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Messages - Jim Logajan

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Spin Zone / F to M bottom surgery and some discussion of IVF
« on: April 07, 2024, 09:13:07 AM »

So in the Dean Phillips thread I mentioned that Jordan Peterson now favors banning ALL transition surgeries, which my first reaction, as a libertarian (small “l”) is, no, if you’re an adult and you want this, no matter how stupid it is, go for it.  Just don’t make me pay for it.

After listening to just the first ten minutes of this, I’m starting to see where Peterson is coming from.  As long as the truth about these surgeries is suppressed, how can an adult make an informed decision?

Scott was 42 when he had the fake penis surgery.  Anyone would assume he was mature enough to understand and consent, and he was mature enough, but the medical community and media withheld information he needed for informed consent.  Yet another reason the First Amendment is so important.  In this case it is capitalist “greed” on the part of the gender reassignment industry that is to blame, but it is vastly enabled by the sick transgender activist movement which has wormed its way into the leftist ideological propaganda machine.  Without that part, the truth about these surgeries would quickly come into the open.

But the problem with simply banning these surgeries for everyone is that the right has the tendency to go to the extreme, making problems for people who aren’t the targets of the policy.  My biggest beef with the right at the moment is the movement to ban IV fertilization.  The issue is that the fertilized egg is now a full set of human DNA and in order to produce one live baby, you have to sacrifice a few more of the zygotes.  The right, being pro-life, considers this equal to abortion.

My objection to that characterization is that rather than subtracting a human life as the net result, which regular abortion does, you are actually adding a human life to the world by using this process, that otherwise would not exist.  Yes, you must create and then sacrifice one or more other zygotes to get one to survive, but in this case they are actually literally a “clump of cells”.  Unlike what they become just a few short weeks after implantation into a womb.  They are not differentiated cells; there is no central nervous system so no possibility of consciousness.  Yes they have a full set of human DNA but so does any one of your skin cells: that doesn’t make a discarded skin cell a “person” with a right to life.

I don’t like the idea of needing to make several zygotes to get one of them to grow into a baby, but that’s where the technology is right now.  I’ve heard conservatives suggest you should just make one and implant it, but they lack understanding of how this works.  If you try to do it that way the odds are you will need to make many attempts before you’re successful if ever, and women have a clock running out on their ability to carry a pregnancy. To me the goal is to make more babies. IVF is doing that. Leave it the hell alone.

I suspect that what’s got a bee in the bonnet of the conservatives against IVF is the fact that gay couples are now using it to have children.  To that I say, you are against abortion, so you are fine with a low IQ welfare mom in the ghetto having the unwanted baby who will grow up to be a criminal thug, but you have a problem with a gay couple who might be well off tax paying citizens having a baby.  I admit that’s not ideal:  I firmly believe children are best raised by one man plus one woman in a committed marriage.  But I’m talking about public policy and the unintended consequences.  The majority of IVF clients are heterosexual married couples with financial means. You ban abortion and IVF, you get fewer children of traditional straight couples, and more children growing up without fathers in poverty.

Anyway how this relates to gender surgeries, is if we were to ban these surgeries for adults, what about the soldier who had his junk blown off in war?  What about men with penile cancer who would like some sort of package approximation rebuilt?  Oh we can make exceptions for that; well that didn’t work out so well for banning the abortion pill. They made exceptions for miscarriage, but in the real world women ended up unable to get the pills to treat miscarriage because of doctors’ legal fears.  They had to let the dead baby rot inside them for a while and then undergo surgical removal.  This damages a woman’s ability to try for another pregnancy.  If the goal is to have more babies, and I think that should be the goal, we need to be very careful not to address these matters with a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel. 

I have the same reservation about Peterson’s proposal to ban transition surgeries for adults. But if I had to vote on it right now I might well vote to ban, but I prefer dismantling the whole grip the left and their sick ideologies have on society right now.

