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Topics - PeterNSteinmetz

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Pilot Zone / Ongoing mismanagement at AA
« on: October 10, 2021, 01:12:31 PM »
Apparently an ongoing set of mis-steps. I actually liked America West …

Pilot Zone / Why helis are flown from the right seat?
« on: October 09, 2021, 05:28:59 PM »
I had wondered why helicopter pilots sit in the right seat. Turns out it was because early helis required the strength of the dominant hand to control the cyclic.

“Paul Hoversten, “Why do helicopter pilots sit in the right seat?”, Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine, https://

Cool Places to Fly / Old Deer Valley AZ (KDVT) Control Tower
« on: October 08, 2021, 06:24:10 PM »
Was out visiting the terminal at Deer Valley today and ran across these photos of their first control tower. It was nicknamed the "Tomato Stand" and in use from 1972-75. The frequency assigned to it at the time 118.4 is still in use today.

Pilot Zone / Low G and gliding accidents
« on: October 07, 2021, 08:09:21 PM »

Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Dassault Falcon crash
« on: October 07, 2021, 06:57:33 PM »

“METARs reported a thunderstorm in the area about 30 minutes before the crash, but at 5:50 am local (5-6 minutes after the reported time of the accident) conditions were calm with 7 sm viz under scattered layers at 1200' and 3600' AGL and 9000' overcast with haze.”

“Not sure of the specific approach, but FlightAware indicates they were landing Runway 10.”

An observational peer-reviewed study possibly of interest:

Spin Zone / Is buying or selling cyptocurrency for cash illegal?
« on: October 05, 2021, 09:24:50 AM »
Since at least one poster seems interested in this subject, I will comment a bit here on the Costanzo case of 2017, even though it is not aviation related. I am happy to have an opportunity to do so at some length as this would not permitted on PoA. Some background:

Starting in 2014, an IRS agent based in New York began an investigation of Thomas Costanzo because he was a well known bitcoin trader in Phoenix. Over the course of the next 2 years they began telling Costanzo that they were providing him with cash from illegal drug trades in exchange for Bitcoin and began increasing the amounts of value of the trades. In early 2016, having discovered that Costanzo was only able to trade smaller amounts, they approached me and asked me to trade bitcoin for cash which they stated had come from the heroin trade.

Since my policy has always been to never accept any cash from illegal activities in exchange for Bitcoin, I immediately told him no and they we would never execute any trades in the future as that would be the illegal act of money laundering. That appeared to be the end of it at the time; however, apparently this was not good enough for the Federal agents of the DEA who subsequently became involved.

That agent subsequently conspired with Thomas Costanzo to lie to me that the proceeds from a future trade were all legal. In an attempt to generate sufficient probable cause for seizure of my property, they conspired to arrange a complex trade in which Thomas Costanzo purchased bitcoin from me, lied to me that they were being exchanged only for legal cash proceeds, and then resold it to a Federal agent who told him they were illegal proceeds.

Based on this the Federal agents first obtained a warrant for a military style SWAT team raid on my house in which they broke down our front door and pointed automatic weapons at my wife and child (they knew I was not home at the time). They seized cryptocurrencies in this raid. About a month later they obtained a sealed indictment for conspiracy to engage in an unlicensed money transmission business and surprise arrested me on an errand.

This indictment was later dismissed without prejudice and subsequently resolved with a settlement agreement with the prosecutors in which I admitted no wrong doing and had all the cryptocurrencies seized from me returned. Costanzo has agreed in a settlement that he defrauded me and that he will be making an attempt to repay my losses stemming from his fraud.

The primary legal issue in the charges against me was whether simply buying and selling a cryptocurrency for cash which is represented as being legal proceeds requires a money transmission license under 18 USC 1960? Most people that you ask on the street think this is sort of a strange claim. How is selling someone your property, such as Bitcoin, for cash any different than selling your old laundry washer for cash? Nonetheless, the Federal prosecutors in the district of Arizona are on record in the Costanzo case as stating that they believe anyone buying or selling a cryptocurrency for cash requires a money transmission license from the Federal government.

While this issue has arisen in other cases, they also usually involve a money laundering charge where illegal proceeds are being used. There are a few cases where it is a pure 18 USC 1960 issue and these have always been resolved by agreements. So this issue has never been adjudicated by a judge or jury to date. We are trying to find a good case to defend but they are fairly rare.

