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Messages - jb1842

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Spin Zone / Re: A stunning display of dishonesty from the left
« on: February 16, 2017, 12:39:48 PM »
The real truth and crux of these problems lies with liberal academia.


Steingar lectures us about how hard working and deserving he and his ilk are based on nothing more than ego and projection and he REALLY BELIEVES that he is above being questioned because of his self proclaimed, triple digit IQ.

Academia is infested with lazy, entitled, narrow minded bigots, that truly believe they deserve to rule over us because of their make believe superior intelligence and because they have the right progressive credentials, which are useless and worthless, besides being of no value in the real world.

Public teacher unions are a toxic poison in America and drain education of needed graduates with career skills, in favor of robots, scared to think for fear they will bring down the wrath of loud mouthed nit-wits, who do nothing of value but talk about how deserving they are.

Economic freedom is being reduced day by day because of the garbage Obama appointed who wrote millions of pages of damaging regulations designed to grant power to the government and keep choice out of the hands of those who pay the bills. Steingar and his ilk LOVE it.

The real reason progressive democrats lost heir minds over DeVos was because of school choice. Any choice in the hands of the people is detrimental to the progressive agenda which is really just communism and they will fight to the point of possibly breaking a finger nail to preserve their monopoly on education.

Take liberals out of education and within a generation children will begin to learn and flourish again. Let them stay in power and the march to moronville will escalate.

 "He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches."-George Bernard Shaw

Spin Zone / Re: At core, what is a liberal?
« on: January 26, 2017, 10:29:16 AM »
You must have taken your stupid pill today.  The GI bill is a scholarship program at many colleges and Universities.  It also is a scholarship program for worthy individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.  The military is enriched for such individuals, who clearly and in exemplary fashion demonstrate their worth by their self-less service to their country.

How is it a scholarship when servicemembers who want to take advantage of it had to pay $100 a month for a year to get that benefit? That's how it used to be under the Montgomery GI Bill, not sure how the Post 9/11 GI Bill works.

Spin Zone / Re: Gentle proof Planned Parenthood is lying
« on: January 11, 2017, 02:55:53 PM »
One thing everybody is missing.  FedGov funds are only a small part of PP's income.  Cutting funding will no way put them out of business.

Awesome. Then they don't need taxpayer money if they have plenty of their own.

Spin Zone / Re: Dear idiot Libs: we are at war
« on: December 20, 2016, 09:52:16 AM »
I doubt it strongly.  Unlike you guys I have an IQ in the triple digits.  I know that there are a billion Muslims, roughly one in every ten humans on planet Earth.  To ascribe any political goal or ideology that encompasses all of them is pure folly.

There are actually closer to 2 billion muslims and they are almost 25% of the worlds population, but don't let the facts get in the way of your triple digit IQ.

Spin Zone / Student Trolls University
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:30:20 AM »
In order not to "offend" anyone, the University of Michigan now requires staff and students to adress others with the pronoun that person wants it to be, with the threat of punishment if they don't. This student decided his pronoun will be "His Majesty". Well played, young man. Well played.

Spin Zone / Re: An alternative to gun control
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:18:40 AM »
I keep harping on this but the Media, Education, and Government is willingly indoctrinating us to be Progressive, anti American, and docile to government.  Look at many Millennial males.  What do you see?

Someone who needs to let their balls loose and stop wearing their girlfriends skinny jeans.

Spin Zone / Re: An alternative to gun control
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:57:06 AM »
Since liberals don't think honest citizens can be trusted to own firearms, presumably because we are all so violent, how about we just medicate the masses instead in order to reduce the violence?

There was another shooting in Houston today.  Details are scarce which tells me that someone doesn't want us to know anything about the culprit.  I wonder why that could be.

Why medicate when you can indoctrinate in the public school system?

Spin Zone / Re: Baltimore Drops Prosecutions
« on: July 27, 2016, 02:15:56 PM »
If you're playing semantics, you're already in 2nd place.

Having a hard time accepting the truth?

Spin Zone / Re: The Marines Are Looking For A Few Good.....Marines
« on: June 29, 2016, 11:23:09 AM »
“But on the other, it’s a direct reflection on society’s crybaby political correctness.”

It's not unexpected to hear a Sergeant of Marines speak like this.  We are taught this kind of language in Boot Camp, at least I was.  I have no way of knowing if this is the Marine Corps talking through the man of it this is the man's deliberate thoughts on the matter...brainwashing and all....

As former Sergeant of Marines myself, I think he is long past the point of being brainwashed, or he wouldn't have used the words crybaby policital correctness. I believe the words are his own, or some fellow Marines dared him to use the word crybaby.

Spin Zone / Re: Election Update from Wisconsin
« on: April 05, 2016, 11:01:38 AM »
Is this Josh with the 150?

It's me. My gut says Cruz, but I want to vote for Trump because it's fun to see people's heads explode over him.

Spin Zone / Re: Tuition Free College........
« on: February 12, 2016, 07:38:22 AM »
Um, it's called a job.  I carried a minimum of 15 hours per semester and still worked 20+ hours a week.  While I realize today's lazy kids are just that, lazy, it can be accomplished if you have the work ethic and don't expect others to cater to your ever need.  It puts a burr under my saddle when I hear people wanting things given to them when all they have to do is get out of the house, kill something (figuratively speaking) and drag it home.  Guess it's easier to sit on the sofa with a game remote in your crotch for hours on end.   (you/your is generic and not directed at you personally)

I got my degree while working full time. One of the big problems is kids want the biggest and best of everything when they go to college. New dorms, flat screen TVs, spring break trips, a bunch of dining options. They don't understand that college needs pays for that, which is why tuition keeps rising.

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