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Topics - Little Joe

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Spin Zone / Unwanted sexual advances; be honest.
« on: October 17, 2016, 05:45:20 AM »
How many good, lasting marriages started out with unwanted sexual advances?

I know most of my relationships, including the one with my wife, started out with me making advances that may not have been requested.  I also believe that if I did not make those unsolicited advances, or if I asked for permission in advance, the relationships would have never even left the ground.

Yeah, I had a few dates where the woman was either the aggressor or at least welcomed the advances.  But  most of the times, I had to do a little "insisting".

Perhaps times have changed in the past 50 years or so.

Pilot Zone / cancelled IFR ground school today
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:18:45 AM »
We are packing  up the cats and getting out of Dodge (Daytona) ahead of Matthew.

Spin Zone / VP debate
« on: October 05, 2016, 05:10:10 AM »
I watched about 10 minutes of it.  I realized that rather than answering the questions, they were merely struggling to squeeze in rehearsed zingers, and ticking off their talking points that everyone has heard many, many times already.

But at least Pence didn't look quite like the bum that Kaine did like so I think Pence won.

Spin Zone / President's effect on stock market
« on: October 02, 2016, 09:35:29 AM »
I keep hearing that the stock market would be expected to do better under a Clinton presidency than a Trump presidency.

Is there any truth to that?

The best logic I have heard in that regard is that the market LIKES good news, it can TOLERATE bad news but it HATES uncertainty.  Trump definitely inspires uncertainty (which I personally prefer over guaranteed bad news).

What are some arguments one way or the other?

Spin Zone / Tax returns for emails?
« on: October 02, 2016, 09:30:55 AM »
Trump said he would release his tax returns when Hillary releases her missing email.

Is that a fair and reasonable trade?

Spin Zone / An alternative to gun control
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:05:17 AM »
Since liberals don't think honest citizens can be trusted to own firearms, presumably because we are all so violent, how about we just medicate the masses instead in order to reduce the violence?

There was another shooting in Houston today.  Details are scarce which tells me that someone doesn't want us to know anything about the culprit.  I wonder why that could be.

Spin Zone / voter id alternative
« on: September 25, 2016, 05:13:07 AM »
What would be the objection to this idea?

At the polling places, ask potential voters to show a photo id.

If they don't have one, then have them sign a form that swears they are who they say they are.  They print and sign their names and they affix their fingerprint. Everybody gets a fingerprint for free when they are born, so there is no discrimination here.

The fingerprints are matched against existing databases.  If there is no match, the prints are stored and matched against any future fingerprint searches.  Say John Smith is arrested for rape a few years from now.  His fingerprints are searched and it turns out he voted as Willly Wonka in 2016.  Now, even if he gets off with time served for the rape (since he is a respectable white athlete), he will still serve time for voter fraud.

Yes, it will cost tons more and not be as effective as voter id, but hey, this is the government.  What else is new?

Spin Zone / Michael Reagan on Trump
« on: September 24, 2016, 09:10:48 AM »

I think he makes a lot of good points in this article.

But let me be the first to say:   But Trump is no Ronald Reagan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone gives my father credit for the hostages going free on the day he was sworn in, and they should. But one reason they went free was because he kept the Iranians guessing.

They never did know whether he’d nuke them until he didn’t.

I find it interesting this election year that the right and the left keep asking the same questions of Trump. What will he do to defeat ISIS?

But the real story shouldn’t be what Trump might do. It should be what Hillary Clinton won’t do. To appease her voters and liberal friends in the media, she’s already said she won’t use ground troops. I’m sure the monsters who run ISIS were relieved to hear that.

Spin Zone / Another sign that we are in trouble
« on: September 23, 2016, 12:46:30 PM »
I bought a house this year.  I got it for a great price, even considering that I knew I would need to spend quite a bit more fixing and updating things.  But that is not as easy as it sounds.

I have spent the past couple of days trying to find contractors.  The ones that even answer their phones, or return calls all say they are completely booked for the foreseeable future and cannot book any more.  In all cases, they say they cannot find enough skilled workers.

I need some stucco work.  I need the fascia and soffits replaced and some gutters added.  I need a little concrete work on the sidewalks and driveway.  I need to replace a patio door with a door that incorporates a pet door.  I finally had the roof replaced, but there was a 3 month wait for that. 

I don't want to rag on the millennials again.  It's not their fault, but it seems we are not raising the next generation of skilled tradespeople.  Everybody wants to work on computers and design video games and iphone apps.

I get so irritated when I see young (or older) people that claim they can't find a job.

I paid a guy $500 to install two recessed medicine chests in my bathroom.  That didn't include the $600 my wife paid for the medicine chests themselves.  But they are really nice.   He was the only one that would take the job because nobody else felt they could handle possible issues, like electric wires or stud removal and support.  And I had to schedule this guy 8 weeks in advance.  (Yes, I know I could probably have done it myself, and 20 years ago, I would have, but today I'd rather pay someone else).

