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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: April 11, 2024, 05:27:42 PM »
An oldie but goodie:

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 04:55:56 PM »

I'm not going to defend the people in the public sector.  But what's wrong  with people in the private sector developing a technology that will make them richer? 

Nothing at all.  I'm a big fan of Elon Musk.  My problem is with the climate hoax tyrants and politicians who all try to force it on all of us against our will.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 09:50:25 AM »

I am totally against mandates, tax credits or penalties pushing EVs.  But I am just as staunchly against people that try to tell me I am the stupid one or a typical liberal because I think EVs have a future and that they would suit my situation and driving patterns perfectly.

I know you are.  I'm not one to think you're a liberal because you like your EV.  I have no problem with that if it fits your lifestyle.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 09:49:10 AM »
Ice vehicles are more likely to catch on fire than EVs.  And that is per 100,000 vehicles, not raw numbers.
Hybrids are even more likely to catch fire than either.  I'd provide a link but it would the link would just be criticized so I suggest you look it up on sites you do believe.

From crashes and stuff maybe, but I don't believe ICE vehicles are more likely to catch fire just sitting in the garage in the middle of the night for no reason. 

I accept the risk on the road. When kinetic, all vehicles are risky and I accept the risk vs the benefit of getting somewhere.  That risk is easily managed by me being a good driver. And not smoking like a stupid idiot while filling my tank. It's largely under your control.  EV batteries on the other hand go off randomly, so much so that some models even advise against keeping them in your garage, ever.  Park them out on the street.  Which means you can't charge them overnight, you have to charge them, unplug them, and move them outside before going to bed in the evening.

No thank you.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 08:01:34 AM »
Before whining about the anti EV crowd, look into how lithium batteries are polluting the environment.

What is funny is how desperate the EV crowd is to shut down dissent.

They are incredibly dangerous. One of our neighbors’ house burned down a few months ago, the fire department determined it was a battery in a weed eater or the like, in his garage.  Just went off, all by itself when nobody was around thank goodness, no one was hurt in the fire.  If it had happened in the middle of the night with everyone at home asleep, might have lost more than just their house and all their belongings. 

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 07:35:09 AM »
  The leftist communist are making rules through a federal agency (EPA) to force the transition to electric.   These rules although administrative have the force of law behind them and are unconstitutional.   But the regime doesn't care, just let the executive keep making laws and imposing them while the legislative looks the other way.

The EPA needs to be completely abolished!  They’ve ruined my washing machine, and my dishwasher, FUCK THEM and may they be damned into Hell!

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:31:39 AM »
Just because it is so simple and easy to charge an EV, it doesn't mean people will need to do it every day.  A 200 mile charge will last me over a week.Funny how the anti EV crowd has suddenly become a bunch of environmentalists.

I have no problem with EVs if you live in a city and never go nearly far enough in a day to need a charge. More power to you!  My beef isn't the environmentalism; it's the impracticality of using it for anyone not limiting their travel to 15 minute runs around the city, and the fact that the left is not keeping it voluntary but pushing mandates that we move to all electric. That's anti-free market authoritarianism, and it's based on a climate change hoax and the goal of the elite class to control all the rest of us.  That is a huge problem.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:23:53 AM »
Our neighbor works for a public utility district. He works directly to maintain our grid. He says it is not robust and they struggle to maintain it, much less expand it. Our area is one that is growing very quickly in population because we had a good thing going before the creeping liberal rot made its way from Seattle to us. But it is here. He says getting parts to maintain equipment and finding good employees have gotten more difficult. Vaccine mandates didn’t help. We saw during covid what even a small supply chain disruption could do.

Idiot governor Inslee is waging war on both natural gas AND internal combustion vehicles. New homes can’t be built that use natural gas. He is imposing ridiculous requirements with lofty, virtue-signalling and totalitarian policies that force everything (EVERYTHING) onto the electrical grid.

I ask you. Wouldn’t competent leadership move into using different sources of energy gradually, instead of forcing too-quick dependence on ONE source? In fact, ALWAYS having a variety of energy sources would be the best. But that’s exactly what “leadership” is not doing.