Spin Zone / Re: Years Late - CDC Releases Covid Vaccine Injury Reports
« on: April 06, 2024, 07:39:51 AM »
Government allows vaccines to be rushed to market, vaccine turns out to not be effective and/or has a lot of negative side effects, said government is footing the bill for vaccines and is attempting, through coercion, to mandate them.  One wonders why said government wants to suppress negative information.

Spin Zone / Re: Years Late - CDC Releases Covid Vaccine Injury Reports
« on: April 06, 2024, 07:01:30 AM »
VAERS has been around a long time, but all the sudden during the scamdemic it was deemed unreliable.   

It was always anecdotal and therefore somewhat meaningless.  Never meant to be a scientifically accurate set of data, but rather a collection point for all the perceived and real side effects of drugs so that they could then be addressed and studied. One of the results was the requirement that all “known” side effects be listed with any prescription drug you get, hence the completely useless mice type they give you listing dozens of every kind of woe you can imagine: headache, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue; the ever popular “anal leakage”, and so on and so forth.

That VAERS was ever reliable in the first place was the lie.  But it was at least a source of some data besides the formal studies that drug companies made of their own drugs, with the insane expectation that they would be unbiased.  And as Peter and Jim point out, even a good study has to account for the placebo effect.

The truth is we will never know the truth about the vaccine.  The truth has been hopelessly and permanently compromised.  There are only a few facts we know for certain:

1.  It causes myocarditis in young males (but so does covid the disease).

2.  It is not anywhere near 100% effective at stopping transmission.

3.  It does seem to lessen severity of disease in certain groups (the old and sick).

4.  It becomes less effective as the virus evolves.

5.  It is a massive money maker for the drug corporations.

That’s it. All the rest is speculation, conspiracy theories, or utterly muddled conclusions from incomplete data.  The speculations, conspiracy theories and muddled conclusions may be true.  They also might not be.  Probably some are and some are not or some are in a modified way. 

It’s reasonable to conclude that in certain groups the possible risks of the vaccine outweigh the benefits and therefore those groups should never receive it. Children and young adult males first and foremost.  Beyond that it should be the personal choice of every individual. Mandating the vaccine to keep your job or stay in the military or for children to go to school, for a disease that we quickly figured out had a death rate not much worse than influenza is deplorable authoritarian overreach made possible by portraying a flu-like illness into a terrifying monster so the public would be frightened into accepting these mandates.

However, making the vaccine into a similar horrifying monster is also not helpful.  There are men now who refuse to consider marrying a woman who has had the vaccine because of the belief the vaccine is “in her DNA” and will contaminate her children.  Is banishing someone who has had the vaccine any different from banishing someone who has not?  Extremism on both sides. 

This whole thing needs to go away.  Get out of our collective minds. Covid has become just a bad cold. The vaccine and boosters need to go away now and we need to put this whole catastrophe behind us.

What we need to do now is make sure it never happens again. Not the pandemic, there will be other pandemics, but allowing government to use a pandemic for a power and money grab, to force us out of our jobs, destroy our businesses, damage the supply chain, lock us into our homes, arrest us for walking on the beach, and fix an election with unvetted mail in ballots.  That is the real threat, not anecdotal side effects of the vax.

Maybe we are now too complacent and pussified to make sure this never happens again.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Easter!
« on: March 31, 2024, 08:05:51 AM »
Tranny Visibility Day!!

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: March 23, 2024, 08:25:36 AM »
Now you know why physicists never get invited to parties.

Or laid very often.

Spin Zone / Getting To Know Each Other - Part Two - The Sequel
« on: March 13, 2024, 12:35:04 PM »
My family earned poverty the hard way.

We were poor white trash.

Our family was known as the really poor family in the neighborhood, but we always ate even it wasn't enough, or nutritious.

My father was brutally disabled and my mother was illiterate.

You do what you do to survive and we all but one made it to adulthood. The baby was killed before he turned six.
It left my mother a husk, barely functional.

There was only one way out for people like us. Education was number two in importance, but work - hard work - came first.
We both (my older brother and me) studied as hard as possible and graduated ahead of almost everyone else. It wasn't enough to win any scholarships,
but when I took the military aptitude tests I did so well, it kind of helped me get assigned to training that would help me
in my career after the military.

