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Messages - Steingar

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Spin Zone / Re: GOP Convention Opens In Cleveland
« on: July 19, 2016, 05:59:58 AM »
Actually, I feel just a bit guilty.  Melania Trump really is a spectacular woman.  I doubt she plagiarized anything.

It is funny that the firs night of the convention is better remembered for controversy than content.  Hardly surprising.  It is even funnier that Trump called in to preempt his own convention.

Spin Zone / Re: Bush Speaks in Dallas
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:57:48 PM »
I really don't understand all these complaints about the Obominator, other than the fact that the only thing that could possibly come out of his mouth that would make you guys happy are "I resign".  The only thing he could do is die.

But thinking about the event, what do you guys think he should have done?  Just not shown up?  The POTUS is supposed to not show up to one of the worst tragedies in US history.  Right.
So he shows up.  Whats he supposed to do, just keep his yap shut?  He's the POTUS for Odin's sake!
So he speaks.  What's he supposed to say?  Lionize the officers, check.  Talk about the problems we've been experiencing between officers and civilians.  Check.  Talk about how we have to keep things in balance. Presidential.

Like I said, he'd have to disappear through a hole to the 8th dimension and take Joe with him before you guys would be happy.

Sorry, I've seen study after study documenting racial bias in just about everything but the law.  Seen it through my own eyes.  One guy publishing one thing in a journal of which I've never heard does not convince me of anything.

Spin Zone / Re: Slain Dallas Cop: A White Supremacist?
« on: July 13, 2016, 12:22:10 PM »
I despise the fact that Mjölnir, hammer of the mighty Thor, Odinson, is used by these creeps.  These guys feature pretty heavily in the pantheon of Steingar.
Whether the guy was a flower child or a Nazi, he was killed doing his duty to protect those folks. Makes him a hero in the book of Steingar, Odin be praised.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 09, 2016, 06:23:33 PM »
Palestinian kids are indoctrinated in hatred of Israelis. They have cartoon characters that tell them it's a good thing to go kill Jews.
All this bad blood is really a pity. Judaism and Islam have pronounced similarities.

Spin Zone / Re: did the corrupt doormat lie to the FBI?
« on: July 06, 2016, 12:56:57 PM »
Do you think it's legal to lie to an investigator?

Did she intentionally lie to an investigator?  What I recall was a hundred or so classified E-mails, among the tens of thousands that went in and out of her office in four years three years ago.  Can she be excused for not recalling those 100?  I think you'd have a hard time convincing a jury of open-minded people (unlike the crowd here) that forgetting about 100 instances in a pool of tens of thousands constitutes willful misdirection.

Obviously the FBI director thought so.  According to you guys she should be indicted if she spits on the street.  But not only did the FBI director not think there was enough to indict her on charges of mishandling classified material, he did not think there was enough to indict her for lying to the FBI, something he could have done.  Recall, it is something you have to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 05, 2016, 06:20:45 AM »
I read to day that Loretta Lynch was ON BILL CLINTON'S defense team back when their other set of crimes were being investigated.

Here's the funny thing about all this.  The Clintons were in Little rock Arkansas, well away from the national spotlight.  They were tight on cash, the governorship didn't pay that well.  And the stereotype of southern government is of good-old-boy corruption had to be at least partially true since all their pals were indicted.

An independent prosecutor spent half a decade and untold millions of dollars investigating the Clintons.  All he could come up with was Monica Lewinsky, and the only shocking thing about that was she was homely compared to Jennifer Flowers.  Ken Starr couldn't come up with anything suggesting the Clintons did anything wrong in Little Rock.

I see three possibilities.  The first is that the Clintons were master criminals who could hide anything from anybody.  The fact that Bill got caught with his pants down with Lewinsky puts the lie to that.  The second is that Kenn Starr is utterly incompetent.  Given the stuff that happened at Baylor that could be true, but I do't buy it, especially since he did come up with Lewinsky.  The third is they didn't do anything wrong.