Someone is profiting from the manufacture of electric cars and batteries, and there is a corresponding and very tempting conduit of control that the electrical grid provides to those who want to control us. That’s not a conspiracy theory. The slavering quest for narrow energy dependence, because it IS unwise and crippling for human flourishing, is one of the big reveals of the rigged and corrupt system we’re living under.

Provide multiple energy sources, innovate, and let people decide which to use. Joe gets his EV and Jose and Maria get their 2002 Honda Accord. The web of transportation is stronger. But don’t skew hundreds of millions of dollars over onto making spots for a diminishing number of people (EVs are not practical and sales are declining) to plug cars into chargers. We have more important needs in this country.

My husband and I both worked for electric utilities, my husband up until he retired two years ago.  This country has a LOOMING electric grid reliability problem.  Not just the grid but ALL utilities and all forms of energy and all transportation and all infrastructure.  This is because the people who uphold and maintain all of this are largely older generation MALES, and they are retiring in droves. Yes women are majoring a bit more in engineering and sciences but not in nearly enough numbers to replace the old guys, and not in the boots on the ground work (skilled labor).  The young men are first of all, way fewer in numbers as the birth rate has crashed, and secondly, experiencing an epidemic of mental problems rendering them unable to do much but play video games in mom's basement or major in "journalism" in college.

There is such a brain drain in the energy industry that my husband was offered almost $250,000 a year to come back in an engineering management position but they wanted a 3 year commitment and he said fuck that, no way. 

Getting parts is a huge problem, because we simply don't make them in the U.S. anymore, we don't make our own steel, we don't make our own electronics.  There were big advantages to globalism like taking advantage of cheap labor overseas but the price we pay is loss of control over our own supply chain. Quality control is a HUGE problem. Anything made in China is suspect.

Plants and equipment are aging out and not being replaced.  The cheapest most efficient ways to generate electricity are being phased out by incredibly destructive leftist policies based on eliminating fossil fuels or hobbling nuclear generation with crushing regulatory requirements. The latter was a long term problem starting in the 80s or before.  I know, I worked at a nuke plant. It was like 90% suck the dick of the federal government and 10% actually get something accomplished.  (Excuse my graphic analogy, I've been listening to too much Styx, lol!)  If not for that we'd have a robust base of nuclear generation.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 04:09:59 AM »
After a couple years my phone’s battery only lasts half a day, in three years my hearing aid batteries were not charging half the time, my laptop battery crashed after four years.  Yeah I want a car powered by a rechargeable battery.    ::)

Spin Zone / Re: I have no taste.
« on: April 10, 2024, 07:25:18 AM »
Hahaha, you’d have recognized Sam Brinton!!! And told him to … (insert language).  ;D

Yep.  I think if it had been any man dressed as a woman and acting fruity I might have declined and not because I dislike drag queens or trans. As you know I’ve had them as friends.  But it is because I see the impulse to help a stranger by carrying something heavy as a very masculine thing.  Men do that sort of thing.  So if an effeminate male offered it, I would have been suspicious.  Not that women don’t also offer help to strangers but they do it in a nurturing way like the girls and the guy’s wife that helped you, not by hauling heavy things around. The fruity gays/trans/drag types have too much feminine energy, I wouldn’t have expected them to offer to carry my bag.  I could be wrong but the types I knew were always like, “Tee hee, I’m a girl.”  They’d be scared of bugs.

Spin Zone / Re: I have no taste.
« on: April 10, 2024, 06:15:03 AM »
Thanks everyone. It’s so easy to get doomy and gloomy about the world, but indeed good people are everywhere. We sometimes get down on young people but two high school girls came right over and helped me into my car to keep me warm, and brought napkins and pressed them on my head wound. They were asking me my husband’s phone number when the food truck guy’s wife came out and took that over, and took my phone and put her number in my contacts and said to keep her updated on how I was doing. She said the next time I came in for a Habayaki Burrito it was on the house. I texted her later with an update after the urgent care visit, and immediately my phone rang and we had a long conversation about how we all need each other. She loves her customers and had some good stories to tell.