The service offered the GI Bill in those days and it became the end all - be all for me and my older brother. The idea of a military
career never once entered my mind. I wanted the GI Bill and a chance out of the cycle of poverty that trapped most of the rest of my
loved ones.

My older brother chose the Army and communications as his desired field. He was exposed to tremendous radiation and spent the rest of his shortened life fighting cancer. It is my hope that his troubles were
caused by the fact that we didn't know enough about shielding in those days, and not because he was not important enough to protect.

Once my obligation was complete, I went straight to night school four nights a week and worked two, or three jobs during the day. Eventually (in my 40's)
I went back to graduate school and survived... barely.

Dated infrequently and married the second woman I dated more than once, or twice. We intend to stay married forever. So far - so good.

Dreamed of flying since I was 8 and didn't have a prayer of finding enough money to go with the boy scouts to Oshkosh and volunteer there.
It was Boys Life magazine, of all things, that ran a long feature of Oshkosh and got me started. Once that fire sparked to life, nothing could stamp it out for me.

Some think I came by my grumpiness because of my childhood, but that is not the case. Lots and LOTS of people were just as poor and struggled just as much.
There was nothing unique about my experience.

I HATE dealing with lazy, entitled, assholes. For your edification, I couldn't care less about your voter ID, your sexual peculiarities, or your skin color. If you are sincere about
living up to your obligations, raising the children you made, and paying your own way, I am all for giving you a hand up. If not, then fuck you.

I mean that in the most non-biased way.

Anyone else want to play?

Spin Zone / Re: Question:
« on: February 06, 2024, 07:14:43 AM »
The problem you have, petey, is you think your pathetic attempts to sound superior and better informed actually fool anyone except other egotistical assholes, trying to cover their leftism by inserting bullshit.

As far as your keyboard warriors complaint, you have played that card so many times it sounds like a broken record, but it's all you have, so you keep pretending that it's all you need.

If your infinitesimal points matched your enormous ego you would already know that pretentiousness doesn't equal substance.

The world is full of demanding, little, men, playing at pretending to be tough warriors of unquestionably useless opinions.

...and for the record, demanding a wager to 'prove' your intellectual bravery makes you sound like a sexually insecure seventh grader threatening smaller children for their lunch money.

If you can't decide if you're queer or straight, try therapy instead of false bravado.

I will neither support nor dispute your charges of Pete’s pretentiousness or egotism, nor do I know who is right in the matter of the proposed wager, but in the matter of bravery, I will assert that he backs up his intellectual position on at least one subject with action that in my opinion indeed requires courage.

Spin Zone / Re: Pet Tax?
« on: February 05, 2024, 07:40:40 PM »
Let me tell you how it will be
There's one for you, nineteen for me
Cos I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all
Cos I'm the taxman, yeah I'm the taxman

If you drive a car, I'll tax the street
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet

Cos I'm the taxman, yeah I'm the taxman

Don't ask me what I want it for (Aahh Mr. Wilson)
If you don't want to pay some more (Aahh Mr. Heath)
Cos I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

Now my advice for those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
Cos I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

And you're working for no one but me

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 13, 2024, 08:00:30 AM »
Every time the media or a democrat uses the word "democracy", simply change it to "The State" and everything goes into sharp focus.

CNN: President Joe Biden commemorated January 6 as a day of American infamy, marking the third anniversary of the 2021 insurrection with a call for Americans to join him in defending The State from former President Donald Trump, who by comparison has promised to pardon the insurrectionists.

Biden:     This gathering has been on my mind for a long time for a simple reason: In the face of sustained and alarming challenges to The State, universal human rights, and — all around the world, The State needs champions.

I have never in my life understood why American Jews support Democrats.

I once asked Steingar that question and to the best of my recollection he said something like because the Jewish people feel strongly about taking care of those in need and that fits with the Democrat policies around safety nets for the poor, or compassion for those less fortunate or something along those lines.

