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Messages - invflatspin

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Spin Zone / Re: UN court orders the US....
« on: October 03, 2018, 08:48:42 AM »
Trump has made some noise about that, but there is a lot of political capital involved in the UN. We have to pay our friends and enemies for some reason. If I were at the helm, I sure would be sending out bills. For those who don't pay, lock the doors on them and keep them standing outside on the curb until the bills are paid. I'm pretty sure everyone would pay up quick, because none of the pols want to be sent back to the shithole they represent.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 28, 2018, 06:46:36 AM »
Simply put, if the ABA is for it - I'm 100% against it. If the ABA had been against the FBI investigation - I would be all for it.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:58:57 PM »
I hate this kind of shit in the well of the US senate. Really boils my hide.

Spin Zone / Re: #I give up
« on: September 26, 2018, 07:59:45 AM »
Nov 6 2016 was truly a watershed day for me. More than likely greater than most others affected by Trump's win. In Jan 2016 we went to Belize to reconnoiter the place. We stayed in nice hotels, and did some diving and some tourist stuff, but I also rented a car, and went looking at the interior, did some land evaluation, talked to the local cops, and a mayor or two. I was getting ready to put some money down on a house there, and wanted to be sure we had full time power and water avail as I didn't want to get too native if we had to move.

In March we did the same thing in Grand Cayman. I got real close to buying a nice piece of land over on the North Beach area, with spitting distance to a small boat ramp and dock. By June, we'd decided on Cayman over Belize due to the nature of the Belize govt, and their lack of care outside of Belize city. I had an option on the land in Cayman, and by early Sept we were getting ready to close.

Unlike all the noisy angry libs who promised to move to Canada if Trump were elected, I was not kidding around. I was NEVER going to live under Hillary, and if it cost me some in lost funds, and living abroad most of the year - so be it. Cayman was a nice place, and I could visit the US easy enough. Also S America, and of course EU.

Something in Sept made me pause. I was tuned in pretty well to the election coverage, and the libs were starting to sound just a bit too frantic. Each 'poll' that came out showing Hillary ahead by 3 points, or 5 points, or 9 points or something was just a bit to staged, a bit too relieved by the left. Something - was amiss in lib-land.

So, I waited, and let the option expire in mid Oct and said - lets just ride this out, and see what we will see. I can go back and make another deal later, but hold off and let things play out. As we all know, it was a clean sweep. I stayed up all night, and with each passing state, each passing hour I just relaxed and knew that I didn't have to pull up stakes, and turn our lives upside down. We were gonna be fine. 37 Governors, 31 state houses, 52 senators, plenty of HR members, and we were gonna have a new conservative SCOTUS in a few months.

Now, I see things like the reversal of the idiotic climate lies, and tightening of border controls, the blocking of angry muslims coming in to the US, #walkaway, economy booming, intl crime down, and some frustration on the faces of what used to be our 'friends' around the world who have been using us like toilet paper for decades. I'm actually upbeat. I'm happy and seeing progress. Of course, there are still mountains to climb, and the colleges are one of those places that need a good laundering. But I thing the US has turned a corner, and is getting healthy again. I'm not shopping for a place to bolt anymore. I have gained confidence, and feel great about our future.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 25, 2018, 07:03:35 AM »
Her background as a virulent anti-President Trump activist, using her cover as an academic to pretend that we should believe whatever vomits from her pie hole because she is so (an steigar says) deserving. Then the circus erupts around her as pathetic losers (progressive democrats) appear to throw a party of lies and hatred, just to hurt someone because their hand picked, corrupt lesbian pig lost the election.

Once avenetti showed up it was like this whole thing was scripted months ago to do the most damage possible, just like against Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas an now Justice Kavanaugh.

The modern democrats (communists) are the most divisive, hateful, dishonest, bunch of trash in the history of America and that includes Diana Chrysler and Benedict Arnold.

I think you are probably pretty accurate here. The holding of the letter from Ford by Feinstein reeks of strategic mayhem. I've heard around the beltway they even have an aphorism for it. Called being 'Borked'(as in, a smear concocted for the simple purpose of destroying a career). I don't know that it went back to Avennati, but he's sure tossed his grenade in where-ever he can.