When we got home we asked our neighbor Mike to take my husband over to pick up my car, and while they were gone his wife came over and insisted on massaging my feet. It was wonderful. She also texted frequently while I was healing, saying let’s go for a walk, which helped me overcome my fear of getting out there and falling again.

I think it’s important to realize how just a text, a short visit, anything really, can mean so much when you feel isolated or sidelined. We all need to be that person, that friend, that neighbor, that relative … who keeps contact going and helps if needed. I feel quite humbled.

Also, because I’m right handed, my husband has had to do all the cooking and cleaning up, and even tie my shoes. I’m learning a lot about him. But that’s for a marriage thread!  ;D

It is amazing how strangers will help.  I did the same thing once, tripped over the curb and fell down, but had no injuries, and people came over to help me up and ask if I was okay.

Once at DFW I had to get the Skylink but the up escalator was broken and I had to manually walk up the stairs and due to my bad hip I was having a lot of trouble and a man came up behind me and asked if he could carry my bag for me, and without thinking I let him.  He walked with it ahead of me up the stairs and left it up there for me.  Only then did I realize he could have just run off with it, you probably shouldn’t hand your luggage over to strangers at the airport.  What if it had been Sam Brinton, lol!

But he was just a stranger who helped someone he didn’t know and didn’t even seem to want a thank you, he went running off to get his tram before I even made it to the top of the stairs. It was a hit and run good deed, lol.

Spin Zone / Re: I have no taste.
« on: April 09, 2024, 06:29:27 PM »
Gosh Becky, you’ve been through the wringer!  Glad there were people there to help you and no, not a coincidence.  Hope the sense of smell improves.

Spin Zone / Re: Solar Eclipse
« on: April 09, 2024, 11:20:03 AM »
The Democrats keep electing stupid

For you non Twitter people, Sheila Jackson Lee says the moon is made up of gasses, and the sun is almost too hot to get near.  Unless that’s a deep fake video, because I can hardly believe anyone is that stupid.

LOL!  Scott Presler, ever the optimist, says, “This video gives hope that literally anyone can be elected to Congress.”  Hahaha!

Spin Zone / Re: Solar Eclipse
« on: April 09, 2024, 09:17:09 AM »
One of the twats on the view thinks mmgw caused the eclipse.

I doubt anything else needs to be said about the subject.

Intelligent humans should be able to see right thru her idiocy.

How is something that stupid even allowed to be broadcast?  Okay, freedom of speech I guess.

The eclipse is just the solar system and basic orbital mechanics. Are they not teaching that in school anymore?

Spin Zone / Re: Solar Eclipse
« on: April 09, 2024, 05:38:31 AM »
It was 91% where I am, and I wanted to see it, but I had a doctor appointment at 12:45, just after it began, and it was cloudy and raining anyway, so I resigned myself to missing it.

The doctor was done with me around the maximum at 1:45 and a few minutes later I walked outside. My car was only about 20 steps away, just a few seconds of walking from building to car.  It had stopped raining but the sky was still full of clouds and I looked up: Just then a large grey cloud moved to reveal what looked like a crescent new moon.  I stared right at it and as the mist further cleared I realized it wasn’t the moon but the crescent of sun behind the dark disc of the moon, also discernible, still through enough mist that it wasn’t bright enough to hurt my eyes but very clear and plain, and all surrounded by heavy grey clouds.  I looked at it about two seconds before another cloud covered it back up and it was gone. A few more steps to my car, we drove off and it started raining again.

It was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen.  No safety glasses, no pinholes in boxes, just perfect timing and no eye damage.  I will never forget it.  You can’t convince me that wasn’t a gift from God.  It’s like He pulled the curtain back just for me, and just for two seconds so as not to let me damage my eyes, just as I happened to look up in the short distance between the building and the car. 

Furthermore as we left the building (my husband was with me) we were delayed several seconds by an old lady with a walker who was in front of us and excruciatingly slow.  But we were patient and did not try to push past her.  If we had, the timing would have been off and I would have missed it.  My husband missed it anyway, he was busy unlocking the car and by the time I yelled at him about it, it was gone.

Maybe that was a lesson from God not to be impatient with slow old people.

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