That makes complete sense when you’re talking about sincere Democrats that actually are altruistic. But I don’t believe the Democrats in power (the likes of Biden, Pelosi, AOC, etc.) give two shits about people less fortunate. 

This is also the basis of leftist economic ideology (socialism, communism) where the more productive and more fortunate share and take care of the unfortunate.  This necessitates a system without private property rights.  This kind of system works well on the family and tribal level, and the Jewish people have considered themselves a closed “commune” if you will (such as not marrying outside their circle).

The trouble is, this kind of system doesn’t work at all at the nation state level, or for purposes of allocating resources between small groups or tribes.  For that you need trade, and for that you need private ownership of property and goods and a profit motive. The Jewish people are actually quite good at that, rising in the ranks of wealth in capitalist systems but retaining their compassionate idealism in how they vote.  This sounds hypocritical but it may be less hypocrisy than simply generational habit, much like blacks got stuck in multi-generational loops of voting Democrat.  They may feel they’re doing their part to take care of the poor by voting for leftist policies.

People who vote for leftist wealth redistribution policies come in two basic types: those who use a cloak of fake compassion to gain power for themselves, and those who actually believe policies such as welfare help people but are too stupid and/or uneducated to understand that in reality it has the opposite effect, or, are smart and educated but have certain blind spots. 

Jews on average (particularly the Ashkenazi) have higher intelligence than the U.S. average and so like all people with higher IQs fall prey to thinking they actually are more enlightened, and then they go to universities and get brainwashed with leftist ideology that has been taking over our universities since the 1950s.  Having a high IQ allows you to structure complex mental models of how the world “should” work, but doesn’t actually mean you are right and that they would in fact work in the real world.  All you have to do is be wrong about one of your basic premises and your entire theory falls apart. 

Leftists have one or more blind spots with their basic premises.  One of them is that the size of the economic pie is fixed.  Another is that what works on the family level can work at the nation state level. 

Yet another, and possibly the most insidious, is thinking that one’s action on a problem has only the effect you intend, when in reality your action changes the behavior of the subject and so can backfire and have the opposite effect you wanted. Providing safety nets from starvation lowers motivation to work and be productive, and ends up perpetuating and growing the problem rather than solving it.

Foreseeing unintended consequences is a talent few people possess, even those with high intelligence. Lawmakers miss the boat on that one in nearly everything they do.

Spin Zone / Re: A bit of hope, and live stream sex acts
« on: December 30, 2023, 02:10:35 PM »
I was hoping for a different kind of post.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 27, 2023, 08:19:30 AM »
   Smears.   Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.   This is the media complex and their attempt to paint anything conservative as evil.

   The FJB regime is doing this with "MAGA".

Kind of like spending $25MM branding DeSantis as establishment.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 24, 2023, 03:33:48 PM »
I can give you our mailing address....

We have “hard sauce” on the mincemeat which is a concoction of butter, powdered sugar and brandy.  Or whiskey.   I don’t even want to think about how many carbs are in that stuff nevermind the pie.

Spin Zone / Some good election news
« on: November 08, 2023, 06:32:56 PM »
We worked hard on a campaign for Port Commissioner and our candidate just won! The Port runs the airport and was running it into the ground with woke, stupid decisions. They stopped helping host events at the airport to bring life to it. They balked at everything good in aviation.  They ran the Port into big debt. They fell for green energy grifting companies that later disappeared. They turned away a turbine repair company because it would be too noisy! Idiots and woke narcissists all, from the manager to two of the commissioners on the three-person board.

But a few years ago we also campaigned for that third commissioner and she won! But she kept pretty quiet until we could get our guy on there. Now we have an aviation majority!

We’re pretty thrilled. I bet the Port manager is getting her resume together. She’ll never survive with all that real energy and capability on the commission. The coolest thing is that the guy who just won tonight was the Port manager for 17 years and the current creeps forced him out. He retired, and now can visit karma on them all.

Spin Zone / Re: The EV fantasy
« on: October 04, 2023, 07:03:34 AM »

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