Spin Zone / Re: "dregs of society"
« on: September 23, 2018, 11:20:11 AM »
I don't agree that historically important statues should be torn down either, but chanting "Jews shall not replace us" and other racist slogans vs. protesting racism and anti-semitism on the same moral plane? Seriously? We must live in parallel universes, you and I.

My impression was that the protests got violent when a large group of neo-nazis surrounded a smaller group of student counterprotestors who were standing near one of the statues. I have no idea who threw the first punch, but to me, a larger group surrounding a smaller group is clearly a threatening move. And James Fields, who allegedly drove the car that killed Heather Heyer, was I believe part of the Unite the Right demonstration.

At the risk of being grouped with the neo-Nazi's etc, I would like to point out a few things. Unite the Right applied for, and was given a permit for their rally. Notwithstanding their platform, speeches, or the values they hold, if the city of Charlottsville is going to have a permit process for freedom of speech, then it's on them to abide by the rules of the judge who sided with the rally supporters and did the right thing within the letter of the law.

The counter-protesters never bothered to get a permit(it would have been denied anyway) for the same day, time and location. Therefore - if the rules are to be applied without bias, it was the counter-protesters who were in violation of multiple city ordinances. The counter-protesters should have been dispersed, or arrested, but the city decided to make a political 'statement' and not enforce the rally/permit/gathering ordinances against the liberal counter-protesters. What did they think was going to happen?

The city, and police want a totalitarian authority over free speech then take control of YOUR representative public and exercise appropriate authority and disband the counter-protesters. BTW, aside from the MSM events, most of the reports from those on the ground at the rally site the counter-protesters with throwing trash, feces, and plastic bottles. They also linked arms around the statute that they wanted torn down(yes, they really did) when they were confronted by the Unite The Right who wanted to preserve it.

Again, I'm not supporting the neo-Nazis, however I think they had the US best interest in preserving our history. As those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So, let the loud-mouth idiots have their rally, if the opposing side shows up without a permit, exclude them, or as needed, arrest them for disorderly conduct. Notwithstanding the position of both sides.

Spin Zone / Re: Climategate, hockey stick authors emails soon to be unmasked
« on: September 22, 2018, 01:42:16 PM »
Nice that you discount the work product even before you see it. I guess that's somewhat telling in itself. I suspect we're going to see plenty of posturing within the climate community to impugn and denigrate anyone who doesn't follow the MMGW target. As an academic if this doesn't bother you, then you've become part of the problem. If my years of work product were to be cast aside for pure political theater, and having govt spend billions on a ponzi scheme through falsification of data and results - I would be FURIOUS. But - that's me.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 18, 2018, 06:35:57 AM »
Not so fast on that one.....

Having been through this, you have to know how to read the docket. The judge DID approve the sale on docket 5 of 8/13. She then issued a stay at the behest of the debtors for 30 days to get new financing. This is common for people who are behind on their mortgage so badly that they own > 5% of the value of the note. The defendants(parents of the accuser) were able to get refinancing, and in docket 6 the new loan was filed by the new lender. That means the orig plaintiff who filed for foreclosure was made whole, when the new funding paid off their bad debt. Then dockets 9 and 10 show that they are once again making timely payments to the new lender, and the court is being asked to dismiss the claim of foreclosure.

I gar-on-damn-tee you that the accusers parents made the bad debt whole by getting a new loan, and paying off their old lender. If not, the house would have been foreclosed, and her parents would be forced out. It's very easy for me to see that this could all be blamed on the bad old judge who wouldn't let them squat in their home without paying their mortgage. The defendants also have to pay much of the court costs associated with the case as they were in fact the losing party. The plaintiff also got his performance bond back.

It's more complex than this article makes out. The judge was going to side with the plaintiff, but did a nice thing and let the homeowners have 30 days to perform. No question that the liberal squatter parents thought they could ignore their house payment, and just continue to live in the home for free. The judge had other plans, and forced them to be adults and pay what they owe.

