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Messages - PaulS

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 29, 2017, 12:21:34 PM »
I expected that if you replied, you would actually address the request I carefully and specifically made in my post. You did not.

Trump was not put into office by angry adolescents, and does not sound like one. He sounds like someone cutting through the polished facades, eye-rolling and smirking HRC/DNC media shills, and faux indignant noise and seditious behavior of the left. People wanting that, among other things of import, to happen, put Trump in office.

And he is systematically exposing them for what they are,  lying bigots.

Spin Zone / Re: The real Russian scandal
« on: June 23, 2017, 12:29:07 PM »
The fake news is Trump collusion, not Russian attempting to mess with an election.  Two very different things.   Conservatives need to stop arguing moonbat's on their terms, force them to the truth instead.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 18, 2017, 01:26:31 PM »
About the only thing I see the media bashing Trump with about tweets is his audacity to question them.   Keep tweeting Donald.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 16, 2017, 01:44:01 PM »
I love Trump's tweets and I am glad he continues to tweet.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 06:41:54 AM »
I'm sorry you guys who think it is real don't unplug and quit using energy in your lives.  With the number of people who believe in MMGW, if you all unplugged, per your own data you would make a huge impact quickly.  Put your money where your mouth is, lead by example.

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 30, 2017, 03:10:32 PM »
Ok you two, just kiss already.

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 24, 2017, 10:54:02 AM »
Liberals are always stunned when they realize that conservatives are not just old white guys but run the gambit of ethnic backgrounds including those who are considered non-white.   As always liberal premises are never close to reality.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 04, 2017, 06:51:52 AM »
This is a real problem in border areas of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico where ranchers get squatters all the time, and also vandals, and thieves that torment them regularly.  The only solution is to be armed, as the law cannot anticipate the crimes, and are often very far away.  It is a constant battle for them, and also expensive to keep themselves, and their property safe, and in good repair. 

Maybe Michael would like a small family to move into his Mooney?  Kids in back though!  :)

That's a cost liberals are willing to endure, as long as it is someone else enduring it, far away.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
« on: May 04, 2017, 06:44:38 AM »

You've spent the last six months calling Donald Trump all kinds of sexually demeaning phrases and now you want to lecture us??
FUCK You you phony ass idiot.

Lol, Number 7 does have a point, I'd love to hear the response.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
« on: May 03, 2017, 02:11:26 PM »
Rush Limbaugh had a good point on this story last week.  We are continually told that being gay is not a choice.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:25:04 AM »
But that's the crux of the issue.  The 7/11 robber can get by a statute of limitations by not robbing for however many years.  An illegal alien can't no matter how above board they are.  That's the sticking point you all seem to have.  Like I said, so long as there is some sort of stiff penalty my hope is the illegals would prefer to be legals.  On the other hand if they want it that much why don't we make it work in our favor?

Well, they are continually breaking the law by being here.  If they left and didn't come back, eventually they would be in the clear because they wouldn't be breaking the law any more.     Think of an illegal immigrant as a guy who continually robs 7/11s and tries to claim the statute of limitations protects him because he committed his first robbery ten years ago.  Doesn't make sense, does it?

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 07:26:07 AM »
Could there be a secret deal behind this to get Democrat support for a future bill?
That is the way politics USED to work, and guess what;  it worked.

I doubt it, Mcconnel is too big a pussy.  The Dems are celebrating this bill, laughing at republicans.  Trump is looking for more republicans to be elected or the nix the filibuster.  He doesn't need either, he needs to force the shutdown and take control of the narrative.  He needs to get these liberal senators primaried and get a few of them defeated.  I've always said that these wuss republicans would snap in line if they were smacked on the nose, time to smack them on the nose.

Spin Zone / Re: SNOPES Has Become a Joke
« on: April 25, 2017, 10:30:23 AM »
Become?  They always have been.

The Mother Jones graph may be simplistic, but it clearly illustrates that wages for the bottom 80% of earners have remained flat for 40 some years.  Granted there are other factors involved but it is a fact.  Coupling that with inflation over time, the buying power of those in that bottom 80% have taken a big hurt. 

Glad that you recognize that upward mobility is far more difficult, particularly if a person doesn't own a specific skill. Personally think that has been going on for more than 25 years..  Agree that the stagnation isn't directly related to what the rich make.  So, why are there 90+ million discouraged workers? 

I'm "hoping" along with you.  We have a consumer society, without customers, that boom isn't going to happen.  With so many people living on the borderline, how is the President going to increase demand for products?  For the bottom 80%, there isn't a lot of disposable income available.  Without extra cash to spend, where are the customers?  Half of all tax filers pay little or no income tax, so a tax cut does nothing for them.  As previously mentioned, the top 20% of earners already pay most income tax.

