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Messages - invflatspin

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Spin Zone / Re: Rushie
« on: October 29, 2018, 06:01:47 PM »
so now I'm waiting for the end of time, to hurry up man alive, 'cuz if I got to spend another minute with you I don't think that I could hardly survive....


Spin Zone / Re: New Democrat TV Ad
« on: October 25, 2018, 06:07:50 PM »
I *seriously* doubt most liberals believe those things. I never believed them even when I identified as a liberal.* That's why the video is stupid and divisive. It effectively slanders half of the populace by associating them with idiotic beliefs that only a minority really hold. And the wearing black masks and beating up old people thing... seriously?? Who the fuck does that? Whoever they are, I'd call them criminals, not liberals.

* The only one of your list that I erm... sort of identify with is "forcing a company out of business because an executive works there who thinks marriage should be between one man and one woman", which I take to mean the practice of boycotting a company based on their political stance. I do support the practice as an exercise of free choice, and it's a hell of a lot more American imho than trying to force them to change their behavior through the court system. The only time I would personally do it, though, is if the company was funneling their profits into supporting causes that directly harm me or people like me (e.g., sexual orientation).

Most people who call themselves liberals probably don't but half the country votes Democrat and right now the Democrat party has been taken over by the radical minority who do believe those things. Thank God a lot of liberals and Democrats are waking up and realizing they've been supporting the wrong side.

Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 25, 2018, 08:12:44 AM »
I’m not sure how any of you can be so certain this was not someone on the right.  Both left and right have deranged folks on their side.  And to say that the right isn’t violent is simply not true.  Neo nazis, KKK, abortion clinic bombers, abortion provider killers, thugs who beat up gays, etc. are all examples of people on the right who are and have been violent.  Do they represent a mere fraction of folks on the right? Absolutely!  But it’s the same with the loonies on the left.
We know with certainty that these are coming from the left. It has all the tell-tale signs of Democrats and their operatives. The prime indicator is that none of them actually work.

Spin Zone / Re: It took long enough.
« on: October 24, 2018, 08:03:46 AM »
The PoA could have a #walkaway movement.

Was it "This one could go south...." thread? That one ended up talking about voting.

Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud?
« on: October 23, 2018, 08:30:28 AM »
I think Becky was hitting on you.

Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 16, 2018, 08:05:13 AM »
Tucker Carlson has been on fire recently, he said with her stunt yesterday that Fauxcohantas has effectively crowned herself the leader of the #MeSioux movement.


Spin Zone / Re: Sears BK
« on: October 15, 2018, 03:40:28 PM »
Here's a long one - deep personal history with Kmart - my father's only company and where his pension came from.  Plus so many bonus checks that it was embarrassing for him sometimes.  One year, his bonus was 150% of his salary.  But he managed to deal with it ;D

My father was an incredibly successful store manager for Kmart for 35 years.  He used to say that it was a simple put stuff on the shelves and people buy it.  Go into one of the stores today and see if that still holds true.  For the past 25 years, the shelves have been half empty or filled with crap you don't want.  Today, the prices are the highest of all the "discount" retailers.

When he was a few years from retirement, they closed his store and built a new super Kmart across the street.  But, new store, new blood.  They pulled him back into a rotation schedule to fill in places.  They put him at one store where the manager had quit because he couldn't make sales bonues.  Dad went into that store, fixed a few simple things and blew the bonus numbers out of the water for about 2 years - the store is one of two that are still open in Raleigh.  The super Kmart lasted about 10 years and then was closed and has been empty for years now.  They used the building as a staging area for power crews for the recent hurricane.

Then they sent him to Durham, in the bad part of town.

Need to pause here and inject - Dad's first Kmart store as manager was in DC, H street NE from 1967 until 1969.  It's not a good part of town, but he treated everyone fairly and with dignity.  When the young kids would come in to shoplift, he would see them and cut them off - they'd say "Oh man, I didn't know YOU were working today" and they'd turn and leave.  If you are familiar with history then you know that area was also ground zero in 1968 when Dr Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated.  Not to say they knew the riots were coming, but two of the area leaders came to him that afternoon and said "Mr Flynn, we have great respect for you.  But you need to not be here right now".  So he closed the store, locked it up and got a police escort out of the area.  He got home early and called his regional manager and said "here's what's going on, I don't know if we'll have a store tomorrow".  The next day, almost the entire section of the city in a multi block radius was burned EXCEPT for the grocery store, the pharmacy and the Kmart. 

Needless to say, getting a store in the bad part of town was no big deal for him.  The store was losing money and they expected to shut it down within 12 months.  Before he went in for his first day, he went in and shopped the store...easy for a 30 year veteran to identify the issues, the major one of which was no stock on the shelf...simple business.  First day he laid down the law - there is a uniform, white shirt with a red vest.  If you do not have a red vest, we will give you one.  If you do not have a white shirt, come see me.  We have a whole store and somewhere out there is a white shirt for you.  He identified the few trouble makers and got rid of them and the culture got better very quickly.  He asked his boss about cleaning up the book - hey, the inventory levels are way off because of years of shrinkage and they're going to have to be corrected before shutting down.  Got clearance to do that, but he knew better what would happen.  Once the inventory correctly showed the stock level was low, the computers kicked in and automatically generated replenishments for the store, plus allocating extra work hours to the store to receive the product and stock the shelves.  So the good people left at the store were happy because they got more hours to stock the shelves, the shelves were full and suddenly people started buying the stuff.  In 3 months the store went from deep in the red to healthy in the black (and Dad AGAIN blew away the bonus numbers).  His district manager was shocked...but it's an easy business, you put stuff on the shelf and people buy it.  That store stayed open for another 10 years after Dad left it. 

