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Topics - Little Joe

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Spin Zone / FEMA
« on: September 01, 2016, 06:04:43 AM »
I received this in a news letter from Congressman John Mica:

As Chairman of the US House subcommittee with responsibility for FEMA oversight, I traveled to the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area to review federal storm disaster recovery efforts.

 What I found was disappointing.  More than two weeks since floods hit Louisiana, only one family had been provided a FEMA modular unit.  This unit cost taxpayers more than $60,000 dollars and another $20,000 to move and set up.  With More than 123,000 forced out of their homes and tens-of-thousand without housing, there remains two thousand people in shelters, some of whom I met during my Oversight Committee site inspection.  In addition to shelter, bridges, highways, schools, public utilities and other infrastructure have sustained extensive damage and losses.  I told FEMA this is a pitiful response in providing aid and shelter to people trying to recover, and we must act to correct these problems immediately. 
Fortunately, citizens, charities and local governments are helping these courageous Americans.  Keep them in your prayers.
     Most respectfully,
     John L. Mica
     Member of Congress

Do we still depend on them for oil?  Can't we provide for all of our oil needs right here in North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)?

Do we have ANY friends over there?  I suppose we still have some semblance of friendship, or at least a tense cooperation with Israel.

But what do we get for all of our efforts in the rest of the M.E. besides their hatred?  It seems to me, they "allow" us to stage some of our forces over there so that we can defend them.  But what's in it for us?  Why do we try so hard to convince them to allow us to fight their war?

Is it guilt over the invasion of Iraq?  Is it a sense of "right"?  Do we think that after Al-queda, or ISIS or any of those other groups are going to invade us after they conquer the M.E.?

What do we get out of our involvement there?  What are we preventing?  What are we accomplishing?  Why are we still there?

These are not rhetorical questions.  There must be reasons that I am not comprehending.  Why can't we go back to the "walk softly and carry a big stick" strategy?  Why don't we agree to help and defend or friends (of which we seem to have very few of over there), but leave those that hate us to swim in their own toilet, unless they attack us.

Spin Zone / WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 27, 2016, 06:30:04 AM »

It's too early for me (late night).
What's going on here? Did the ONion hack the New Yorker?

Spin Zone / Hillary is better than Trump because . . .
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:50:33 AM »
Help me fill in the blanks here.

I'll start. 
1.  She is smarter.  (but is it smart to elect "smart evil")?  A large positive times a large negatives results in a VERY LARGE negative.

2.  She has more government experience.  (is that a + or a - )

Anything else?  I'm not looking for a list of Trumps (many) negatives.  I'm looking for a list of what people think is better about Hillary.

Spin Zone / Two cops shot in Baton Rouge
« on: July 17, 2016, 08:36:21 AM »

Spin Zone / Nice, France massacre
« on: July 15, 2016, 01:48:24 PM »
The perps name is Mohamed.

Anybody surprised?

And he didn't even us a gun.

Spin Zone / GOP can win the Senate
« on: July 14, 2016, 06:29:19 PM »
Senate Republicans have taken big leads in key battleground states, according to a new poll – suggesting the presence of Donald Trump at the top of the ticket may not be as damaging for congressional candidates as some party leaders feared

Democrats shrugged off the Senate polls, saying it was too far out to take too much from a poll
What else could they say?

I get two local newspapers.  One is very liberal.  The other makes sense.  ;)

Last week, the liberal paper had all kinds of write ups about how Clinton raised something like $32k in our county whereas Trump only raised $750 total (from two donors).  The conservative paper seemed to miss that story.

Today, the Conservative paper had a story about how Trump has moved ahead of Clinton in the latest polls.  The Liberal paper seemed to miss that story.

I have a feeling watching the election is going to be like watching a ping pong tournament that goes into break points.

Spin Zone / To Lucifer and Unit7:
« on: July 14, 2016, 07:22:11 AM »
How old are you two?  I'm guessing around 15.

Spin Zone / First Dallas, now Missouri
« on: July 09, 2016, 08:06:27 AM »

Regardless of whether the recent events where white cops shot black motorists was justifiable or not,

this is not the way to respond.  This WILL make things worse for blacks.  Much worse.

A full blown race war is not the way to fix things.   I Suggest following MLK's tactics.

Pilot Zone / KOSH parking
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:41:14 AM »
If I fly my Bonanza into OSH for the day (Monday) VFR,
Where on the field can I expected to be directed to park? 

Spin Zone / Question re: 2A
« on: June 27, 2016, 07:43:44 AM »
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Does "the people" mean anyone, including non-citizens, or even illegal aliens, or does id only apply to citizens?

What do you think it "should" mean?

Spin Zone / If the GOP denies Trump the nomination . . .
« on: June 19, 2016, 06:25:45 AM »
Who do you suppose they would nominate?

Would it be one of the "Good Old Boys"?

Might they choose some prominent businessman?  Some outstanding military officer?

Would they stand any chance at all of winning in November?

What kind of repercussions could we expect from such a move?

Spin Zone / Fifty killed in gun-free zone
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:32:44 AM »
Another tragedy.

I wonder what the toll would have been if even one or two other patrons had a gun.

Spin Zone / Not our problem; right?
« on: June 06, 2016, 07:25:39 AM »

Nineteen Iraqi Yazidi girls who refused to have sex with their Islamic State captors were placed in iron cages and burned alive in front of a crowd of hundreds in Mosul on Thursday, activists and witnesses say.

We should not be the World's policemen.  On the other hand, who should be?

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