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Messages - TimRB

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Spin Zone / Re: POLITICAL truth from the Bee
« on: January 26, 2022, 02:21:49 PM »
Hey--wait a minute.  This thread started out as political, and now everyone is talking about aviation.  I thought this was a place to discuss politics. Appears that I’m wrong.


Spin Zone / Re: POLITICAL truth from the Bee
« on: January 26, 2022, 11:11:04 AM »
By that logic the state needs to install round the clock video surveillance in all our homes. God forbid we leave children in the care of their own parents.

When I was in third grade (...and maybe earlier?  Don't remember...) I came home to an empty house and was alone for several hours before one of my parents came home from work.  Nowadays I expect my parents would have been jailed for child neglect, and I would have been placed in foster care.  As I recall the schools taught useful stuff and were not political. 

I spent my senior year of high school at a rural Mississippi school.  Long story.  Anyway, say what you want about Mississippi schools--two of the best teachers I ever had, before or since, were at that school.  Important subjects, too--math and English. 


Spin Zone / Re: At the Movies
« on: January 25, 2022, 02:32:51 PM »
Amazon Prime used to be great. Everything was “free” with your Prime membership. But then they added options to rent and buy which only blows up the results of your searches.

I used to think that Amazon Prime automatically charged rent for a movie if it is one that you searched for (since they know you want to watch it).  That's not really so, but I can still say that every single time I have searched for a movie I want to see, it is not free.  EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Honestly, for me and my tastes, virtually all the video services are like that.  The VAST majority of selections are things that I never have and never will want to see.  So I end up watching a few movies I like over and over--which gets old fast.  Maybe it's good--I watch less TV these days.


Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Trevor Jacob Fiasco
« on: January 22, 2022, 10:25:14 AM »
A lot of people are talking about the "crash" of that nice Taylorcraft, and how it seems to have been a planned stunt.  Many videos on the topic, and speculation on how Jacob's ass is grass in the FAA's view.  Anyway, one video producer mentioned an interesting coincidence that I have not seen elsewhere:  Jacob's incident was 50 years to the day from DB Cooper's jump from the airliner.  I have not checked this out personally, and have no idea if it's true, or even significant.  Anyway, just working on my post count.


After the 2020 election, I'd say you guys need to be careful what you wish for.


Then they will use the 25th Amendment to install Camel Toe as president. According to the constitution, she could finish out Biden’s term, AND get her own two terms if she succeeds Biden with less than two years left in his term.

I hope you're wrong (and I'm not convinced you are) but installing Harris as president could actually be the last straw to clinch a Republican president for the following eight years.  Reason being, even the democrats can't stand the bitch.  Nobody who is on the fence (how can anybody be on the fence in times like these?) would vote for her. 


Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Re: You can’t make this up
« on: January 10, 2022, 10:45:10 AM »
“Body camera footage from the officers involved appears to show that the pilot is a middle-aged man, but the pilot’s name, age, gender and condition have not yet been released.”

The reference to gender seems to have been removed from the article.


Spin Zone / Re: Almighty Vinyl
« on: January 06, 2022, 02:59:28 PM »
However a month or so ago I saw the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, and thought it was outstanding.

If you want to be really impressed, look at one of the side-by-side Rami/Freddy comparison videos of Rami Malek's performance of Live Aid.

Edit:  That video is just an excerpt.  If you find a full-length one, you'll see that Malek studied and duplicated Freddie's entire performance.


Pilot Zone / Re: SWA, Love Field, and the Wright amendment
« on: January 05, 2022, 03:58:02 PM »
Our Governments and the Courts care little about the Constitution anymore. 

In California that's literally demonstrably true.  I imagine conversations like this in the legislature:

"Wait--this new law may be unconstitutional."

"Who the hell cares?  Even if it is unconstitutional, it will be on the books for at least a few years, and that will be long enough to accomplish our goal."


Spin Zone / Re: Almighty Vinyl
« on: January 05, 2022, 03:51:20 PM »
Nobody likes Pink Floyd?  I still put Dark Side of the Moon in my top five, maybe top, period.  I never get tired of it.


Spin Zone / Re: A Must Read Twitter Thread....
« on: December 26, 2021, 09:51:06 PM »
From the thread:

"We have a $13B budget.

And we have 8,000 people sleeping in the rain this week.

Can someone please explain this to me?"

Sure--I'll take a crack.  It's because if you spend a bunch of that 13B housing 8,000 bums this week, you'll have 16,000 next week.  A typical liberal--whines about problems, but can't figure anything out.


Like most people in the country, I can't stand KH, but you do have to admit that question was INTENDED to piss her off.


Pilot Zone / Re: Novel aircraft.
« on: December 13, 2021, 12:58:03 PM »
Not a chance.  You can't autorotate one of those things like a helicopter.  So if the SHTF and everything stops (especially the rocket/jet pack things), your day is ruined.  I'm not comforted by the fact that some of them are equipped with parachutes.  With a helicopter or airplane, as long as the wings or rotor stay attached, you have a chance.  On the other hand, some years back we had a fatal accident near here where a helicopter's rotor blades did, in fact, fall off.  I think it may have even been an introductory flight for a prospective student.


ah.  sorry

No apology necessary, and certainly no offense taken!  I just wondered about the missing sight.  There has long been speculation in the shooting community that sometimes confiscated firearms, set for destruction by the police, end up in police officers' private collections, especially if the gun in question is collectible or otherwise valuable.  Honestly, I doubt that's what happened here, but still I wonder.

The deputy who handed the prosecutor the rifle with the bolt closed violated a safety rule that I first learned as a pre-teen.  Anyone who has been through a hunter safety course would know better than to do that.


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