Spin Zone / Re: Americans should know that there are adults in the room
« on: September 08, 2018, 10:08:25 PM »

What that tells me is you all are a bunch of thin skinned Nancys who get their little panties in a wad if anyone says anything at all against their dear leader.

If my panties are in a wad, it's got nothing to do with the exercise of free speech, even if it is 100% negative, and destructive. The freedom of speech is most important for chicken-shit weaklings like the anonymous op-ed writer, with whom I disagree vehemently. No, my panties are in a bunch because this un-elected person has used their position of power to thwart, and obfuscate the will of the elected representative that I put in office. They are working against the will of the people, and think that they know better than I do what I want for a republic. And no matter the party, no matter the side you and I are on, this is subversive activity, and may be punishable by law. If the situation were reversed, and there was a traitor in the Hillary WH who published a similar manifesto on dailycaller, I gar-on-tee that the person would be found out, and hung by their balls within minutes.

I have no problem with freedom of speech and opinion. I have a huge problem with an un-elected crat double dealing behind the back of the man I WANT running this country. That is the kind of third-world, banana republic shit that has to stop.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 04, 2018, 02:54:46 PM »
As a right wing, red-neck republican, the above is very true. I'm registered independent so that I can get campaign info from both sides, but I haven't pulled the lever for a Dem in more than 16 years.

I chose Trump not out of loyalty to the republicans, and frankly - I would have pulled the lever for him had he run as a democrat. Trump has democrat friends, and some dem leanings, and could have run as a dem, but belongs more on the side of the right. However, the marriage of Trump and the RNC was clearly a shotgun wedding. They didn't want him, and I'm pretty sure he didn't want much to do with them. And not only am I fine with that, it was one of the qualities that drew me TO him rather than another Bush, or one of the other right wing empty suits. Barring that woman from HP, the right candidates were depressingly uniform. Also, they lesser candidates were just so damn MEDIOCRE.

Having said that piece, Trump is not remotely perfect, nor is he even very likeable(professionally). Personally, I think we would get along well, but from a policy perspective I can see plenty of faults. The backing down on immigration reform policy number 1 was a huge mistake, and cost the office a lot of political capital. Sadly, that political capital did not find its way back to the people, but was instead shifted to the senate, where they do not need more power from the exec branch.

The defining moment(s) for me were 'drain the swamp'. Sadly again, I think Trump is becoming more belt-way-like as he settles in, rather than trying to drain the swamp. He's simply changed some of the old swamp-dwellers, for some swamp-dwellers of his own choosing. Lets hope the process continues, even if it costs him more friends and colleagues. Swamp folk are swamp folk, no matter the party affiliation.

If its about money, they're doing it wrong. No question that income is down from 2016, ad revenue is flat, brand identity is forever tarnished(leading to declining salaries). etc.

I don't know the why, and it's all in the head of the players feelings. Hard to put a fine point on the thing. I don't agree that it's all about money, or that it's all about social justice. I know there are issues that the minority players want to get across. If it's about social justice, they are still doing it the wrong way. The only people they are reaching are the other minorities, which are further segregating us as a nation.

Spin Zone / Re: Stupid feminist questions
« on: August 23, 2018, 11:02:46 AM »
Before I was married, I did some pretty dangerous things. That's not bragging, but it is a fact of my history that I have spent time in things where people have been killed, and maimed, and I've lost my share of pals from that kind of behavior. Given we are on an aviation board, and notwithstanding that others here don't believe me, I did compete at the lower level of aerobatic pilot. There are other things, times and places that will remain unsaid.

I've had the 'eye roll' or even more from several women I was with, who after some period of time together felt they should express their own opinion about my chosen way of life and enjoyment. Those women are no longer with me of course. This is something that unless one is a blood relative, guys just do NOT do to each other, ever. Now, after the fact insulting, and after the fact eye rolls from another guy are part and parcel of the culture of 'boy - you was a stupid shit for that' kind of camaraderie. What the guy was mansplaining in part of the video.