This was certainly not an intentional political protest on my part. I do believe in cryptocurrencies as an important tool for freedom as an ultra-libertarian and continue to use them. The media of course loves to link these but the indictment for running an unlicensed money transmission business really has little to do with my protest against the TSA.

Pilot Zone / Armed protests against the TSA
« on: October 05, 2021, 08:33:36 AM »
Since a number of posters seem to be interested in my 2014 protest against the TSA at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, I will post a few responses and links here. (I tend to think of it as old news).

Firstly, let's clear up some facts. This was a deliberate political protest against the TSA constantly harassing innocent travelers in which I carried an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle directly in front of the TSA security line which is indicated on the floor. The rifle was carefully and appropriately handled at all times and was never pointed at anyone. Indeed, the case for that allegation was so weak that no charges were ever even brought. Furthermore, my arrest record was subsequently cleared by court in what is known as "declaration of innocence", which is rather rare in Arizona.

My reasons for doing so are more fully explained in my op-ed piece on the subject at

Several interesting aspects of what happened at the airport. It took the police about 20-30 mins to find a person walking around with an openly carried AR-15. Most people didn't even notice. Prior to arresting me, the police were looking for some cause for arrest and literally said "go ask those women over there if they would be willing to be a victim".

It was certainly a controversial thing to do, as protests often are, and frankly generated more publicity than I anticipated.

Since this forum tends to focus a bit more on politics I will make a few comments though tend to confine my interests here to aviation related politics. (I suppose the TSA qualifies.)

I am an ultra-libertarian and regard basically everything being done by the TSA as an intrusion on citizens rights. I am also a strong advocate for our second amendment rights. Sadly of course I think our civil liberties have been even further eroded since 2014.

As to a few of the posts here. To post a link to the arrest without noting the subsequent clearing of the arrest record is arguably libelous. To ignore the substantial coverage of the political aspects, such as our nearly immediate press conference and my op-ed, appears to be misleading at best and mostly an attempt at a personal attack.

Pilot Zone / Air Wagner - he’s back
« on: October 03, 2021, 05:33:26 PM »
Shouldn’t we also have a thread here about Jerry’s escapades? From PoA -

New from Jerry. in this one, Jerry gives Robert a step-by-step lesson on the best way to create an unstable approach.

(Jerry disabled embedding so you have to click to watch on YouTube)

Spoiler alert: "Low altitude alert. 3SJ, check your altitude immediately."

Pilot Zone / Hopefully will get rid of the LODAs
« on: October 02, 2021, 12:25:21 PM »
Good to see Congress doing something about this bad FAA interpretation. Now on to the Senate passage.

Pilot Zone / Changeable wing designs
« on: October 02, 2021, 09:05:30 AM »
Interesting. Can others comment on past attempts at something like this?

Pilot Zone / Hypersonic weapon
« on: October 02, 2021, 09:03:45 AM »

Pilot Zone / Delta wanting to spread their terrible attitude
« on: October 02, 2021, 09:00:33 AM »
The last thing we need is other airlines adopting Delta’s terrible attitude about it’s customers.

Of course they want the other companies to join them because they are no doubt losing customers over this type of behavior. It seems like it should be a good anti-trust lawsuit if they try this.

As I have noted before, the MC of the PoA forum has becoming increasingly non-objective in the rules they are applying. For example, the trolling rule as enforced by them is based on their assumed ability to mind-read the intention of posters.

Consequently I will not be providing any support to that forum this year.

I mentioned this on their fund raising thread and they actually deleted my post commenting on this. I will be very curious to see what their excuse is, other than the general rule they have that of course they can delete anything they want at any time for any reason.

From Rusty of on PoA:

Airplane vs Rorotcraft. Just before 8am, 1-Oct-2021.

According to a witness/pilot just interviewed on local TV, the rotorcraft was immediately disabled, falling from approximately 500’, bursting into flames on impact. Two confirmed deceased.

The PA-28 was now missing its LH main gear but landed successfully.

Airplane was a Piper Cherokee

Helicopter was

As observed by azpilot

"It's common for the helicopters at KCHD to fly the "Charlie pattern". The fly right traffic at a lower altitude and tighter pattern than the fixed wing airplanes. They line up for T&G's on taxi way Charlie which is South of, and parallel to 4R.

If you look at the ground track for N2868H, it looks like they were flying a short approach for 4R and turned right over the top of N412TL.

The Piper had been doing T&G and was on landing number 10. The Helicopter had just taken off and appears to have been lining up for their first T&G."

I have also confirmed that it was a training flight in the airplane with a younger student pilot.

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