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Messages - invflatspin

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It's as if our nation as a whole has reached some zenith of Mazlowian needs being satisfied. I can only think of Nero and the satiating of his fetishes as there was no higher calling than the supplication of all wants, desires, and the ability to go through life with zero conflict.

Many seem to seek out, and to exaggerate to the Nth degree any microscopic bump in their day/life. We even have a new word for it - 'microaggression' which places the blame on the one who is standing for common societal rights. Like privacy, and personal property. How DARE people who are both wealthy and conservative have an equal voice to the wealthy on the left? How DARE a person with historical moral values want to maintain them in public? don't the conservatives know that their brand of rectitude and honest beliefs cannot and will not be tolerated? They must bend, they must stretch, they must remove barriers to social advancement.

There is no room or allowance for grading people based on their contribution anymore. All personal contribution is bad, and all social engineering will be the order of the day. And if one disagrees, we will make a LAW and see that it is followed. Can't compete in organized effort for an outcome/goal? No matter, you get a prize anyway, just for showing up, and setting down your gameboy for 10 minutes. Some white male said 'no' to you? Well, that is just not allowed anymore. Progressivism is only about 'yes', no matter what the question, and most specifically if the person asking is a minority. I want your job. YES! I want your office. YES! I want your Beemer. YES! I want your house. YES! I want to be prez. YES! Contribution? Dedication? Effort? Hard work? Bah - those are 19th century thinking. Take that shit somewhere else. This is about me DEMANDING that I'm equal to you in everything, and you accepting it. Got it?

When we have reached this point, and gone one step beyond there is going to be a realignment. Oh yes, very much so. The 2016 election was the turd in the progressive punch bowl. And they - will - not - stand - for - it!

Well, come on, lets get it over with. Do your thing, light the fuse, get it out in the open and bring it. This will not be the 1860s, and you will not have a weak, and backward enemy. We are well armed, well supplied, well led, and well fed the f**k  up motivated. I'm so ready to 'reorient' a few progs on my way to a better place.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 19, 2017, 10:08:11 AM »
As for the Trump angle, I'm pretty sure he's fit to be tied with congress. He can't unilaterally declare ACA defunct. It was legally written by congress, passed by congress, signed by the exec, and even gone through judicial review. So all three hands of govt have validated it. the only mechanism now for removal of ACA is either congress repealing, or SCOTUS invalidating. Frankly, with Gorsuch on the bench I would find one of the more onerous features of ACA and put it before the bench again. I would much prefer a judicial solution which wipes it out completely than a watered down republican 'solution' which retains all the junk parts of the law(mandatory enrollment), and gets rid of the smaller elements that are less glaring.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 19, 2017, 08:47:27 AM »
If I'm the goofball that said health care is a free market, then I guess that's on me(I didn't say that, or imply it). However, exactly what I SAID was: Efficient markets happen constantly. Also, they happen in every industry, but to a lesser degree in markets which are heavily manipulated.

In case it wasn't clear by context in the 'why govt can't fix health care' thread - I will say clearly the US health care market is heavily manipulated. (kind of surprised that this even needs to be said - duh)
Along with:

But dereg the health care industry, get the feds out of it to a very great extent and I will guarantee you that prices will go down. Also for your example of prescription drug prices? What would happen, does one suppose if ALL the fedguv investment in drug reimbursement went away?

Since there is some confusion on what was said and implied let me make it crystal clear;

1. Health care is NOT NOW a free market.
2. Health care COULD move toward an efficient market, through a dereg mechanism.
3. That dereg may want to consider the airline industry model, modified to suit the specific needs of health care in the nation.
4. I will guarantee that if health care is dereg AND decoupled from fedguv spending, that prices will go down, options will improve, care will be better, and patient lives overall will improve.

Yes, that's a bold statement to make(4) but I am confident that it would happen. Consumers are the best consumers of price and value. The govt is almost surely, and very likely the WORST consumers of price and value. Eventually, we might get to a problem like airlines where cost is the driving factor, and customer service suffers. However, lets not forget that there is always first class, or business class with nearly all airlines(Spirit exempted), and that while the customer experience with airlines is forced to a cattle-call level, it is what the airline consumer has chosen.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 18, 2017, 05:52:52 PM »

No, I'm talking about the bureaucracy inside hospitals and other private institutions. Yes, IN THEORY basic economics implies they should shrink, as @lnvflatspin has stated. I'm skeptical it will happen because I've never seen that happen, either in government or in private industry.