What I described here is what I think is the primary missing ingredient from the company.  I worked there too a long time ago and I'd be willing to bet that nobody there has the same appreciation for how to be successful.  It will stumble along but look for them to fail again in the next 5 years.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Just Hit Feinstein and Harris With Payback
« on: October 15, 2018, 05:50:38 AM »
We have noticed that Trump repeatedly seems to manage the news cycle with the timing of his announcements and activities. He literally has to do it that way, since the media repeatedly runs altered, biased reports about same. At the last rally he gave a speech where he mentioned generals Grant and Lee, and ABC had to issue a retraction on their cut-up video and report that he praised a horrible, mean general. Trump tweeted about the correction, but the damage was done as the leftie audiences gobble up stuff like this and take it as truth.

Although I am pleased with President Trump, and he has my loyalty and vote, I’d like to see two things ... debt reduction and much more swamp draining. If he is re-elected in 2020, that might be the time to let those hammers start falling in earnest.

Spin Zone / Re: Academia
« on: October 10, 2018, 09:32:03 AM »
Thanks Steingar. You just admitted what we all suspected about manmade climate change “data.”  No one is looking behind the curtain. No wonder “the debate is over.”

The term "Settled Science" should be Kryponite to a legit scholar.

Spin Zone / Re: That Didn't Take Long....
« on: October 04, 2018, 02:02:38 PM »
I've been considering registering here as four or five other anon posters, and assuming some identities, but - that might not be in the spirit of board protocol.  8)

Besides, more than likely I'd getting into a pissing contest with some of my multiple personalities, and one of them would get banned. That would upset me, and me, and me too. Stop that! You first asshat. Who are you calling asshat you jerkwad! (etc, ad-infinitum).

A guy actually did that years ago on the red board.

I can’t remember his name, just that he started arguments with himself and would get all nuts about what he just posted.

His name might have been Ken something’...

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:31:14 PM »
Looking at the Democrats:

“You sowed the winds for decades to come.”

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:32:15 AM »
I think we need to put together a moderator budget to purchase participation trophies for those who, through no fault of our own, weren’t chosen to be Supreme Leaders of the Galaxy (a/k/a “moderators”) yet still need to be validated as being important and valued members of this board.

Let me direct you to my new seminar on being an adult: Click Here. For only $49.95 per course, I will soon release the following additional seminars -

  • Telling the Future for Dummies® - An in-depth analysis of why announcing moderators on an unmoderated forum might cause unrest
  • Circling the Wagons - Why it has no place on the moderation team
  • Transparency - Not just for windows

Spin Zone / Re: Moderation
« on: September 27, 2018, 07:18:11 AM »
I've stayed out of this shit storm until now.  Is Shamalamadingdong a bot or real person?  It's been mentioned that folks feel it is Bryan from PoA, based on what evidence?  If it is a real person, should they not be allowed to post and if they do post, why should any of their posts be deleted?
Continue your shit storm.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 24, 2018, 10:13:08 AM »
I agree, with one exception: Mitch McConnell erred in saying (I think it was yesterday) that Kavanaugh was going to be on the Supreme Court. But yes, they are giving her every chance to agree to appear this week, and if she doesn't, there's really nothing they can do but hold the vote and of course, with only an uncorroborated allegation, from an accuser who refuses to make a statement under oath, he will (and should) be confirmed.

As you might expect, my perspective on this is a little different than most here. I doubt her accusation was politically motivated (mostly because as I understand it, her revealing the incident to a therapist in 2012 has been confirmed as true), and I can understand her reluctance to jump into a partisan maelstrom, especially if, as it seems, she was an anti-Trump demonstrator. I also wonder how certain she is that it was Kavanaugh. My guess is that this is probably a case of mistaken identity. But if not, and she is 100% certain, then I hope she'll take the deal and testify. She'll have a hard time living with herself if she is right and he gets confirmed. Worse for the country, if corroborating evidence comes out after he is on the Court, then things get very messy.
I appreciate your deference for giving Ford the benefit of the doubt, but I have so such compulsion.  People are capable of making up stories to therapists if it means defending their actions or inactions in matters involving marriage.  Imagine a male spouse wanting to go to a therapist because his wife wouldn’t have sex with him. Wife needs an excuse, and concocts a unverifiable story of a high school incident that provides her an excuse for her behavior. I’m not saying that was the situation, but I’m trying to demonstrate that an alleged admission to a therapist is not dispositive.

Further, do we know that Judge Kavanaugh was specifically named in that therapy session?  That’s what is implied, but to my knowledge we have no idea. It actually seems odd to name a specific individual in a therapy session.

Lastly, I have zero patience for a 35 year old story being told to a congressman or a senator instead of the police. That put the wires story into the political realm, with no turning back.

I give her no quarter in this case.

Spin Zone / Re: "dregs of society"
« on: September 23, 2018, 01:27:39 PM »

So I'll modify my statement to say that while not all persons present may have been on the same repugnant moral ground, plenty on both sides were.
You have to be careful.  Trump stirred up a shit storm when he said there was fault on both sides.  Those "tolerant" liberals won't tolerate talk like that.

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