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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 11:25:20 AM »
Even if we agreed to NOTHING, I think Trump should be part of a group to at least study and address the issue.
If by "nothing" you mean the Paris agreement, then that's not the case. If that's not what you meant, disregard.

As for Trump being part of the study, he can make adjustments to his budget but it's Congress that ultimately will pass the legislation thus determining the actual funding levels for the research. Trump did the right thing by pulling out seeing as how it didn't go through the Senate first.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 06:42:14 AM »
CEOs of some major companies are upset about the pullout, also believing that man-made climate change is real and that we need to be proactive in this area.  CEOs of Dana, Dow Chemical, Pacific Gas and Electric, DuPont, Proctor and Gamble, General Electric, Cargill, Johnson&Johnson, CocaCola, Unilever and dozens of others.  I'm sorry you guys think it's a scam.  I'm just glad that there are some people with influence who don't feel that way.

Most larger corporations are run by Liberal/Progressives, and are the most PC organizations on earth.  The truth is that no one really knows if man's industrialization is causing any changes to a very, very dynamic thing like climate, and weather.  Also, the fact that historical temperature data was changed after the fact tells me that the entire thing IS a scam designed for more income, and wealth re-distribution by government.   

Maybe those that believe in MMGW should alter their lifestyles to reflect their beliefs.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 06:41:54 AM »
I'm sorry you guys who think it is real don't unplug and quit using energy in your lives.  With the number of people who believe in MMGW, if you all unplugged, per your own data you would make a huge impact quickly.  Put your money where your mouth is, lead by example.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 05:55:31 AM »
Once it became obvious who was driving it and how they were going to profit, I knew that it is a scam. The "science", I immediately discarded.

When people were selling carbon credits, I knew it was a huge scam.

Elon Musk, huge hypocrite!

Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, took to Twitter to announce that he would be departing from all future presidential councils in protest of President Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord. He assured his followers that global warming is real and that leaving the Paris accords is “not good” for America or the world.

Hours later, Cruz mocked Musk’s outrage, pointing out that he regularly travels around the country in his own private jet. If the billionaire CEO was so dedicated to reducing the world’s carbon output, Cruz snarked, he would choose to fly commercial planes rather than private ones.

Comedians making coarse jokes about [Obama].
Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Really, Mark, when exactly did that happen? Comedy re POTUS stopped between Jan 2009 and 2017.

Yeah, Scott  Adams nailed it.  Personally, I thought nothing about this, and didn't think anything about the Obama Cowboy Clown either.  Everyone has a different sense of humor and neither are my thing so I really didn't care.

Put me in the group of people who thinks Trump is an embarrassment to our country, and to his credit I'm sure he never thought he'd be elected, which is why he acted so crazy during the election.  I just thought he'd mature afterward but it hasn't happened.  Like Adams said, I don't understand how others don't see what I'm seeing.

Why do you think he did not think he would be elected?  You think he just did it for the hell of it?  Winners and successful people don't generally do something just for fun.  Ask yourself, would he have put himself through all of this if he didn't have some goals in mind?  He had it about as cushy as one can and yet decided that he needed to do this.  Can you not fathom that he may love his country and was tired of seeing it sold down the river.  The Paris accord is one example, we pay out billions while India and China do nothing. What kind of fucking fool would sign up for that?

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 01, 2017, 05:11:37 AM »
This is a case where I'm convinced you're wrong, but I hope you're right.

What lifestyle changes have you enacted in order to stop the damage?

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: May 31, 2017, 04:07:27 PM »
No. This is a Republic of States.  To have Federal automatic voter registration would be a major undermining of states powers. One more step to making the U.S. an empire instead of a federation of states.

Good grief.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: May 31, 2017, 10:46:49 AM »
It's not a conspiracy.  We're dooming ourselves and there is no second chance.  I wouldn't care if it was only going to take down the people not willing to make changes, but it takes the rest of us down with you.

Yeah, I have heard that before.  As a kid in the 70's I bought into what my school was selling me on the Earth cooling due to the "Greenhouse" effect, and the obliteration of the ozone layer.  Time magazine published the coming Ice Age on their cover.  Guess what?  Nothing happened.  Now I see where our own government agencies like NOAA, and NASA used falsified data, or actually went back and "modified" data to support big government solutions to man made climate change.  No thanks. 

It seems Obama's inner circle is a little upset.  Awwww, poor babies.

]“Malicious idiocy derived from willful ignorance motivated by avarice,” Obama’s former senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer wrote, reacting to the news.

“Have been in two European cities today. News is all Paris. Vibe is mournful,” wrote Obama’s former speechwriter Cody Keenan. “Feels like U.S. giving up 75 years of global leadership.”
Keenan also wrote that Trump would be “cursed and loathed” by future generations because of his decision.
Obama’s former National Security advisor Susan Rice also indicated her disappointment.
“The cumulative effect of Trump policies, capped by his foolish, tragic Paris decision = abdication of America’s global leadership,” she wrote. “Shame!”

“Trump destroying ability of any US President, including himself, to garner long term international commitments on anything,” wrote Jesse Lee, a former White House director of rapid response. “Make US word meaningless.”

“Literally every other major government and political party in the world believes this except for the US and GOP – a staggering disconnect,” former National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes lamented on Twitter.

He described White House economic advisor Gary Cohn and H.R. McMaster “complicit” in the acceleration of “the destruction of our planet

Lol, in what world is she "little-known"?  If she was so insignificant, she wouldn't have made headlines everywhere parodying a Game of Thrones photo shoot. 

Personally, I think it's in poor taste, but hardly anything that anyone should be outraged over.  Conservative republicans looking like the snowflakes getting their feelings hurt on this one.

I recall seeing Obama hung in effigy a while back and I was just as outraged.  I hated Obama and am thrilled he's out of the White House, but people who do that sort of thing are suggesting violent insurrection. It's encouraging people to have thoughts about assassination of a sitting President and THAT is sedition.  I don't tolerate it from anyone toward any President. It's got nothing to do with "snowflake feelings".  What she did is extremely hostile and promoting hate, very lamely disguised as "comedy". It's atrocious, just like anyone suggesting we hang Obama was atrocious. But the anti-Obama sentiment NEVER reached the levels we're seeing out of the left today toward Trump and anyone supporting him. The liberal left is a runaway train of hatred unlike anything I've ever seen in my life, and I saw the KKK burning crosses in the 1960s.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: May 31, 2017, 08:22:28 AM »
I've been called worse.   ;D

I wonder why the Democrats/media/left/progressives are so vehemently against voter ID, yet it is OK to require it for EVERYTHING else?

Because then they can't CHEAT at the voting place as easily.
The ONLY THING democrats care about is holding and gaining power.

Things as insignificant as the environment, people, the poor, civil rights, and the myriad of other things they babble about are simply distractions and tools they use to hijack power so they can steal from the taxpayers.

The real world definition of democrat has become: projecting hypocrite.
Sooner Avitation has reminded us of this... again.

I think the bigger issue is the hypocrisy of the left. Lucifer posted several instances where someone made fun of Obama and they were demolished for it but so far there's been a lack of backlash over this. We'll see if CNN fires her from the New Year's Eve gig but I won't hold my breath.

Yep.  This is the left signalling in effigy that they would back a bloody coup, a physical beheading just like the sick Islamic terrorists. This is at core WHO THEY ARE.  I hope the Secret Service tears her a new one.

We have an out of control media feeding us Democrat propaganda. 

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 30, 2017, 03:10:32 PM »
Ok you two, just kiss already.

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