Execute me again, but not at all theory. In practice. Efficient markets happen constantly. Also, they happen in every industry, but to a lesser degree in markets which are heavily manipulated.

Frex; When I was in the Army in the mid-70s, and I wanted to go home from BWI to SAN it cost me $366.76 R/T. That was in 1970s dollars. FF to airline dereg and I just got a price on Cactus for $343 in 2017 dollars. Why is there no PanAm today? How can a company like Spirit exist?

BTW the 2017 cost of my flight to Sandy Eggo would be $1667.64.

Skepticism is a good thing. I'm all for it. But dereg the health care industry, get the feds out of it to a very great extent and I will guarantee you that prices will go down. Also for your example of prescription drug prices? What would happen, does one suppose if ALL the fedguv investment in drug reimbursement went away? Really, this is econ 101, second night of class kind of stuff. I would expect a graduate level matriculated person to grasp this - but, well, gee.....?

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 18, 2017, 03:29:43 PM »
I often like to compare things to the Internet, which is more or less the wild, wild west.

If the govt RAN the internet:
1. Max speed at a home would be about 14.400 Baud (google it if you don't know).
2. You would need to have a 12 character logon with a crazy password just to get on a server.
3. Prices would be by the Kb. Prolly about $3 per 10Kb or so.
4. The rules and regs for use of the Internet would fill 4 large binders.
5. Every citizen would be required to keep their browsing record, and have it avail for viewing by the IP(internet police) within 24 hours notice.

No, I'm not kidding.

I don't have any liberals around where I am, but I have lived in many prog liberal strongholds. Sometimes I try to put myself in the mind of the liberal in the fall of 2016. We ultra-right anarchistic folk had a good laugh at things like 'basket of deplorables', because we hear it - and it doesn't process. So - since it was said by a major, significant public figure, usually our brain processes it as if were a joke, or a throw-away line. However,,, after a time some of us get to hearing, and investigating, and researching the background and come to an epiphany. She - was - not - joking! More to the point, there are millions of liberals out there with the mindset, and the programming that was just reinforced by the Head Of The Party, that anyone who is not in liberal group-think - really is a deplorable person!

In other words, this line - which is so casually dismissed by the far-right, and some moderate right folk is mainstream thought and opinion in liberal-land. Once I realized that she was serious I was gobsmacked. There is a huge voting block who not just agrees with this loon, but actually considers their opposition to be an entire population made up of mouth-breathing, Neanderthals. It was a real shock to understand that deep down, the liberals see much of fly-over country, and all of Texas as a vast waste of flesh. Enlightening.

Then on that fateful night, late into the wee hours, when the Enlightened Easterners on the tube had to call it for Trump, it also began to sink in that the left is going to be not just upset - but furious! First off, they were beaten. And, if that weren't enough of a shame and shock they were beaten by -- TRUMP?!?!?!? C'mon, this was in the bag. Lead pipe cinch. Money in the bank. Picking out cabinet members, and the WH china pattern for the libs. HOW could the nation reject them(her)? It is not possible.

Which leads us to Trump Jr debacle. There's absolutely nothing on Donald J. Trump, president of the entire US. He's in the clear, golden, clean as the proverbial whistle. The dems can shout Russia, collusion, conspiracy, Putin, etc until they are out of breath. Sadly for them, as a wise man once said 'there is no there, there'. And the tiny brains, finally reaching the further reaches of middle of the 10 stage grief program have gone from shock to anger, and resentment. They lash out. Anything is fair game. Wife, kids, hair, skin color(particularly shameful), speech patterns, lexicon, age, infirmity, mental acuity, etc. ANYTHING not related to federal public policy is open season.

A 20 minute meeting by the son and ex-campaign manager with some offshoot Russian who lured the son of the candidate in with some offer of sleaze becomes their beacon of hope! A ray of light, a potential crack in the armor. As if this 20 minute meeting, which was right in the office of one of the staff, not in some dark alley, where no money and very little info changed hands, by an unregistered lobbyist is now the holy grail of the liberals. They have a cause! They have purpose! they have RIGHT on their side! All the digging, all the hours, all the effort and finally; We - Have - Our - Watergate!

