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Messages - Anthony

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I am appalled at the lack of response from the so called moderate left when it comes to violence committed against republicans and particularly Trump supporters. One would/should correctly conclude that democrats simply embrace this wave of violence because they agree with it, otherwise, why aren't liberals what proclaim that they support peace so silent?

Hypocrisy seems o be the drug of choice for the democrats these days and the outlandish idiocy their brethren are proclaiming make me wonder if far more than half of all democrats are truly mentally disturbed.

They embrace it because that's all they have.  If they had actual policies and/or ideas that made sense or were in the mainstream, they wouldn't have to resort to violence.  The democrat party has been hijacked by the Alt Left Progressives and has left it in total disarray.

 The moderates in the democrat party quietly vote republican or independent.  I believe they are hoping for a turn around but are growing more disillusioned with the DNC as a whole.

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado cuts teen births and abortion rates in half
« on: April 13, 2017, 02:55:33 PM »
I still have not heard an explanation of why their entertainment (sex) should be paid for by the government, but mine (airplanes) should not.  Sounds like unequal treatment under the law and a violation of the 14th Amendment.

Spin Zone / Re: More sabre rattling, or cause for real concern?
« on: April 12, 2017, 12:22:13 PM »
Same with me. I've little time for much more than a drive by. Soon Anthony's going to start calling me Aunt Peggy.

Shut up and do my taxes! 😂

Spin Zone / Re: Kennedy May Retire Next
« on: April 12, 2017, 07:31:19 AM »
Are you kidding me?  The Dems will scream like stuck pigs if Trump gets to nominate either or both of Kennedy's and Ginsburg's replacements.

I predict that Dems will try to invoke and expand the Biden Rule and say Trump has no right to get a nominee confirmed with "only" three years left in his term.

Get the popcorn out for this one.

Spin Zone / Re: Would you support overturning Roe-v-Wade?
« on: April 12, 2017, 06:27:05 AM »

My biggest problem with it would be that I don't think the Federal Government should have any say in the matter, either for or against.  It should be a State issue.

I agree with this. But I also agree with Anthony that it is a very polarizing issue.  To reverse it now would possibly create a situation where the left would regain the upper hand politically, thereby putting us back on the path to economic destruction, weaken our standing in the world, open us up to greater terrorist risk, worse health care, and all the other woes the Democrats bring upon us.  You have to calculate the downstream consequences of all of that in terms of death and human suffering when you balance it against the lives lost by abortion.

Strictly speaking RvW is unconstitutional, but right now it is not the hill we want to die on. Right now the very survival of the U.S. in a physical sense is at risk and we need to get a handle on that first.

Spin Zone / Re: Republican plans to ban online porn
« on: April 11, 2017, 04:11:33 PM »
I'm switching parties. 

Which one do you recommend?

I recommend wild parties.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 07, 2017, 12:32:51 PM »
While I approve of anything bad done to the monster than is Assad, the Mango Mussilini's missiles may make more malady than magnanimity.  Us at odds with the Russians benefits ISIS.  And the last thing we need is to be drawn into another foreign quagmire.  I would say that I hope the Cheeto Jesus knows what he's doing, but I am afraid I already know the answer to that one.

I guess the best thing would be for President Trump to emulate Obama and draw a line in the sand and keep backing up when Assad crosses it.
Nothing like weakness, incompetence and cowardice to make your enemies fear you....

Spin Zone / Re: North Korea; great response by Tillerson
« on: April 05, 2017, 06:46:38 PM »
Sure they do.  This is the MO for NK, sabre rattle, make threats and get the western world to send them more aid, mainly food.

NK is starving because the little chubby boy dictator is feeding his army at the expense of his population.  He relies on that food.  If the west gives him the finger, he has problems.
It's the same cycle its always been with North Korea. Launch missiles or conduct missile tests, get the regional forces to come to the table to negotiate. The "negotiation" ends up being strongly worded statements, aid to the North Korean people and a promise by the North Koreans to stop their nuclear program. Fast forward a few months or a year and we're back to the start of the cycle.

