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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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Spin Zone / Re: WashPo: Trump must be impeached
« on: May 17, 2017, 06:56:12 AM »
They are trying to create instability right now over nothing regarding the Trump Admin.  It is treasonous.
I wouldn't say it's nothing. There seems to be a lot of linear thinking going on right now on both sides (not referring to you). The right would have you believe that this is 100% fabricated and the media is out to get Trump. The left would have you believe that Trump is worse than Nixon and should be impeached immediately. Multiple things can be true.

We don't know what the details of the conversation Trump had with Comey were other than what was in the news report. Congress has already asked for a copy of the memo that Comey allegedly wrote, so let's see what it says. There a lot of questions and almost no answers at this point. One question I've seen circulating since last night has been that, if Comey, who we know stands up to presidents (he did so with Bush as the Deputy Attorney General), really was asked by Trump to put an end to the investigation, why didn't he come forward immediately and why not inform Congress?

We also know that the media is taking any little thing they can and blowing it way out of proportion (read: ice cream scoops, among others). We're just going to have to let this play out.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 03, 2017, 07:15:35 PM »
The question is how serious do we think their crime (entering illegally) really is?  Is it at the level of a misdemeanor?  After all, who here hasn't sped on the highway, driven under a bit to much influence, inflated a loss or understated an earning on their taxes, or broken any one of the thousands of laws we have in the US?  Or is it felonious, like murder or armed robbery?

Like I said, I honestly think that if they're here, productive and staying out of trouble we should find a way to keep them.  That might involve some steep fines, or some community service, or some other punishment that lets them remain productive.

You can scream about what's fair and what isn't until you're blue in the face.  What is far more important is what works in practice, not what your ideology tells you. These folks can make a serious addition to our nation, bringing in ambition and values, not to mention some really good alleles.

So why should we have any immigration laws?  Let's just let anyone and everyone into the country willy-nilly.  Drug dealers, terrorists, criminals, whoever. What could happen?

How many do you want to put up in your house? 

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 01, 2017, 01:07:58 PM »
I love immigration,  once again you either ignore or miss the point completely.   It is illegal immigration that is the problem.  In your analysis did you consider extreme poverty, hunger and/or oppression might be stronger motivators to emigrate from an area than intelligence?

In order to make it seem like conservatives don't want ANY immigration, the liberal/progressives lump in illegal invasion with legal immigration.  Thus they can make the conservatives look like they are racist, xenophobic knuckle draggers, and instead of having a reasonable discussion just try to make us look bad, and end the argument.  It is a tried, and true primary tactic of the liberal/progressives, and, Michael as do others, use it all the time.   

Spin Zone / Re: ESPN - the impact of promoting far left ideology
« on: April 27, 2017, 09:13:07 AM »
Musicians and comedians do it all the time. It's taken the enjoyment out of going out for some entertainment.

As far as I'm concerned comedians have destroyed their art with their constant left leaning blather. I don't watch them anymore. With a new comedy routine you can almost bet money it's going to bash Trump/Republicans/Conservatives and/or be heavily focused on feminism/racism etc. etc.  I open a new Netflix comedian and hear this crap within the first few lines and I just shut it down, I'm not listening anymore. Even the TV trailers for late night acts like Samantha Bee and Conan usually have an anti-right cut in their 30 second ad. I'm sick of it. It's driving me away from TV in general.

It's creeping into movies and miniseries, even historical ones.  Some female heroine in the supposed 1700's going around spouting feminist nonsense. You cannot have a black character without hyper focus on racism.  The whole entertainment industry (except a few independent filmmakers) cannot tell a story without it being through a 2017 leftist lens. 

Lol, world's top scientists....
Now don't laugh at our scientists.

Most of them have triple digit IQs.

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 21, 2017, 08:11:09 AM »
Move too far west to get away from them and you start running into Californians, who are increasingly moving out of California and trying to ruin the rest of the southwest.

Kind of like migrants moving to the U.S and wanting to make the U.S. like the country they fled.  ???

If "everyone" is "rich" you still have the upper 5% and the bottom 10%, and everything in between. Still "unfair" according to our Communist friends.

By the standards of most of the rest of the world, our poorest are very rich. They have potable running water, indoor plumbing, access to food, (if only the most unhealthy and cheapest, it still keeps them fat, not starving), big screen TV and cell phones. Except for the homeless, they've roofs over their heads. It's all relative, it doesn't matter how much you lift those at the bottom, they will still be seen as disadvantaged victims because others are higher.  It is completely against nature to try to equalize everyone's conditions. Our species is not an egalitarian one. People will act according to their DNA, not according to an ideal forced upon them by a political ideology. Leftist theory always requires that people suddenly and against their nature, lose their tendency to self sort into a pecking order and when they don't, force and threat of punishment is used. The irony is - this is exactly that - the self sorting into a pecking order with the leftist on top. There can be no such thing as an anarchist socialist utopia. It's a fantasy. Leftism will always be about those in power keeping a lock on the rest of us while preaching their utopian ideal out of a dishonest mouth.