But wait. Hold on. Watergate was a criminal case. Laws were broken. Evidence(I mean real evidence) was gathered. People committed crimes, for which they were punished, and it led right to the top. Some day, but not soon a few liberals are going to realize that the meeting with Natalia and the other ex-GRU guy with some of the campaign staff is not Watergate. It's not even any-kind-of-gate. But not all of them will realize it. Much of the nation will have been inculcated that Trump Jr and Manafort got away with criminal conspiracy to commit a fraud, or obstruct justice, or some other matter. A lot of the nation, and much of the world will be under the delusion that Trump Jr is some kind of crook, and he got away with 'it'(whatever the 'it' can be).

I'm signing off of this thread. A few pages back I realized that I was falling into the trap of all the rest of the public discourse. I'm actually advancing the media presence of the cause of liberals to cast doubt, and shadow on a good man, with a good reputation, trying to do good work for his father. I will continue to rail at the exposure of the LIES from the left, such as "evidence shows" but I'm done keeping the awareness of this nothing burger in the public discourse. Y'all can go on without me from here, because this is the most egregious case of mountains from molehill I've ever seen.


"ICA 2017 01"

On this gruel one is expected to "convict" Trump?

Just - I just don't know what to say. It really pains me to think that there are people in the US who actually believe the stuff in that report, just because it has a couple of official looking seals on the front of it, and a lot of official verbiage surrounding the, well I was going to say 'meat' of the article, but there is no meat there. There is certainly no "evidence", there is no 'testimony' there is no smoking gun, no smoke, no gun, no nothing but pages and pages and pages of 'we assess with confidence that so-and-so wrote something nasty about Clinton, and that helped Trump. So neener-neener.'

Jeezalou if this is a briefing that was provided by any arm of the US govt, then we are(were) surely doomed. It reads like National Inquirer sourced stuff.

Does it bother anyone that this report was compiled after the election, and published just DAYS before inauguration? Apparently this stuff was going on as far back as winter and spring of 2016, and it's published Jan 6th? O-M-F-G. Red flag liberal? Even a patina of concern how this blew up from Nov 8 to Jan 6th? Gee, what happened during that time? Bueller?

Well, all I can say is Trump is in the clear on this whole 'collusion' mishigoss. Now I know why he's basically ignored it(until is boy was caught up with the fickled finger of accusation). This is the biggest nothing burger of the century. The media, and all the - ahem, 'intelligence' arms in the report should be completely gutted for incompetence. I want my wasted hour back.

It is factual that he has no political experience. The world stage is a tough place to cut your teeth, and Putin is a cunning and formidable geopolitical opponent. I'm not sure why it's far-fetched to think that Putin may see that as an advantage for him.

Whether that was enough to want to him to win over Hillary, who knows. They were both terrible candidates, so I think Putin jumps for joy either way.

As you may be unaware, the framers of this nation absolutely wanted to avoid a political 'class'. They worked during a time when the British monarchy was in full bloom(even though there was a parliament of course), and the French aristocracy was also in ascendancy. A careful reading of the constitution will show that the actual power and  duties of the president are shamefully small. Which is why so many of our execs rely on 'executive orders' to manipulate the population.

A careful reading of the Federalist papers outline the struggle that nearly all of the framers had with grandiose presidential powers, and how to limit or even eliminate most of them. There was even a faction that postulated a govt without a head of state. Everything would be done by several committees and they would haggle like fish-wives over legislation. That did not advance too far.

Not widely commented on but the framers didn't even give the president a standing army. Yes, we have a duly constituted navy, but the power of a standing army was too great to entrust to a president who could turn it on his own nation should things get dicey. Which of course led to - the 2nd amendment(which BTW guarantees all the other amendments). So we have an army now, but we also have one of the strongest, and most widely respected posse-comatatus laws in the world. Added to that, the states were not stopped from raising the National Guard(mis-labelled as they are actually the states military) under the authority of the various governors.

So, isn't it interesting that Trump - a landed, well educated, and 'man of the people' represent us as prez? He is the prototypical match for what the framers had in mind. BO? Never had a job outside of govt. Bush? Father was a pol, brothers are pols, family got rich in cattle and some oil spec. Bill Clinton, prefessional pol, Hilary Clinton, private lawyer for a while, then wife of a pol, then pol, then shrew, toss in crook, liar, cheater, and thief along the way.

I'll take my amateur who's main interest is in MAGA, rather than a professional leach who's primary goal is to increase the power, and wealth of the political class. Drain the swamp.