There's a famous scene in the movie Jaws, where the two guys are sitting down in the cabin drinking and showing each other their shark scars. Sometimes, after plenty of grog, this is the kind of stuff guys do. But - like the chief in the movie, you don't get to do it, if you haven't been there(he looks at his appendix scar, and decides to shut up) and done that.

We go do guy things. Some of those guy things may not be completely, or even marginally for the advancement of kids, family, fido, mortgage, and health. Some guys go a bit too far, and kill themselves, and their families and dog are left adrift. The alternative is living a life under the watchful eye of some hen. It's not black and white, but there are definite lines that aught not to be crossed.

There's another semi-famous deal where a guy misunderstands when his woman says; 'go ahead, do whatever the fuck you want to do', which they interpret literally, rather than the actual meaning of; 'if you do that, I will make you regret it for the next xx years you miserable shit'. If we thought, for even a short time that the concern was over our male well-being, rather than the more likely concern over the meal ticket, I guess it would be somewhat ok. But in most cases, the woman has not only her and fido and kids to think about, but also how it will look to the other women if her man goes out and actually does what he wants, and is somehow knocked out of the running for keeping up with the Jones'es. No woman wants to be wheeling her man around in a wheelchair and mopping up his slobber/drool after he's shown his manly ways, and things went pear-shaped. And for that, I can't blame them. 

When I got married, there were a lot, a lot, a lot of things I gave up. And - for the most part it was worth it. Almost 20 years I didn't so much as touch an airplane. Sure, I looked at them, and once in a while stopped by the local strip and moseyed around, and stuff but I did the right thing and stayed away from temptation until my familial dues were pretty much sorted out. This is semi-responsible guy behavior too, and I admit - some guys don't get it. All I can say to the women in a situation like this is - either put up with it - SILENTLY or get out while the getting is possible. I've been married > 30 years. Made a few mistakes along the way, and paid my price, and things are still pretty good. Fortunately for me, I still have my balls, because I made relatively smart choices, and when I didn't, the mistakes were mine, and I owned up.

Spin Zone / Re: Ocasio-Cortez Defends Barring Press From Town Hall
« on: August 20, 2018, 06:44:50 AM »
Ocasio-Cortez won't be able to stand up to the pressure of even a sympathetic Media who supports her Communist agenda.  That is pretty weak if you ask me.  It will be interesting to see if they turn on her if she keeps this up.  She is the David Hogg of elected office.  Fifteen minutes, and then obscurity.  I wonder what outlandish things she will say to keep her name in the Media.

I think you may be in error regarding the depths to which the MSM will descend. This girl is the ONE success story they have, and my guess is they will ride her like a frothing horse all the way to the HR win. We haven't heard anything yet. Once she's in office, the MSM will absolutely go ballistic and we will get 24/7 coverage of everything she says, does, and writes, including the consistency of her latest bowel movement.

The left media is desperate. In the absence of an actual statesman - they will pin their glory on the least objectionable far-left whatever the electorate dishes up. This girl could get drunk, proposition one of her male followers, strip nekkid and falling down drunk and she would still be elected, and garlanded.

Spin Zone / Re: The Daily Outrage
« on: July 23, 2018, 04:58:50 PM »
Please tell me how the Russians changed anyone's mind to vote for Trump when the media was 95% or more promoting Hillary 24/7 and giving her debate questions prior to the debates.

Because if the left can definitively prove that ONE vote was changed by Russian interference, it will invalidate the entire process, the election will be declared null and void, all Trump's policies can be reversed and Hillary will be installed as president.

didn't you know that? lolz....  8)


Spin Zone / Re: The Daily Outrage
« on: July 16, 2018, 06:25:10 PM »
I'll take a risk and say that it was not Trump's best effort. He sounded like a petulant kid next to his master. Putin undoubtedly led the discussion and the theme. Also, no matter what the US intel communities shortcomings, to dis them in favor of Putin's denial is counterproductive at a minimum. Even if there was no justification at all for the statement, just the public image of it has done damage back home.

Sorry(not really)

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