Signal. “I first brought this up to the State Elections Board in 2002. You can’t fix a problem if you don’t admit you have a problem.”

“The secretary of state doesn’t want to address this because it happened on his watch,” he said of Raffensperger. “I don’t know why he’s being like that. It’s happened on everyone’s watch.”

Georgia is expected to be among the most closely contested states in the 2024 presidential election. In 2020, Joe Biden carried the state over Donald Trump by 11,000 votes.

Spin Zone / Houston Church Shooter
« on: February 12, 2024, 10:02:40 AM »

Double whammy!   An illegal and a transgender. And had "Free Palestine" on his gun.  Let's see how they spin this one.

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
« on: February 10, 2024, 12:13:09 AM »
He engages in propaganda - anyone who has watched his shows realizes that. Just because propagandists dig for and present dirt, er, facts, doesn't make them unbiased and thus journalists. I may agree with the goals of some propagandist but they are still what they are.I never said I didn't like the interview taking place. I simply indicated that an ideal journalist would have also  tried to interview Zelensky. But Carlson will likely not because he long ago indicated who he considers the worse side even before the secondary invasion of Ukraine:
Carlson has a specific opinion on Ukraine vs Russia and is acting to promote it. I consider it naive at best to label those actions as journalism in its most noble meaning.

So what was propaganda during the interview?  What did Carlson say or do that would constitute propaganda?

As far as your claim Carlson hasn't tried to interview Zelenskyy, how do you know this?   I believe it's the other way around, Zelenskyy would be ducking an interview attempt by Carlson.

Why?  Because Zelenskyy would be asked some tough questions by Carlson rather than the glowing softball crap the MSM does with him.   

 You don't want to accept that Zelenskyy is nothing more than a dictator, and you want the establishment version that he's somehow this saintly leader fighting for democracy.   You can't seem to accept on many levels Zelenskyy is on par with Putin.

  From what I'm gathering you are butthurt that Americans got a glimpse of the other side without editing and censorship.   You are echoing the exact same crap the leftist are crying about.   The more I read of your positions you seem quite happy to have censorship and a controlled narrative.

  As far as your definition of journalism, the medium has shifted since those definitions came around.  Instead of just print, we now have audio, video and other electronic means of journalism.

  But since you demand we stick to the strictest meaning of a word, do you consider yourself to be gay?   After all, for many many years if a person was gay that meant they were very happy.  You are gay aren't you?   ;)

Leftists hate the idea of people being rewarded for hard work.

  Leftist want the government to provide........for free.

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
« on: February 09, 2024, 09:14:32 AM »
and, of course, we should believe all the gems flowing from Putin's mouth and his propaganda machine...

  No, but we should hear all sides so we can form opinions.   

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