Next, I am going to look for a couple of illegal Mexicans, but even they seem to be booked.

Spin Zone / Black man shot "for being black"
« on: September 21, 2016, 06:45:20 AM »
But it was by a black cop!

Do they really believe he was shot for being black, or is that just a convenient excuse to riot and loot?

Spin Zone / I knew R.R.
« on: September 13, 2016, 08:17:14 AM »
I voted for Reagan
And I know that Trump is no Ronald Reagan,

But . . .
"He's nothing but a B-List TV personality. He has no business being in politics."
"He's been divorced and remarried. He can't commit to anything."
"He's dangerously ignorant about international affairs. The Russian leaders will walk all over him."
"He has no filter - doesn't think before he speaks."
"Until recently, he was a Democrat. He's not a real Republican. He hasn't paid his GOP dues."
"He used to be Pro Choice. Now, suddenly he's Pro Life?"
"That can't be his real hair!"
"He's a loose cannon. No one wants HIS finger on the nuclear button."
"His opponent has the experience and political savvy to be president. He does not."
"He's just not presidential."
"His temperament disqualifies him from ever being Commander-In-Chief."
"He's proven himself to be mentally unstable."
"The military will never accept him as Commander-In-Chief. He's not smart enough."
"The GOP doesn't want him to be the head of the party. He could never reach across the aisle to get anything done."
"Most Republican voters will just stay home rather than go out and vote for him."
"He's almost 70. Much too old to be president."
"Evangelicals will never support him."
"He says '(Let’s) Make America Great Again'.  How dare he say we aren't still great?!?!"
"His intellect is thinner than spit on a slate rock.”
"90 percent of Republican state chairmen judge him guilty of 'simplistic approaches,' with 'no depth in federal government administration' and 'no experience in foreign affairs.'"
"His spontaneity with reporters and voters plays well but also gives him plenty of space to disgorge fantasies and factual errors so prolific and often outrageous that he single-handedly makes the word gaffe a permanent fixture in America’s political vernacular. He confuses Pakistan with Afghanistan. He claimed once that trees contributed 93 percent of the atmosphere’s nitrous oxide..."
"After all his gaffs, he doubles down on them instead of admitting he made a mistake."
"He's threatening to upend our treaties and relationships with our allies by demanding that they pay for their own defense!"
"Because of his gross factual errors he might take rash action and needlessly lead this country into open warfare!"
"He's racist, xenophobic, and fuels the fires of hatred!"
"You shouldn't take him seriously. He has a penchant for offering simplistic solutions to hideously complex problems and a stubborn insistence that he is always right in every argument.”
"The  rising turnout of his voters are not loyal Republicans or Democrats and are alienated from both parties because neither takes a sympathetic view toward their issues.” 
"He wears the disdain he draws from the GOP elites as a badge of honor. Henry Kissinger’s championing the other GOP candidate and attacking him are actually  helping him!" "The fact that he could be deemed a serious candidate for president is a shame and embarrassment for the country.”
The New Yorker observed that his appeal “has to do not with competence at governing but with the emotion he evokes... [He] lets people get out their anger and frustration, their feeling of being misunderstood and mishandled by those who have run our government, their impatience with taxes and with the poor and the weak, their impulse to deal with the world’s troublemakers by employing the stratagem of a punch in the nose.”
"His unpopular opponent presided over the current Iranian crisis... and a reeling economy, yet surely the Democrat will prevail over him."
"Is he Safe? …he shoots from the hip … he's over his head … What are his solutions?” 
"Voters want to follow some authority figure, — a leader who can take charge with authority; return a sense of discipline to our government; and, manifest the willpower needed to get this country back on track -- Or at least a leader from outside Washington,"
Sound familiar? You've heard this all about Donald Trump, right? Wrong!
Try Again. All this was said of Ronald Reagan in 1976 and 1980. Most of it BY OTHER REPUBLICANS, you know, the fat cat elitists, and Reagan turned out to be arguably one of the greatest presidents of the 20th Century. Amen!

Spin Zone / Football fairies
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:12:05 AM »
I hate it when pro football players do those fairy dances after a good play.

Spin Zone / How to help BLM achieve their goal
« on: September 03, 2016, 12:48:23 PM »
We should make it a Federal Hate Crime to murder a black person.  Each instance should be vigorously investigated and the perpetrator should be executed.

How would that play out in, say Chicago or Baltimore?

Spin Zone / Trump catches Hillary in polls
« on: September 02, 2016, 05:49:55 PM »
This is kind of like watching the stock market on a daily basis.
Up today.  Down tomorrow.

It seem to be that more people are becoming disgusted with Hillary than it is that they are leaning towards Trump.

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