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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Has Diversity Broken all the access Barriers
« on: September 16, 2016, 11:17:56 AM »
Get help on that reading comprehension thing.  Or are you just purposely misrepresenting what I say for your own devious purposes?

I'm sarcastically saying that there's nothing here.  It's friends talking to friends.  If you want to look at a root cause of this, look at self-segregation.  I'm sure you've seen it, go to any school and you generally see black people hanging out with other black people.  If they were part of the larger networks...and they're perfectly welcome to be there...then they need to make the effort not to clump together in college.  They need to join non-black fraternities and join into working groups with everyone.  Be inclusive by introducing themselves into the groups. 

You might make an argument that they're not welcome, but you're going to have to show that.  I guarantee you that if a black person asks to join a group and someone objects to them based on race, it will be the racist that is ejected. 

Once again I can't find any mention of this from any reputable news outlet, including at least one with a very conservative bent.  Smells.  This is getting repetitive.

 What's getting repetitive is you trying to dismiss anything that is not favorable to Clinton.


Spin Zone / Re: Betsy Ross Flag Is Racist
« on: September 16, 2016, 10:16:51 AM »
I think the Trump banner was probably out of place at this event.  But certainly not the U.S. flag.

Spin Zone / Re: As President, Who Will Hillary Represent.....
« on: September 15, 2016, 01:45:29 PM »
I didn't lie.  He got asked point blank about Duke and punted.  He only recanted later. Sorry, that really doesn't cut it in a Presidential election.  That's why Trump commands about 1% of the African american vote and about 23% of Hispanics.  And I don't want to get started on all the ways he's honked off women.  The guy is poison.  if you had any brains you'd be rooting full scale for Hillary.  If she wins there's a Conservative backlash and the GOP will probably replace her in four years.  If Trump wins you can kiss the GOP goodbye.  I can only imagine its status after 4 years of him on the bully pulpit.

Your ignorance is truly breathtaking.

And like your beloved democrats you were caught squarely in a lie, tried to back track it and then resorted to insults to cover for it.

This is not your classroom where you can spout out any lie you wish to your captive audience and not fear retribution.

Spin Zone / Re: Body Double
« on: September 14, 2016, 04:05:04 AM »
these would be the same people that covered up:

Moon landing hoax
JFK assassination
etc etc etc

Actually, it would be the same people that covered up:

Rose Law Firm billing records
Hillary's email server
Lincoln bedroom fundraising
Clinton Foundation slush fund
Gennifer Flowers
cattle futures
Russian uranium
Being under sniper fire
And a bunch of other stuff

Did you guys know that when she was young, shortly after Nixon resigned, Hillary was fired from her job as a House Judiciary Committee staffer for lying and incompetence during the impeachment process?  She was supervised by Jerry Zeifman who said the reason for her being fired was: "Because she was a liar....She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality."  Hillary was one of 3 people who Zeifman's ever refused to provide a reference for.

For doing what?  She took public files which supported Nixon's right to private counsel and physically locked them in her office in order to deny access to the information.  Does that sound familiar?

This isn't a new thing.  Hillary's entire public life is built on a mountain of lies.

I have some friends and cow-orkers that still claim that everything wrong today is STILL Bush's fault, and that Obama hasn't had enough time to undo all the bad that Bush did.

Ask them if they intended to 1) imply that Bush was so powerful that his influence continues today and 2) imply that Obama is so weak and impotent that he can't control the environment to the same extent that Bush did.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary gets a case of the vapors
« on: September 12, 2016, 03:42:55 PM »
So we are to believe she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, holds events with the public (not clear if bacterial pneumonia which IS both common and contagious, or fungal which is very uncommon and not contagious), and does not apparently undergo treatment (or hydration) until after she faints in public....

Sorry, does not add up - but wouldn't be the first time the Clinton camp treats we mere peons like easily duped brainless morons.

Since her campaign said the pneumonia was being passed around the campaign staff before Hillary caught it, you have to conclude it was contagious, and therefore bacterial.

You can then conclude that she is either extremely irresponsible in keeping appearances and visiting her daughter and granddaughter while contagious, or she's a lying pice of shit.

Pick one. Or all of the above.

Spin Zone / Re: As President, Who Will Hillary Represent.....
« on: September 12, 2016, 01:34:57 PM »
Romney's comment was worse, but similar. They're both idiots for allowing words like that to escape their lips, considering they are vying to be president of all Americans.  Here is Hillary's full quote:
Actually, Hillary's comment is far, far worse than Romney's. 

To refresh everyone, here is Romney's quote:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what … who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. … These are people who pay no income tax. … and so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.

