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Spin Zone / Re: Olympics
« Last post by jb1842 on Today at 06:36:07 PM »
It's on. At Oshkosh, so channels are limited in the camper. What a liberal crap fest. I sort of hope the Muslims do take them over.
Spin Zone / Re: I’m scared
« Last post by Jim Logajan on Today at 06:27:35 PM »
Spin Zone / First Trump vs Harris debate has happened
« Last post by Rush on Today at 05:17:00 PM »


I can't find this on YouTube, sorry. 
Spin Zone / Re: I’m scared
« Last post by Rush on Today at 05:07:24 PM »
I don't want to hang hope on Trump winning. I did that in 2020. I can't go through that again.
Spin Zone / Re: I’m scared
« Last post by Bamaflyer on Today at 04:56:17 PM »
I’m worried too. Worried that that piece of trash has risen to where she could possibly be our next President. Astounded that the Deep State can attempt an assignation of the leading candidate for our President, and get away with it. Frustrated with our corrupt 3 letter agencies and ruination of our military, of which I spent 20 years.. I only hope Alabama and our politicians tell the federal government to pound sand when they try to implement their Marxist policies.
Spin Zone / Re: Olympics
« Last post by Bamaflyer on Today at 04:49:13 PM »
Don’t forget they’ll allow protests against those meanies the Israelis.
Spin Zone / Re: The Cackler
« Last post by EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on Today at 04:25:00 PM »
Someone had to...
Spin Zone / Re: Olympics
« Last post by Number7 on Today at 03:56:17 PM »
They still broadcast the olympics?

I haven't watch them since carter boycotted them in 1980.

There are SO MANY worthwhile things to do with my time.

Spin Zone / Re: Olympics
« Last post by elwood blues on Today at 03:39:02 PM »
Well, the French did manage to raise the Olympic flag upside down.  ::)
Spin Zone / Re: Olympics
« Last post by Lucifer on Today at 02:30:09 PM »
The Olympics are ongoing?   Really?
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