Capital ALWAYS follows return. Companies will inevitably move to areas that allow them to produce goods at the lowest cost possible.  Our economy is global, whether we like it or not.  I'm all for making our businesses more competitive, and that competition is off-shore. Unlike the 1950's - 60's and maybe the 70's, we are not a self contained economy, capable of increasing growth without the rest of the world.

Can you point out the errors in the "foolish" graph?  How in the world is that being used to promote socialism??

Ok, a lot to discuss here,  I'll try to hit it all.  First of all, the graph is adjusted to 2012 dollars, wages have gone up in all the groups but inflation has taken a severe toll making the adjusted data more flat than rising.  So why hasn't purchase power increased with the wages?  Well, money policy for one, and the large  growth of government, which is taking new record amounts of capital out of the economy each year.   Money policy, especially over the last 8 years has resulted in the money supply expanding devaluing the money already out there.  If all your money is in the bank you are losing your shirt.   It baffles me how the government can claim that inflation is low when the price of everything is going through the roof.   Government has turned into a monster over the past 10 or so years.  Regulations make it impossible for companies to respond quickly to anything.  The tax code requires teams to analyze, manage and report.  Want to build a new building, it can take years to secure all the permits.   It goes on and on.  The companies just pass this cost along and the little guy is most affected.  It's ironic as the little guy tries to stick it to the corporations by voting for these things, or I should say voting for the  people who say they will go after the corporations ,  these little guys end up paying for it all.

The 90+ million workers?  They are out of work as a direct result of what I wrote about in the first paragraph.   Businesses are fleeing an oppressive business environment.  35+% corporate tax rates, double taxation on dividends, regulatory nightmares.... these all drive business out.  Plus disaster trade deals that allow other countries to essentially take over whole industries.  That was the mass appeal of Trump, he said he was going to level the playing field, I can't wait to see what he does, I hope he is successful.

Half the tax filers pay no tax, so why do they file?  Because pandering politicians use our tax money to buy their votes via credits.  That was an easy one, and is an example of part of the problem.  And I'm afraid the solution to that problem is going to be very painful.  The issue is by accepting this pandering, these people are enslaving themselves to a system that long term, can't take care of them.   What's the answer?  Get the economy rolling again and get these people back to work.  And we need to stop making not working so appealing, welfare is supposed to be a safety net, not a job.  I've read that 35% of the population lived in households that received subsidies (means tested supplements).  That's an awful lot of people.  Think about it, when you are in a room with 30 people, 10 of them are getting subsidies.  When was the last time, you were in a public place where 35% of the people were disabled?  Something is wrong.  Put the money that's going into these programs to pay free loaders, the able bodied, put it back in the hands of the taxpayers, who will spend it and boost the economy.

Capital always follows return....  were that really true we would probably be in better shape.   The other big part of our problem, and what probably accounts for the top 5% increased slope income on that graph is again created by government.   Some time ago, probably around 40 years ago, the fat cats, some of the people in that 5% group, via lobbying, wrested control of public companies from the shareholders and gave it to their boards by having corporate laws changed.   These boards are cross pollinated by other elites from other companies.  Capital that used to fund research and growth is now raided by these boards with their incestuous relationships.  They enrich each other with little fear of an uprising by shareholders who have had their power diminished.    So the capital follows the modern day robber barrons.    As far as outsourcing, I think that has been what has crushed many strong US manufacturers.  I can think of one example, Motorola, a powerful cell phone manufacturer in the 80's and 90's, decided that manufacturing was dragging them down, so they sold their manufacturing to a large contract manufacturer so they could focus on "marketing".  Long story short, Motorola isn't the powerhouse in phones they used to be.   Personally I don't think off shore manufacturing is the panacea the  MBAs thought is was going to be.  I think for certain products it works, but for most it doesn't.  I don't think manufacturing is dead in the US, far from it.  With a little support from government rather than the asskicking that has been going on for years I think we might see a renaissance in manufacturing unparalleled in history.  We'll see.

I don't think I said there were errors in the graph, just that it didn't support what he was saying.  We don't live in a caste system, millions if not tens or more millions of people have crossed those "boundaries"  or quintiles in that graph.  You can't look at that graph and conclude people aren't upwardly mobile.   Graphs like that graph, or different variations of it, are used as the main canard to promote civil unrest and class envy.  Listen to Bernie Sanders and his talks on "democratic socialism", talks like his always depict the unfairness of the differences in graphs like that.   And that is how socialism gets footing in society.

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