New report out that the meeting also had an ex-GRU turned American there as well. This piece of the puzzle may get Jr tossed out of the WH, and relegated to running a Trump golf course in PR. It was stupid of him not to get it ALL out there when the question first came up. This kind of drag-it-out by pieces is what looks very baaaaaaaaad. If I was POTUS, I would put Trump Jr in front of congress, swear him in, make him answer EVERY question then when they are done, he's off to assistant press officer in S Africa or something. Stop trying to HELP, because you aren't.

Spin Zone / Re: NYT just can't let it go
« on: July 13, 2017, 12:30:26 PM »
The death of our ambassador was caused by an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with.
The only emails on there were personal, like for yoga class, and Chelsea's birthday party.
I deplained under enemy gunfire.
My 10,000% profit on commodities market was due to studying the WSJ.
I turned over all my work related emails(under oath)
My attorney and I went over every email, there was no classified marked material there(under oath)

Spin Zone / Re: Lack of weed makes NV declare state emergency
« on: July 13, 2017, 12:10:13 PM »
Well, ectually, the way it should work from a legal standpoint is an equivalent law repealing the previous laws on prohibition. To make a product 'legal' to sell which once was legal, through absence of legislation, and then made illegal is a mockery of republican form of govt, bordering on mob-rule(democracy).

The law in NV is as idiotic as all other pot laws. Legal here, not legal there, legal for this guy, but not that guy, casino no, liquor store yes(some). Jeezalou....

McCain is the worst scum. I am ashamed that he's a veteran, and a republican. Nothing McCain has ever done for the US in uniform is worth all the damage he's caused. Nothing.

Pilot Zone / Made a runway? Need advice, will update if I start one
« on: July 06, 2017, 11:34:23 AM »
OK, here's my only outlet for aviation so we'll get this started here.

I bought 40 Ac in N New Mexico with the intent to build my own personal runway. the land is laid out nicely in an E/W orientation so that I can get 2600' from end to end, and have a runway of 2400' with 100' overrun on each end. The land is mine, there is a cabin on it already, and it's generally flat with no obstructions on either end. New Mexico is pretty aviation friendly, and I'm in unincorporated rural location and the county is silent on private landing strips(there are regs for the two public landing fields in the county). I have a billion questions, but the main focus will be on construction. 

The land is what I would call hardscrabble or heavy gravel with small pinion pine, and tough scrub bushes around 1-3' tall. There are no trees, river courses, or other obstructions that I will need to solve, but here's my plan for grading and filling.

1. Use my tractor with a 5 tine grapple drag to pull up the pinion and scrub bushes including much of the surface roots. I can't go deeper than about 5" with the grapple drag because I only have 52HP tractor, and it won't dig any deeper unless I want to do multiple passes(I don't). This will need to be cleared from 2400x25' for the main runway surface. The burnable stuff will be piled to be burned in several segments along the side of the runway. I now have a rough, but clear surface to work with.

2. Use the 3 point landscape rake down the rough to move any rocks, and debris from the center outward in each pass so that I have 25' of gradable base, with rocks and debris to the two edges of the new runway surface.

3. Use a road grader over several passes to take out the dips and bumps, just as if it were a roadbase. Will need several passes I'm sure. Also, will work from edge to center and do about a 3deg crown, moving dirt into the center.

4. Use road grader with a steep blade angle on the edges creating a deep berm at the edge, and move dirt toward the center of the runway. May take several passes to make a nice deep trench on each edge.

5. Tractor with a blade to dump the rocks and debris from the offside edge and dump into the deep berm. Make sure all rocks and debris are below surface.

6. Go back with the grader, and move dirt over the rocks, stabilizing the edges of the runway, while preserving the 5-6deg crown.

7. Final smoothing with grader. Will take at least 5 passes, more likely 7. Lots of grading to make smooth.

8. Roll from edge to center with compacting 3 point roller filled with water.

9. Maintain with grader to repair any water trenches.

If you have actually made a runway, or are maintaining a gravel or even sod runway, I would like to get advice on anything I missed. This goes for anyone who is familiar with making roads, roadbase, race tracks, etc would be helpful.

I want to go on record saying - I am ok with that. ^^^

More than ok, I heartily approve.

Like clown posing with a hot blonde at a memorial for a dead civil rights leader?

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