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Messages - Dweyant

Pages: 1 [2]
Spin Zone / Re: Socialism Explained
« on: February 02, 2016, 05:41:08 PM »
This simplistic view seems to imply that if you just have a job and work, that you will be guaranteed good healthcare and great retirement. That is utter bull crap. Tens of millions of Americans have jobs, work 40-60 hour weeks and have little to no healthcare and no hope of retirement. What you meant was-

This is why the Democrats have enjoyed so much support since the times of FDR. There are tens of millions of Americans that will never have this better than average job that allows them healthcare and retirement. The very tenants of Capitalism are antithetical to high quality living for all. To generate the highest possible profit from your capital investment. That means paying your workers the least you can get away with. This is why socialism even exists. If capitalism worked fantastically for everyone in society, there would be no purpose for socialism. This has never been the case anywhere in the world.

To dismiss socialism as just a corrupt ideal is to dismiss billions of people all over the world as hapless morons bound to their fate. For better, or for worse, the 19th and 20th centuries have created the environment for the hapless morons to organize and wield power. Savvy capitalists understand this and provide wages and benefits to their workers so they can keep socialism at bay. You find this most often in privately held companies and corporations. Publicly traded corporations and the stock market is where you see the break down between capital and human being.

The World doesn't owe anyone a living.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 28, 2016, 06:06:15 PM »
Glad we got that out of the way.
(Do you remember the "slut" reference)?

She's probably too young.

Spin Zone / Re: White Christians need to act more Christian than white
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:41:00 PM »
Honestly, I was going to post a whole big long rant that would go down the page with all kinds of foul words. I went away and came back and I'm better now.

It's not about black and white. The sooner we get past that garbage the better. It's all about culture. It has been for ages now.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair comes from a place like Kenya, or England, or Australia and doesn't look like they just got out of prison and speaks proper english, even if broken and with a thick accent, they are immediately accepted.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair goes to university, gets a degree and takes on a profession that they are immediately accepted.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair takes the office of City Council, mayor, assembly person, representative, senator, attorney general, district attorney, police chief, sheriff, CEO, engineer, doctor, scientist, astronomer, astronaut, fighter pilot, US military General, or President of the fucking US of A that they are immediately accepted?

This is what we have a problem with -

Trash culture that breeds more and more misery, ignorance, death and incarceration. Stupid makes more stupid over and over again.

This is what we (Americans in general) want-

Now, obviously we don't need to see folks wearing a suit all the time, what everybody wants that loves America, other than just their sorry selves is- assimilation. Do as the dominant culture does. Educate your kids. Inspire them to do better than you do. Want them to learn and not just shut their mouth when they ask questions. Engage with your children and their future. Have them be just like the smart kids in school no matter what they color are.

Millions of people with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair, have done exactly this and it has turned out incredibly well for them!!! Learn from them instead of choosing to reject them and cling to an identity that is broken and a proven failure. Don't give in to the "poor us, we have been wronged, now you owe us" culture. Step above that shit.

"Black lives matters" is a crappy joke. All lives matter. It's backward trash culture that doesn't matter and it needs to fade away. Anybody with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair needs to work towards this end rather than defend this failed culture. At this point, it makes no matter how we got here, it just matters how we move ahead.

Skin color doesn't matter. Character does. The people and "victims" that the OP posted about, were of poor character and clung to the old culture. They ultimately fell victim to it. Crooked, murderous white cops is part of that culture. Those cops need to be punished if they are truly guilty, but the defenders of the victims have to ask themselves, how did these people get there and what could they have done to never encounter that misery?

Having said this, there obviously are hold outs to the old fucked up white culture white people have had in the past. There are those that want to cling to ideas of "racial supremacy". It will take time to completely cleanse society of this rubbish and we are working on it. It's pretty obvious is if you really look around and not just at the sensational headlines that this is so.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?p
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:00:27 PM »
I left the red board for the blue board when aopa become rediculous with their heavy handed moderation. Although I hardly posted in the SZ, I viewed it everyday as a good way to keep up with opinions, etc. Met some nice people over there, made some good business contacts, but the whiners just killed it for me.  Finally made it here and I am happy to see familiar faces.

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