Spin Zone / Re: Susan Rice Ordered Unmasking of Trump
« on: April 05, 2017, 09:56:41 AM »
It is, of course, both sexist and racist to even hint that she did anything wrong.

Spin Zone / Re: Susan Rice Ordered Unmasking of Trump
« on: April 05, 2017, 09:30:58 AM »
Right on cue!

On Tuesday’s edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews and MSNBC political analyst/Mother Jones D.C. bureau chief David Corn were unglued over the Susan Rice “unmasking” controversy, suggesting that it was racist and sexist for these accusations to be leveled at the former National Security Adviser because she’s never done anything wrong.

Spin Zone / Re: North Korea; great response by Tillerson
« on: April 05, 2017, 08:21:20 AM »
Yeah, that really clears things up.  What a statesman.

 Maybe we should send Hillary to NK with the cheap red plastic "reset" button, I'm sure that would be very statesman like!

Spin Zone / Re: Driver that killed 12 in church bus was texting.
« on: April 04, 2017, 01:34:58 PM »
In a previous decade I had to initiate an emergency maneuver to avoid death on the motorcycle once a month or so.  Definitely kept me on my toes.  Now I have to do it practically every ride, or nearly so.  in nearly every near-death experience I've had lately I could see the driver either talking on a phone or looking at it.  I will never give up my sport bike, I need the power and maneuverability to keep clear of these nimrods.  Indeed riding my Goldwing now gives me the Heebie Geevies because it has neither the speed nor the maneuverability to escape witless cagers bent on my imminent destruction (it an 1100cc bike older than any of my students).  I know that's not how it is, but it is how it seems.  I should see it gone, but no one wants it and it does do miles pretty well.

The problem is there is nothing for it.  You can pass all the laws you want, folks will still do it.  You can't disable the machines, passengers use them, often for good reason.  So we all have to beware that much more, and we will have occasional tragedies.  Unintended consequences.

I doubt I'll ever go in an airplane accident.  I mishandled mine (badly), but on the only thing bent was the prop, and I'm very careful.  But I could easily go from a motorcycle accident, being careful isn't near enough.  My radar sense is really, really good when I'm riding a lot. But it isn't perfect.  I won't stop, living in fear isn't living.  But for the first time I could easily see myself hurt or killed on the bike.  It is just that bad.  I used to proselytize bikes all the time, but not any more.  Can't have someone's blood on my hands.  If you ride, think about it carefully.  Make certain your bike has the oomph to get you out of harm's way.  If it doesn't give it up or get one that does.  If you know young people mulling over a bike, tell them not to.  It is just too damn dangerous now.

When on a bike, always assume you're invisible.  Further, assume every vehicle is manner by a homicidal maniac who will go to any length to kill you.  Sooner or later one will inadvertently act in this exact manner.  Probably sooner.

Spin Zone / Re: Susan Rice Ordered Unmasking of Trump
« on: April 03, 2017, 09:55:47 PM »
The potential truth of this story appears to rival Watergate, only there is no Woodward and Bernstein because the bad actors aren't Republicans.

Fucking pathetic.


Spin Zone / Susan Rice Ordered Unmasking of Trump
« on: April 03, 2017, 11:54:31 AM »

At what point will people start going to prison for this public corruption?

Trump can start draining the swamp by having our Attorney General start charging public officials with corruption and sending them to prison. That would include Rice, Huma Abedin, Lois Lerner, etc etc.

Typical Washington comity says to let such thing go so they aren't characterized as political witch trials, ala some third world shitholes. Fuck that. Someone needs to start paying the price for political corruption.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: March 31, 2017, 05:44:10 AM »
Conservacrats would rather people die in the streets for the crime of being poor.

You really believe that shit your liberal handlers feed you don't you?  And I bet you regurgitate it to your students too.

That would be funny if it weren't so sad. :( :( :( :(

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