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Messages - Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God)

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: Today at 09:48:36 AM »
first time offender, non violent crime, old guy.  I suspect normally he'd just get probation.  But I've not seen a hint of remorse, and he's shit all over the judicial system.  Were I the judge I'd be thinking strongly about some custodial time to show him who's boss.

Sorry I haven't been around.  After the stalking incident I figured I should lie low.
Innocent people who’ve been set up by vicious attackers usually don’t show remorse. How has he “shit” on the judicial system? Has the judicial system been corrupted and dumped shit on him? The world knows this was not a fair trial and that fairness and justice are being wrenched from justice systems all over the West. False imprisonment of political opponents, especially those who stand for restoration of our constitutional government and fighting corruption, wakes people up. The Trump mug shot galvanized people who previously hadn’t paid too much attention. What would a shot of Trump through prison bars do?

Eric Trump says the fundraising for his father since the verdict is now $200 million.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 12, 2024, 09:20:01 AM »
Joe cracks me up. “Solar is a bad word because liberals like it.” Hahahaha!

First, solar is not a bad word. It works great for guys in off-grid settings who don’t have huge household power needs.

I’m in a sunny part of our state, and even with rooftops covered with solar panels people can’t run their homes with the power produced, much less charge their cars. The solar panel homeowners sell the trickle of power to the utility company to put in the grid and then sell back to them.

We know a guy who spent $28,000 to put up the panels. Later he had to move, so never realized that investment in any sort of payback.  Plus, complaints are being lodged right and left against the solar panel installers. They’re grifters to a high degree. Reports of damage to roofs and failures to meet promised commitments for repairs and maintenance are common. Access to state and local government energy “rebates” and “incentives” is as tempting to grifters as all the other government largesse schemes. The companies set up in storefronts, make their killings, and vanish. And we the taxpayers and rate payers fund the government participation in this. So.

Have you ever seen the photos of massive solar farms demolished by hailstorms? Have you ever seen a solar panel boneyard? What are the panels made of, and how does their decomposition affect the earth and water?

Joe will say solar is a young industry and has great potential. True. He also doesn’t believe in mandates by stupid, invasive and controlling government entities. Great! Trouble is, our idiot governor has decreed that $89 million will be used to build EV chargers throughout the state. A state with grid problems. The same governor is banning use of natural gas for heating and cooking. He also is trying to eliminate ICE vehicles any way he can.  And we’re back where we started. Funneling everyone onto one source of energy, thus creating energy insecurity.

Multiple sources, strong sources, recoverable and sustainable sources. Without a variety of ways to produce and access energy, we are weakened.

Spin Zone / Re: I have no taste.
« on: April 10, 2024, 01:54:37 PM »
It’s a scary thing for sure to have that “I’m going down” feeling. Getting up from being seated or lying down is a big time for that instability. I feel it sometimes just from fear. My falls have not been from instability but rather stupidity.

I’d never heard of the shoulder reversal until recently, and what an amazing thing it is. My neighbor had it and is now recovered. She had a machine that cools the surgery site uniformly and without having to run back and forth with ice.

I’m glad you can be supportive of your wife, Eppy. My good report yesterday certainly was helped to come about by my husband’s willingness to do things so I could heal and not struggle.

Spin Zone / Re: I have no taste.
« on: April 10, 2024, 05:53:46 AM »
Thanks everyone. It’s so easy to get doomy and gloomy about the world, but indeed good people are everywhere. We sometimes get down on young people but two high school girls came right over and helped me into my car to keep me warm, and brought napkins and pressed them on my head wound. They were asking me my husband’s phone number when the food truck guy’s wife came out and took that over, and took my phone and put her number in my contacts and said to keep her updated on how I was doing. She said the next time I came in for a Habayaki Burrito it was on the house. I texted her later with an update after the urgent care visit, and immediately my phone rang and we had a long conversation about how we all need each other. She loves her customers and had some good stories to tell.

When we got home we asked our neighbor Mike to take my husband over to pick up my car, and while they were gone his wife came over and insisted on massaging my feet. It was wonderful. She also texted frequently while I was healing, saying let’s go for a walk, which helped me overcome my fear of getting out there and falling again.

I think it’s important to realize how just a text, a short visit, anything really, can mean so much when you feel isolated or sidelined. We all need to be that person, that friend, that neighbor, that relative … who keeps contact going and helps if needed. I feel quite humbled.