While both are in a way harshly judgmental on the surface, Romney was only commenting on the percentage unlikely to vote for him and how that played into his job as a candidate, he was saying there was a percentage of the population that he did not see a way to reach as a candidate - where Hillary is casting roughly the same percentage of the population as 'deplorable' she is calling out 1/4 of the electorate as 'deplorable' AND 'irredeemable', using some of the most awful perjoratives possible - calling them 'NOT American' and therefore not deserving of any consideration or representation.  She is not dismissing them as unworthy of her campaigning, she is defining them as unworthy of any consideration or representation - dehumanizing them, and verbally attempting to disenfranchise them. 

Two totally different things.


Spin Zone / Re: Hillary gets a case of the vapors
« on: September 12, 2016, 06:36:28 AM »
I think they should take her to a VA hospital for an exam and procedures as necessary.

Spin Zone / Re: A reason to tune in MSNBC
« on: September 11, 2016, 08:21:43 AM »
At least right now...a 15 year tape delay from 2001 live coverage.  Brings back many memories that need to be remembered.
That doesn't explain watching MSNBC to me.

But your watching MSNBC explains a lot.

That was one of the first signs that my FIL exhibited when he went over to the dark side.
That, and watching Oprah.

Hillary is a very far leftist.  We all know what she is, although the evil part doesn't really bother other leftists.

Trump has some leftist tendencies, and he will often change his position so we don't really know exactly what he is.  This lack of purity really bothers some fringe conservatives.  It bothers me too, but not as much as Hillary.  At least I don't think Trump will take us down as fast as Hillary will, and given enough time, his policies may be what we need to pull us together again.

This country needs a major kick in the ass.  Hillary = more of the same decline into authoritarian socialism.  Trump = mad as hell and not going to take it anymore America First.  It could be great if the voters could make this choice without the propaganda wing of the Democrat Reich controlling the popular opinion, but if nothing else Trump plays the MSM like a fiddle.

Spin Zone / Miss you, Ron...
« on: September 01, 2016, 06:12:41 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Kaepernick is an attention whore
« on: September 01, 2016, 05:07:52 PM »
Let's see...
We currently have a half black President that lays claim to only his black half and called the woman who raised him when his pig of a mother threw him away to chase after Marxism, "A typical White Person clinging to her God, guns and religion."
This pig of a racist plays the race card non-stop to avoid taking any responsibility for anything he does that goes wrong.
He was elected by a majority of white voters (if you believe that the last two elections weren't complete frauds) and yet he constantly makes claims about racism.
In administrations past we had republican presidents appoint black supreme court justices, a black chairman of the joint chiefs and a black Secretary of State, but the republican appointees get no credit because the politics of the left ignores any fact that disputes their narrative of racism.
Under the pig in the white house, black citizens, like the rest of us, have had major economic gains reversed through intentionally destructive policies put in place by the pig in the white house but the liberal agenda in the media makes it impossible to discuss this because it runs counter to the racist narrative needed to keep pigs like Barack Obama in power.
As actual racism dwindled away the race industry faced loss of power and money and so they make most of this up to maintain both, without a shred of integrity and it is repeated by liberal media without a thought because they've been taught to publish the agenda not the truth.
That you are more likely to be shot by the police if you're white never gets discussed because it runs counter to the agenda.

Spin Zone / Re: Ah, free thought in academia....
« on: September 01, 2016, 04:53:36 PM »
The entire debate from the left side of the political spectrum is about the POLITICS of MMGW, not the facts. Steingar and other leftist academics can puff, huff and blather all they want but his arguments are always about the really smart people who said this or that, without any proof. Without a single one of their models ever being correct, we are still required in their tiny minds, to conform to their political agenda, or face the kinds of stupidity Steingar posts whenever he posts on this topic.
liberalism is his religion. MMGW is part of the dogma and he is as devotedly blind about his religion of the state above all else, as is the State Legislator he claims said that he based his opinion on the Bible.

Spin Zone / Re: a different thought wrt climate change
« on: September 01, 2016, 04:43:23 PM »
The saddest thing about the Man Made Global Warming religion is the all out ferocity of the faithful about their dogma. Any suggestion that deviates from the gospel according to Al Gore and company is met with ferocious anger, calls for prison and ruination, as well as derision previously saved for those who rejected the gospel of man made global cooling.
When an academic, or a progressive weighs in on the topic, it is always with ruthless superiority and outright insanity about the purity of the permissible discussion. And it is always attached to a discussion about raising taxes to fund make believe efforts to slow, or reverse an invisible, incalculable process.
The level of fraud and make believe 'findings' would be laughable if the religion of global warming wasn't so attached to the democrat party and their goals of redistributing all wealth back to themselves, which is what this topic is all about.

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