Yeah - 'a rising tide floats all boats'. Nice theory, but it doesn't happen in reality - under either democratic or republican rule:

If you took all the money from the top 20% and split it up evenly among the bottom 80%, in a short period of time, the graph would be back to where it is today. 

You can't legislate fairness.  Some people are going to succeed.  Some people are going to get by and some people are going to fail.  That's life.

As Neil Bortz said:
The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer,
because the rich keep doing what makes them rich,
and the poor keep doing what makes them poor.

Perhaps all the "social programs" that we have for the poor de-motivates them from getting ahead and "losing their benefits".

Spin Zone / Re: Fox's Ted Baxter FIRED - Not Fake News
« on: April 20, 2017, 12:59:36 PM »
I have never been an O'Reilly fan, nor a hater either.  When I did use to watch him, he would sometimes seem to have the right perspective on calling people out, both Democrats, and Republicans.  Other times he would show his hand as a classic, inside the NYC bubble Progressive, especially with the 2A, and right to legally bear arms, calling AR-15's "weapons of war", etc.  Also, I did not like him bullying guests, and talking over people all the time.

Although I no longer get Fox, I do like what I have seen of Tucker Carlson, Greg Gutfeld, and Jesse Waters. 

Spin Zone / Re: Kennedy May Retire Next
« on: April 12, 2017, 04:23:33 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 16, 2017, 10:16:13 AM »
Absolutely.  Remember, our system includes millions upon millions of uninsured, who have no access to the system whatsoever.  Compare someone who has to wait a week to someone who has no access, it isn't a comparison.  Again, if you look at per capita spending the US places in dead last among Western nations.

I know these facts are inconvenient, but they are true.  You can look them up.  It is also true that if you look at the best health care of the richest here, it is far better than what you get with the nationalized system.  If everyone had access to that it would be great.  But everyone doesn't.
That is utter bullshit. You speak as if healthcare and health insurance were a free-for-all before 2010. It was not. There were no subsidies, no mandate, and a small minority of people weren't covered by insurance.  Miraculous but true.

That group can be split between two basic groups. Those who could not afford insurance. For the needy, we had Medicaid. Still do. For those that could afford it but that CHOSE not to buy insurance, the ACA turned the entire process upside down, eliminating affordable a la carte and catastrophic health insurance, forcing hundreds of millions of people to buy unaffordable plans that cover everything including unnecessary coverage like pregnancy for seniors, just so 10 or 20 million can get free or reduced cost insurance.

News flash:  Obama wasn't the first person to think about how insurance works. It has worked well for decades. Now insurance companies right and left are dropping out of the business.  What changed?

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 15, 2017, 07:37:09 AM »
Liberals are not in the habit of applying facts to progressive propaganda.
obamcare was a scam from start to finish and progressives LOVE scams that hurt producers to benefit parasites.
There is nothing new in the progressive world and obamacare was just another in a long line of legislation designed to wrestle choices out of the hands of those who pay the bills and place that power and the money that comes with it, in the hands of parasitic progressives and other types of criminals.

Spin Zone / Re: I think I just heard the Pope say that he is racist
« on: February 21, 2017, 04:30:50 PM »
He doesn't claim infallibility in these matters and has actually said that he encourages discourse on his comments in the political arena.   

That said he pisses me off too.  I'm Catholic too, and I regularly question local catholics when they make statements that I think are stupid.  This guy is a socialist/communist.  These guys are always deriding capitalism and people who make well, yet live quite comfortably off the spoils of those earnings.  I could go on, but suffice it to say I question a lot that comes out of his mouth, sometimes though I go to the transcripts of what he actually said and like everything else in the media, what he actually says and what is reported are usually not the same.  I wish he would devote much more energy in solving the many problems in his own organisation.
I didn't claim that he did claim infallibility; I just wanted to point that out because many non-Catholics, and certainly the many Catholic haters, often try to imply that the Pope's spoken word is the equivalent of Doctrine, which must be followed by Catholics. It isn't, and we don't.

Spin Zone / Re: Super Bowl
« on: February 04, 2017, 08:32:38 AM »
Actually, I'm protesting the Super Bowl because they have erected fences and put up walls to keep out people who have not bought tickets.

I find this highly offensive that they will discriminate against sports fans who deserve to watch they game and should offer free entry for those who cannot afford the tickets.

And the nerve of the NFL! They actually hired security to check people entering the stadium!  This is another outrage!  These are peaceful fun loving fans only interested in being part of the game!  How dare they scrutinize who can enter the stadium!

 ;D ;D ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Those Oh So Tolerant Liberals
« on: February 02, 2017, 10:51:07 AM »
Only 1 arrest :(

let me guess, the person arrested was defending their property.

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