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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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nah - the claim was no widespread fraud

It was highly concentrated only where it was needed.

Spin Zone / The Turtle is planning his departure
« on: March 06, 2021, 08:33:07 AM »
 Various media sources are saying the Turtle is planning on retirement, but of course in Turtle fashion he wants to choose his successor and is working on a plan with the Kentucky GOP to take the appointment away from the Governor.

 The Turtle and his wife will now have unlimited opportunities with the CCP to continue to increase his fortune, but he will need a confidant in his old position to steer opportunities his way.

 Swamp dweller till the end.

Spin Zone / Re: Shutdowns result in MORE car crash deaths
« on: March 05, 2021, 09:54:59 AM »
One of the great things about small town Texas is drivers are far more courteous. That kind of asshole shit goes hand in hand with large cities which is yet one more reason to avoid overpopulated Democrat hellholes. Don’t get me wrong, people here love to open up on our long flat highways. And you do still have the kind that will ride your bumper, but far fewer, and even then it’s with less aggression.

There might be a lot of reasons this is so. For one thing, there’s a high chance the other driver is armed. That breeds politeness. Another, there’s a greater chance you know the person from somewhere and wouldn’t it be awkward if the driver you just pissed off ended up being your waiter at the restaurant?

But the biggest reason has got to be simply less congestion and no chronic frustration going from point A to B. You don’t get impatient because fewer cars means more room and you don’t then see every one of them as an obstacle.

In NC we noticed a huge increase in rude driving when all the Yankees started moving in. We associated rude driving with being from “up north” but I think it comes from driving in big cities and congested conditions. You kind of have to do rude things like pull in front of people or you would never get out onto a road or change lanes. But I don’t know if living in big cities does something to your personality to make you more of an asshole.
I guess I’ve got to defend the rude Yankees driving in the south.

I lived in Charlotte 2000-2006.  There was literally nothing more maddening to me than having the southern bells and slow motion southerners sitting in a left turn lane, take 5-10 seconds to acknowledge the light turned green, take their foot off the brake, and then think about completing that left hand turn, even though THERE WERE 10 OTHER CARS BEHIND THEM WAITING TO MAKE THE FUCKING LIGHT.

Then if I hit the horn, which I did, they would take great, horrific offense of using the tool that automakers provided us to get someone’s attention.  So instead of moving their ass, they would stop and raise their hands and/or flip me off. 

Time after time after time after time a left hand turn would result in 1 or 2 cars making it through the light instead of the 10-12 cars sitting there, trying to get to work or home.

I hated Charlotte.

Spin Zone / Re: I'll Take Questions If I'm Supposed to.....
« on: March 04, 2021, 07:59:07 AM »
that fake wasn't elected.

Spin Zone / Re: CPAC
« on: February 28, 2021, 04:55:16 AM »

Anthony, we know you like how she looks, what about the speech?   8)


Spin Zone / Re: Nikki Haley is Making a Move
« on: February 18, 2021, 02:16:39 PM »
I dunno, is she ugly?

Trump had the power to win the election without contest.  If you look at the marginal votes, it was fewer than 30,000 voters that would have turned 4 states that together would have put him at 270.  I don't remember the states, but I think it was AZ, NE, NV and GA - the total margin in those 4 states was under 60,000.

Would he have gotten 30,000 more voters to side with him if he had turned his twitter acct over to a professional communications expert?  The world will never know.

You still don’t get it and never will. If he’d gotten 30,000 more votes, they would have “found” 35,000 more for Biden.

Spin Zone / Re: What the F is Going on in Texas?
« on: February 16, 2021, 02:39:52 PM »
Use helicopters to spray deice fluid on the blades?

 Burning a fossil fuel to deice with a fossil fuel to provide "green energy".   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: What the F is Going on in Texas?
« on: February 16, 2021, 11:39:55 AM »
I think there’s no excuse for a power grid failure in the 21st century, and that this is intentional.

I agree.  The Left is taking us backwards for dubious reasons.  They are damaging our standard of living and quality of life.  It is purposeful.

Spin Zone / Re: 99.8% sure it got released from the Wuhan lab
« on: February 15, 2021, 10:35:53 AM »
According to the WHO   ??? ::)

Everything the Democrats do crashes and burns because they base their actions on emotions, optics, idealism, fake science, political agendas, everything but facts and reality.

The only thing that worked was rigging the election and that only worked because they got the gift of covid and Fauci.

 Actually, the reason they succeeded with the election rigging was they had no opposition from the republicans and the DC establishment.

Spin Zone / Re: Burn Down the Economy
« on: February 09, 2021, 08:23:23 AM »
They despise small business, independent workers, self sufficiency and autonomy.

Spin Zone / Re: Burn Down the Economy
« on: February 09, 2021, 08:17:59 AM »
It's got to be a Union play.  These disgusting criminals need to be tarred and feathered.

Spin Zone / Re: Market Still Headed North
« on: February 08, 2021, 06:29:57 PM »
My guess is it’s asset inflation due to low interest rates. Affects stocks and real estate. Likely to be followed by inflation across the board (already underway.) Not just my own prognostication:

Inflation Is on the Way for 2021 – Here’s What That Means for You

Federal Reserve says inflation should rise dramatically

Spin Zone / Super Bowl
« on: February 08, 2021, 07:28:16 AM »
So are they still counting to see who won?

In a few days will we start seeing news reports that at 3am points were added to the game to the losing team and they are being declared the winner?

Spin Zone / Re: Gender neutral construction
« on: February 07, 2021, 11:26:41 PM »

I just randomly ran across the data and “thousands and thousands of hours” grossly misrepresents it. The value is roughly 55 million hours running reactors and that is just the US. Out of that, there has been one incident.

Yeah, I’m on board with nuclear.
The China Syndrome with Hanoi Jane sure fucked up people’s perceptions of nuclear power plants.

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