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Messages - Ron22

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Spin Zone / Non biased press
« on: January 30, 2017, 07:20:45 PM »

[SEAL, American Girl Die in First Trump-Era U.S. Military Raid]

Saw this a lot under Bush stopped under Obama now Starts again for Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: December 16, 2016, 12:04:48 PM »
But but I just heard Obama say it was the Russian and they will not get away with it.

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 09, 2016, 11:41:44 AM »

Had President Obama gone to Pearl Harbor, our conspiracy theorist would be complaining that he went and what a gross and negligent waste of taxpayer money the trip was. 

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Can't say I agree with you a lot but I do agree  here.  Some people would have complained about the cost the the President to travel.

Spin Zone / Re: The Jill Stein Scam
« on: December 09, 2016, 11:39:04 AM »
This is just one post from one of my FB friends

If you go look at his wall there are several of these every day.

What people seem to miss is the the political parties already picked the electors. The election just picked which parties electors are going to vote. 
So 99.9% of the electors are going to go with their party. I can not believe you can any people that the Republican selected to be electors will vote for Hillary. 
So the next option is they wright in someone else. Not very many are going to do that because again THEY DO NOT WANT HILLARY TO WIN. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump rejects new Air Force 1
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:53:46 AM »
Hard to believe a government project is out of control price wise.
Has a government contract ever came in on budget?

Spin Zone / Mother's body / child's body
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:51:50 AM »
I had a very long and civil  discussion with someone and I think sadly I might of had her believing my side :(
I was telling her I agree it is a women's body and she could do anything she wants.  I also told her a baby really was not a person for the first 3 months. They have not developed enough still to be called a person. All they were capable of is eating and pooping.
So I figured we should be able to change our mind in the first 3 months and put the baby to sleep.
Personal I believe that abortion is wrong and you may rot in hell.  Not something I would do. Also I am not going to force my beliefs on other people, way to many wars have started that way.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:43:43 AM »
I live in Minnesota and use a very low tech method of measuring if we are warming.  When is it safe to drive out on the ice and fish.  In my life it has gotten later in the year.  So my little place on the earth has been warming.
As for what is the correct temperature I am getting old so I like warmer longer and less cold.
So the earth is aging just right in my mind :)

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 04, 2016, 05:58:21 PM »
Why not?  Where in the constitution is it prohibited that a state can succeed from the union?
Well the last time a bunch of states got together and tried to leave it started a war. You think it would be different next time around?

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 04, 2016, 09:07:55 AM »
Global Warming died a long time ago, it is now all about Global Climate Change.
When the facts don't fit, change the name :)

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 04, 2016, 09:06:21 AM »
Correction, civil war.  It was one area trying to dictate to another that caused the first Civil War.  That's why some people in the South still call it the War of Northern Aggression. 

But all the Lefties think it was about slavery so they don't know the lesson.

The Civil War is the first thing I think of when I here about states leaving the union.
Been tried before we had a war over it, not as easy to leave as they want to think.

Spin Zone / Re: A Salt Weapon
« on: December 03, 2016, 06:36:08 PM »
Great now I have to go out and buy  another gun :)
Best part wife's idea.

Spin Zone / Re: 4 way race?
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:19:36 PM »
Ok I read the constitution wrong about the VP

I still think a 4 way race would be interesting.

Spin Zone / 4 way race?
« on: April 09, 2016, 02:51:41 PM »
What would be the outcome if
Republicans pick Kasich
Democrats pick Clinton
Trump runs under the Trump party (you know everything has to has his name on it)
Sanders runs as an Independent

Then the fun part the Twelfth Amendment
If no candidate receives a majority for president, then the House of Representatives will select the president.
If no candidate receives a majority for vice president, then the Senate will select the vice president.

We could have President Kasich and VP Clinton

Spin Zone / Re: Woud you vote for Kasich?
« on: April 09, 2016, 02:34:43 PM »
If the only choice was between Kasich & Clinton I would vote for Kasich.
Right now it is a very good chance I am going to vote for the Libertarian Party

Spin Zone / Re: US Manufacturing.
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:22:37 PM »
Let's say I set up shop to manufacture shirts here in the U.S. and due to the labor costs, etc I have to charge $3.00 more per shirt.  How many people will buy them?

Sure all you have to do is get someone famous to let you put their name on it. Hell then you could charge $30 more and people would by it

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