Also, because I’m right handed, my husband has had to do all the cooking and cleaning up, and even tie my shoes. I’m learning a lot about him. But that’s for a marriage thread!  ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: April 09, 2024, 05:10:48 PM »
If it's Covid, Paxlovid.... ::) ::)

In other words, the drug is worthless. Also, they seem to be ignoring in this study the fact that the multiply vaccinated are getting Covid. So the vaccine would be worthless too.


The time to sustained alleviation of all signs and symptoms of Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants who received nirmatrelvir–ritonavir and those who received placebo. (Supported by Pfizer; EPIC-SR number, NCT05011513.)

Spin Zone / Re: Zelenskyy Has A New House….
« on: April 06, 2024, 02:15:32 PM »
Did he suggest YOU should be his VP?  He did me!  Then I read the email and he's like, "Just kidding, really, who do you want me to pick?"   What a tease!
Yes he did! He has good taste … either you or I would be great for VP.

Spin Zone / Re: Years Late - CDC Releases Covid Vaccine Injury Reports
« on: April 06, 2024, 09:19:44 AM »
When to Use All of the SuddenThat is an incorrect statement.  I see it in print often. Or at least in electronic font.

VAERS is merely an information gathering tool.  It is not meant to be a definitive conclusion of anything.
We were told that VAERS was anecdotal and voluntary and thus unreliable. But A PLURALITY OF ANECDOTES IS DATA. It takes around 30 minutes for a health care professional to record an observed shot side effect in VAERS. Many said they could not spare that time. How many victims or family members didn’t either? If we can know for sure that things that didn’t happen (“You’d have had a worse case without your 2, 3, 4, 6 vaccines!”) can be quantified, why not quantify the missing injury reports?

This stuff wasn’t a shot. It was shit.

Spin Zone / Re: Zelenskyy Has A New House….
« on: April 04, 2024, 04:19:37 AM »
No. I take everything I mean EVERYTHING with a grain of salt these days.  Except when Trump texts me that he loves me.  Damn stalker.
I don’t know how to tell you this except to come right out with it. He sends me emails telling me he’ll always love me. Two-timing stalker!!!

Spin Zone / Re: Who is Nicole Shanahan?
« on: March 29, 2024, 08:02:14 AM »
He needs her money. And …

By pushing away any possible Trump voters from RFK, but bleeding away votes from Biden, this adds complexity that could sink the deep state attempt to cheat Biden (or whoever) in. I’m seeing commentary that this may be RFK’s plan to destroy the deep state in retaliation for their execution of his father and uncle. Who knows.

Spin Zone / Re: Key bridge
« on: March 26, 2024, 09:21:11 AM »
I saw online where a former aide already has testified that Trump grabbed the steering wheel and aimed the ship directly into the bridge.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: March 23, 2024, 06:51:07 AM »
Dear Jim:

That was painful.

Love, Becky

Spin Zone / Re: JFK!!! Enough with the Gender Neutral Bullshit!
« on: March 22, 2024, 07:53:10 AM »
Yes, boycott. It’s not even a true thing, “gender neutral.” Men’s tee shirts don’t fit me right except for oversized ones to sleep in. And you just try wearing a women’s one! Haha. They’re actually shaped. What a stupid scam. Gender is real, and men and women are DIFFERENT.

Spin Zone / Re: More Racism
« on: March 22, 2024, 06:49:55 AM »
Males are more violent and aggressive in general. Agree, that doesn't mean we're all bad.

However,  the propensity for violence used as a solution to disagreement in the Black Community is real. That doesn't mean ALL Blacks are like that, but it does mean there is a systemic problem that must be addressed, both from the outside and within.

Peaceful Blacks need to start holding Blacks that commit violence accountable.
After 9/11 I’d go around saying that good Muslims should purge the bad ones in their midst. Right. There’s something, too, called the “Black code.” It means that if you are black, you always vote for the black candidate. No matter how bad they are. Like DEI in the sky, this code has dire consequences. They also tend to excuse black crimes.

Spin Zone / Re: Getting To Know Each Other - Part Two - The Sequel
« on: March 14, 2024, 05:12:19 AM »
I love our stories. Tried to find the 2018 thread but couldn’t. But looking at old threads I realized how many years we’ve all been sparring, agreeing, insulting, complimenting, arriving at impasses, advising, sympathizing, and just generally hanging out and sharing life. Semper gratus. Forever grateful.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: March 12, 2024, 06:45:30 PM »


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