They didn't do anything wrong in a hotbed of corruption when they were short of cash.  These are the folks you're calling hopelessly corrupt.  Oh, they didn't do that while in Bumfuk West Egypt but they did all this corruption under the national spotlight.  Yeah.

The easier explanation is this is all a bunch of innuendo promulgated very successfully by her political enemies.  There is no smoking gun for any of this.  No one has shown payments between the Clinton's nonprofit and the Clintons themselves, no one has shown any kind of tit for tat.  No documentation of any kind.  Just innuendo.  And the most brilliant thing is  there is no way to disprove it.

The problem is the situation is utterly unprecedented.  The wife of a former president has never run for the presidency.  I have no doubt that the George W Bush Foundation, the Jimmy Carter Foundation, and that rest of them get donations from the same places.  What American would give money to the insanely rich?  And who;s going to tell the head of a nonprofit to spurn donations because it might be politically inconvenient for the namesake?

In the end this stuff is going to turn into the birth certificate and the flag pin.  Same old same old, controversies based on nothing at all.

Spin Zone / Re: What a Lady
« on: July 01, 2016, 05:35:04 AM »
Yeah, the guy who wrote the book couldn't possibly have an agenda.  And cops never, ever lie.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:36:06 AM »
I've also met Michael on a couple of occasions at Air Venture and consider him a friend.

Yup.  Disagreeing over politics doesn't mean folks is bad people.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 23, 2016, 08:40:48 AM »
That's fine when we are disagreeing on the latest NBA draft picks, but we are talking about the future of our nation, which I am afraid has already gone off the cliff like so many other leftist/socialist countries.
Hillary is getting a pass because of who she is and who is in power at the moment. Any one of us in the same position would be in Leavenworth.

Perhaps the issues are important, but we are not.  This is just conversation on a web board and nothing more.  It just sin't worth getting your panties in a wad.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 23, 2016, 07:49:25 AM »
Wow, I am getting a bit tired of this also.  While I disagree with Michael (Steingar), I have met him and his wife at fly ins, and consider him my friend.  Yes, sometimes his opinions frustrate me, but that's what opinions are for.

You are a good friend, and even though we disagree I don't mind.  Its just politics guys.  Everyone's entitled to their opinion.  The main thing is we get along.

Spin Zone / Hastert goes to jail
« on: June 22, 2016, 12:34:31 PM »
Story on CNN.

The judge called him a serial child molester.  Delay called him "a good man that loves the Lord".

Spin Zone / Re: Family Planning
« on: June 03, 2016, 01:42:13 PM »
At her annual check up the doctor asks his female patient if she has any medical issues she'd like to discuss.  She demurely mentions that her husband has developed a taste for anal sex.  The doctor asks her if it isn't painful to which she replies not really.  She asks if it is at all dangerous, to which the doctor replies that it isn't but she should take care not to become pregnant.  She says no one could get pregnant doing that, to which he asks where she thinks lawyers come from.

Spin Zone / Re: Nice day for a ride!
« on: May 23, 2016, 10:43:37 AM »
I miss my sport bike, but it was starting to hurt too much.  So I got this:

So what are you saying?  Make it legal so that MORE people kill themselves?  I'm not sure I follow. 

There is a heroin problem in Wisconsin.  The saddest part is the high school kids who OD and die before their life barely takes wing.

Illegal drug use is not victimless.

The opioid epidemic has emerged from America's medical establishment, the vast majority of folks (including Prince, by the way) get hooked on these things while being treated for pain.  Opioid addiction can lead to heroin abuse.

There are two different things going on.  The first is over reliance on opioids by America's doctors.  That needs to be stopped within the medical establishment, and I think change is underway.  The second is America's War on Drugs.  We've decided on interdiction.  There are societies who treat heroin addiction by giving addicts a save place to inject, making certain they have clean needles and don't overdose.  They can also receive drug cessation therapy at such places.  Drug use may not be victimless, but the answer clearly isn't incarceration and interdiction.

Moreover, we as a society have shunned cannabis, yet THC can effectively treat many painful conditions.   That, and not everyone can live free of pain.

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