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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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Spin Zone / Re: It's Gorsuch
« on: January 31, 2017, 10:58:19 PM »
Best part, the protestors showed up with with printed signs 'Oppose - your name here'.  They literally had to fill them in with magic marker until they could get down to Kinko's and get fancy ones printed with Gorsuch's name on them.

This is not organic protest, it is organized, planned and executed radical political opposition, and clearly shows that the Left has no intent of fulfilling their duty (as evidenced by the WI-esque retreat the Dem's did to avoid votes on 2 of the cabinet nominees yesterday or today).  Time for Mitch to call the Sergeant at Arms and force those pansies to vote, lose, and watch as these cabinet nominees join the Trump Administration.  The Trump Administration (just like saying it).


Spin Zone / Re: Hypocricy
« on: January 29, 2017, 10:51:16 AM »
Does anyone really care what that sick tired corrupt criminal has to say?
She won the popular vote so she's basically the president. Right?

Spin Zone / Re: gotta love the stupidity of criminals...
« on: January 25, 2017, 08:54:41 AM »
I was in a bank robbery.  Guy came in early before the rent-a-cop.  Pulled his gun, got his cars and got away before the cops were even close.  I myself blew it, I had a nice camera on the phone I could have used to get a shot of this guy and didn't.  That said, I keep the bank manager and a couple other customers calm.  After the guy left I complimented the teller who gave him the cash.  Guy felt pretty bad giving all that money to the robber; I told him the money was insured, they could print more.  They couldn't print another him.  That fact that the robber left and no one was hurt was a huge win, that was a very dangerous situation.

They never caught the guy.  He was long gone by the time the cops showed up.
I certainly hope you are around if I ever resort to armed robbery.

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 24, 2017, 07:28:55 AM »
Why do you believe this?

 Because it was reported by the Alt Left media.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 24, 2017, 05:29:27 AM »
Because we ain't talking about Clinton. We're talking about your tangerine Messiah.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Psychological Projection -- You should look it up (I helped with a link or two).  No one on the right calls Trump a Messiah.  Obama, on the other hand...

Spin Zone / Obama's greatest legacy
« on: January 20, 2017, 06:41:11 AM »
I read this somewhere recently. I think it was an opinion piece in the local paper that was probably from a syndicated columnist, so you may have already read this.

Obama's greatest legacy is that he gave us:

President Donald Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 11, 2017, 06:36:44 PM »
Strange euphoria setting in ... a president who loves America, is smart, listens, responds, actually works hard on our behalf. Picks highly qualified people, thinks Constitution is important.

I've got a "strange euphoria" this January.  Complete opposite of my normal post-holiday depression.  Maybe it's due to big, sunny, warm south Texas instead of cold, grey Appalachia.  Maybe it's that our finances are finally turning around. Maybe it's the Grandbaby.  Nah. It's none of that.   ;D

Fast and Furious - ran illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels, and maybe terrorists - SCANDAL

Benghazi - Purposely let four Americans die, including a very progressive, and gay Democrat Ambassador, lied about the cause being a video - SCANDAL

IRS targeting conservative groups - SCANDAL

EPA targeting conservatives - SCANDAL

Hillary server, and damning emails - SCANDAL

Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton - SCANDAL

Obama lying about Obamacare - SCANDAL

Obama lying about shovel ready jobs - SCANDAL

Obama/Holder/Lynch supporting the BLM movement, and false narrative about hands up don't shoot - SCANDAL

Crony grants that went bust like Solyndra - SCANDAL

GM union bail out - SCANDAL

Spin Zone / Re: DNC emails exposed
« on: December 21, 2016, 07:47:31 AM »
The polling was skewed by a media who wanted Hillary to win.  The various polling outfits deliberately produced polls that showed Hillary winning and a few were just outlandish.  The reliable polls such as IBD showed what was really happening but was ignored, because it showed what was happening.

 The so called snap polls online were dissed by the MSM as "unreliable" since most were showing Trump more favorable than Hillary, whereas in reality they were a good measure of sentiment because more people were using social media and the Internet for their news source since the MSM bias was so blatant.

 Then in Trump's favor we had the silent majority who were sick and tired of BHO and the progressives who really wanted change, but just remained quiet until Election Day.

