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Messages - Steingar

Pages: 1 ... 134 135 [136] 137 138 ... 184
Spin Zone / Re: Electoral College: Why we have it...
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:33:17 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Think this stuff is FAA approved? Viagra for the brain.
« on: September 29, 2016, 04:52:59 AM »
So far my favorite bit of quackery are the pills to make your telomeres longer.  In addition to being impossible such a biological action could give you cancer.

Spin Zone / Re: What Kind of White Person Do you Want to Be?
« on: September 28, 2016, 01:27:01 PM »
I've met more than a fair share of racism in Ohio and other northern states.    Same with college campuses, they are not immune either.

Then perhaps you're a bigotry magnet, since I have never seen any such thing in Ohio or on any college campus anywhere.  The again, for all I know you're a 300 pound teenager living in his mother's basement eating mayonnaise out of a jar.

Spin Zone / Re: What Kind of White Person Do you Want to Be?
« on: September 28, 2016, 11:05:30 AM »
Last time I was in Ga. I casually mentioned to one of the fellows I was with that there were more back people where we were than my home burb.  They very rudely said that we could have them, and proceeded into a long vituperative rant about African Americans.  I managed to massage the situation explaining that many of the aforementioned in my neck of the woods were Somali immigrants seeking a better life (and quickly changed the subject), but truly I had never in my life seen such naked bigotry.  And this was educated fellows and pilots.  I'm glad I'm in an academic situation in a northern state, I dislike discrimination and racism and am happy to hold it at arms length.

Spin Zone / Re: THIS would be so cool...
« on: September 28, 2016, 08:51:30 AM »
As much as I laud the effort I suspect it is more pipe dream than anything else.  No one American has the resources necessary to undertake such an effort, I'm not certain all of us put together could do it.  Keep in mind they haven't built the rocket, the ship, the Martian habitat, nothing. 

All that said I still wish him and his endeavors well.  Yeah, I'd sign up to go even though I know I'd die there.  Someone has to chart new frontiers.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
« on: September 27, 2016, 11:06:39 AM »
Anybody can file a suit for anything.  Saddest thing is this not the most frivolous, though it is up there.

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: September 27, 2016, 10:26:41 AM »
“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”


It is the biggest damn pithy that the above quote is utterly fake.

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Lie Ratchet
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:09:49 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Lie Ratchet
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:45:35 AM »
Personally, I think it a shame that she flipped on it.  I suspect an Asian Free Trade agreement will open a lot of markets to American goods and services.  Yeah, she liked it until Bernie shoved her to the left. At least she doesn't breathe lies, like the Donald.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax the rich and corporations..fair share....blah, blah
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:38:02 AM »
I found it distracting that Lester Holt, the (cough, cough, sputter, sputter) moderator never asked a single question about the Clinton family crime syndicate, I mean foundation. The total, all in, protect Hilary Clinton at all costs handling of the debate was another chapter in the hijacking of America for communists.

I wish he would have.  The Clinton foundation has saved the lives of children in Africa.  The Trump foundation paid his legal bills and bought him a six foot painting of his own self.  Bring it on.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax the rich and corporations..fair share....blah, blah
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:08:36 AM »
I dont thnk either one scored enough points to change any ones mind. But at least Hillary didnt pass out.

"sniff sniff"

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Lie Ratchet
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:07:58 AM »
And then the perfessor tells the truth.
Congratulations. Like most progressives you hate anyone successful because you think it should be you.

Only an idiot calls someone who is given $10,000 and winds up with $10,000 a success,  My question si simple, did Trumps kids do more with what they started with than had they just left it in the bank?  Pretty basic question, actually.

Four major newspapers have come out calling Trump a Liar.  I've never in my life seen such a thing.  He's almost as delusional as you.  No wonder you like him so much.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax the rich and corporations..fair share....blah, blah
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:04:59 AM »
I think this is going to go down in history as a turning point for the Orange one, and will be compared to the Nixon/Kennedy debates.  Of course Trump supporters thought he won, but they're the only ones.

Spin Zone / Re: Now, for something completely different
« on: September 26, 2016, 01:51:42 PM »
I had a very good instructor that transitioned me from my Cherokee 140B to my Grumman Tiger.  Ron Levy.  Ron, had the sweat running down my back, and gave me great advice, and instruction.  I knew the plane was different from my Cherokee, and the Cessnas I learned in when I pulled the power back to enter the pattern, and it didn't slow down!  LOL!  I learned, early on that when I had too fast of a sink rate, to nudge in some power, and keep the nose up, and watch the air speed.  Never force it down, and if you were running out of runway, go around.  I very rarely had to go around in the Tiger, as I just seem to be able to fly that plane well from the beginning.

I had a pretty decent instructor for the Mooney, but I wish he'd really drummed the whole maintaining power thing into my head.  A pity I had to discover it this way.

I really like Mooneys, and have wanted an M20J/201 for a long time as a travelling machine.  Don't give up on the M20C, it is one of the best GA airplanes ever made.

If I ever get out that way again (which I probably will) I'll give you a flight in mine.  You are correct, the M20 line is an awesome traveling machine, better than most.  What I like is that you've got the absolute simplest complex aircraft ever made by anyone.  Mine does 160 mph on about 8.5 gal/hour.  That's better gas mileage than most cars!  And for something that's as old as I am!

With the Johnson bar gear and hydraulic flaps there just isn't that much to break.

Spin Zone / Re: Now, for something completely different
« on: September 26, 2016, 01:48:31 PM »
I am truly sorry to hear of this.  It really only takes a minor distraction at exactly the wrong time and things go downhill quickly.  Best of luck on the repairs.

It wasn't even a distraction, just me not following my normal procedures like I should have.

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