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Messages - lowtimer

Pages: 1 [2]
Spin Zone / Re: It's starting to get deep now.......
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:44:43 PM »
Best thing Congress could do is repeal the Patriot act.  Damn thing is Orwellian.

Spin Zone / Re: A stunning display of dishonesty from the left
« on: February 16, 2017, 03:02:09 PM »
He who cannot teach, teaches Gym.

Or goes on "Public Assistance".

 Or gains tenure at a University.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 24, 2017, 05:29:27 AM »
Because we ain't talking about Clinton. We're talking about your tangerine Messiah.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Psychological Projection -- You should look it up (I helped with a link or two).  No one on the right calls Trump a Messiah.  Obama, on the other hand...

Spin Zone / TURD
« on: January 21, 2017, 03:24:26 PM »
So sad that this is true....  (lifted from a facebook post)

Do You Know Someone Suffering From Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (TURD)?
TURD is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time.
Sufferers of TURD often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of rage, rioting, and uncontrollable crying.
People with TURD are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again.
TURD Is caused by the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. For many, both in America and worldwide, this was a shocking and unexpected outcome; their preferred news sources having failed to inform them that the alternative candidate was a criminal parasite.
Research is ongoing, but TURD appears to correlate closely with some of the following environmental and behavioral factors:
* Membership in the Democratic Party
* Identifying as a Feminist
* Currently enrolled in college, and/or Possession of a Liberal Arts college degree
* Living in a densely populated metropolitan area
* Massive student debt
* Spotty or non-existent work history
Patients with TURD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups. Any possibility of treatment requires that they be separated from their hive-mind support apparatus; they cannot begin the process of accepting reality in the presence of encouragement towards delusion and irrationality. Separation may require the assistance of law enforcement.
If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TURD, urge them to seek treatment. Together we can beat this scourge, and Make America Great Again.

Spin Zone / Re: I hadn't heard about this attack on 2A rights.
« on: December 29, 2016, 05:45:01 PM »
Thanks, Bob, I appreciate that. 

Seems right to me.  If someone tells the government that they're TOO MENTALLY IMPAIRED TO WORK and therefore they should be receiving disability payments instead of working....seems right to me that person shouldn't have access to firearms.
On one hand, I agree with you.  People accepting government handouts should have to sacrifice something.  Perhaps it will give then an incentive to get off the dole.
On the other hand, I don't like the Federal government making arbitrary rules and decisions regarding who is deserving of "certain inalienable rights" and who is not.

Spin Zone / Re: delusions of grandeur
« on: December 26, 2016, 02:25:19 PM »
Well, there you have the doublespeak of the century. This is the quote he should be remembered for, right after "If you like your doctor..."
He ran on concepts and vague intimations of undefinable wrongness. He then proceeded for eight years to tear down large swaths of the tolerance, HEALTHY diversity, energy and dynamic progress that America had spent over two centuries working to achieve.

He is a fool.

If you like your president, you can keep your president.

Just kidding. 

Is that too harsh?  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: December 18, 2016, 12:44:06 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Trust
« on: November 29, 2016, 09:49:59 AM »
All of this sounds like sour grapes to me. I don't like a lot of the things Trump does and since being elected I don't agree with all of his decisions. I absolutely think the American people should hold him accountable, including those who voted for him, if we want to ensure he's a successful president.

All that said, he still deserves a chance. I want him to enact conservative policies that will move this country in the right direction and I will call him out when he doesn't. He won't get any free passes from me but he will get the benefit of the doubt where it can be given. Some issues are not actually issues but the media is latching onto anything and everything right now and he's not even sworn in. Meanwhile, the current president still has time to go and can still enact more regulations (which he's already doing) and cause more impacts (read: headaches) for Trump once he's sworn in and nobody is saying a word about that.

Spin Zone / Re: Be careful what you wish for...
« on: November 21, 2016, 01:14:35 PM »
I think you mean irredeemable deplorables!  ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Be careful what you wish for...
« on: November 21, 2016, 01:09:18 PM »
I have noticed a Yuuggggeee decrease in liberal participation since the election.
Gotta give credit to Mark and Asecrest for hanging with us deplorables, though.

I think you mean irredeemable deplorables!  ;D

Spin Zone / JeffDG
« on: November 21, 2016, 07:32:51 AM »
I can't speak for everyone on this board, but I for one miss your participation.  I know we disagreed on Trump and his relative strength vs Hillary, but I still respect your in depth knowledge of our political system and (most) of your opinions.  And I really do agree with you on most topics.  I have learned a lot from you.

So, if you still  monitor this board, how about chiming in and letting us know you are still here, and telling us when you think we are wrong.

Spin Zone / Dear GOP
« on: November 17, 2016, 03:00:55 PM »
Dear GOP:

Spin Zone / A message for 'Gimp and Lucifer
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:21:06 AM »
During the heat of the primary season, I was super critical of the both of you for bringing us a candidate that will crash and burn in the general election. I didn't think his angry followers could ever carry the day - I was sure that there were too few of you to matter.  Hell, us Tea Partiers got defeated not by the Left, but by our own political Establishment on the Right.

I was a Never Trumper. Right up to the point that Hillary got away with her crimes in the interest of political expediency and political corruption of the DOJ. That was my line in the sand.

As a lifelong Cubs fan, I'm not a fair-weather fan. I'm not a band-wagon jumper. I usually back the underdog, and get disgusted when the underdog is treated unfairly.  When Hillary called "you guys" deplorables, well, the that bitch called me a deplorable as well.

At some point I think I probably said that if I was wrong about Trump, I would apologize to you. Well, I was wrong, and you deplorable sumbitches were correct.

I still think Trump is a pig, but he's our pig now.  It's up to us to make sure he keeps his promises, and doesn't turn away from the messages that bought him a win.

Congratulations, and well done. I see some good things on the horizon for our country. I know I would never see those things if the results had been different this morning.

Spin Zone / Deplorables
« on: September 23, 2016, 12:35:41 PM »

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