 Trump's message was clear, Jobs and America First.  He was also a relentless campaigner holding events that outnumbered the Clinton events almost two to one.  And his events drew thousands while the Clinton events struggled to draw hundreds.

 The VP choice I feel also helped Trump.  Mike Pense is a rock solid, well spoken family man who complemented Trump.  Tim Kaine doesn't speak well, came off rude in the VP debate and offered very little to the Clinton campaign.

 And the reality. Hillary was probably the worse candidate to run. 30 plus years in Washington and enough baggage to fill a freight train.  A woman whose entire adult life has been plagued in scandal after scandal.  A political life of no achievements.  She conveyed an attitude that the presidency was hers, it was owed to her and she was destined to be the first female president.  She also was very cold, spoke in lawyer terms and could not connect with people. Her speaking style was shrill and downright annoying. Even her own campaign was trying to figure out how to make her "more human". The one defining moment was her "basket of deplorables" speech in which she told Americans how she really felt about them.

 Clinton's campaign strategy was "run the clock out". They had felt she was the obvious winner so all she really had to do was wait until Election Day, and win.  The campaign kept her hidden using the strategy the less seen and heard from her would limit damage in the media.  Again, the believed their own MSM tripe as fact, which in the end would prove fatal.

 Trump has redefined campaigning and redefined how polling will be conducted in the future.  The Fourth Estate is no longer relative in campaigns and will become even less so in the next round.  The Internet has now positioned itself as the "Fifth Estate" and will play even a greater roll in coming elections.

 And finally, for all of Hillary's excuses for losing.  It was not the Russians, it was not the "Alt Right", it was not an ancient electoral college, it was not "fake news".  It was a badly flawed candidate backed by a disfunctional political party ran by incompetent stooges, supported by a flawed and biased media.

Spin Zone / Re: Dear idiot Libs: we are at war
« on: December 21, 2016, 07:15:55 AM »

Mrs. Steingar says I'm more irritable, but I think that's a thing wives say about their husbands worldwide.
Every liberal I know, including my wife, is more irritable than usual these days.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump
« on: December 20, 2016, 03:36:12 PM »
Trump is a complete amateur, a professional celebrity and little more.  He has placed mostly fellow amateurs in key positions around him.  I suspect the damage will be limited.  While his foreign policy will be a disaster I think the foreign leaders will soon learn to ignore him.
By "amateur" I assume you are referring to political status.  Yes, some of them may be political amateurs, but is that a bad thing?  Look where professional politicians got us.

But in general, you cannot call most of his appointees "amateurs".  They are largely very accomplished professionals in their fields.  Just like Obama was a professional agitator; and he proved to be very good at it at the highest level.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump
« on: December 20, 2016, 10:03:35 AM »
Who's attacking Trump for making money?  I'd like to know the financial standing of the President of the United States as well as the extent of his financial ties to foreign governments.  Any attacks will be witheld depending on what is revealed, that is if he ever reveals anything.

So very odd how you ignore the PROOF of Hilary Clinton's foreign ties while pretending that you are waiting to see about the Donald.

Spin Zone / Re: Dear idiot Libs: we are at war
« on: December 20, 2016, 09:34:37 AM »
I doubt it strongly.  Unlike you guys I have an IQ in the triple digits.  I know that there are a billion Muslims, roughly one in every ten humans on planet Earth.  To ascribe any political goal or ideology that encompasses all of them is pure folly.

You clearly suffer from the liberal phenomenon of being absolutely certain you are the smartest person in the room.
Then you prove how false that assumption is and keep digging for the bottom.
Good work from a progressive tool without a freaking clue.
It really is all that can be expected from you.

Spin Zone / Re: What is social justice?
« on: December 20, 2016, 05:46:23 AM »
Social, and economic justice are basic tenets of Communism.  It essentially says the Totalitarian elite get to decide what is fair, right, wrong, and how much you get.  It is oppression.   

Well if people had read Obama's book "Dreams of my Father", they would have known all this prior to his election.  He really does hate America, as does his wife.  They have a huge chip on his shoulders.

The person who calls himself Michelle Obama is an embarrassment to the country.

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