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Messages - Steingar

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Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 15, 2017, 10:12:29 AM »
I'm not sure I wouldn't just let the damn thing collapse and then get rid of it with something new.

The problem is what's the new thing going to look like?  Insurers make their money by insuring healthy people, and they need healthy people to pay for the sick ones.  They loose money by insuring sick people, since the sick people will never pay the insurance company more than they spend on their illness (if sick people paid the insurance company more than it cost to treat themselves what need would they have for an insurance company?).

So in order to get insurers to cover sick people, you need more healthy ones to sign up.  Hence the mandate.  And you need to insure poor people, or they wind up costing even more on the dole.  Hence subsidies.  In order to cover sick and poor people whatever gets put in place is going to wind up looking a whole lot like Obamacare, which itself was based on the plan Mitt Romney used in Massachusetts. 

Now if you want scrap either insuring the poor or insuring sick people (or both) it gets a lot easier.  Indeed, the current reverse Robin Hood plan of the GOPs is sufficient.  But at that point I think you're going to have a lot of pissed off people, as the GOP is finding out much to their chagrin.  Like I said, the Djin is out of the bottle.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 15, 2017, 08:27:33 AM »
and yet you make the claim.  Are you in the habit of making claims without being able to back them up?

final comment for you:  Post hoc ergo propter hoc

I only said that I had seen the claim made in a number of news outlets.  I cannot independently assuage the veracity of such claims due to the complexity of the data involved.  Moreover, I cannot say the exact factor or factors that caused said effect.  For all I know declining oil prices and not Obamacare are at the root of the observed effect.  A citation ( for those that like that sort of thing.  The only thing of which I'm certain is that more people are covered by health insurance now than were before Obamacare.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 15, 2017, 07:17:50 AM »
exactly how did that POS obamacare slow down thr growth of medical expenses?

I truly don't know, and I doubt anyone does.  Like the POTUS said, it's complicated.  I've just seen numbers from a variety of sources suggesting an effect.  To one clear, all that's been seen is a reduction in the rate of medical expenditure increase.  Medical expenses are still going up (they should be, lots of folks retiring) but at a slower rate than prior to Obamacare.  I know, not much to crow about, but bette retain a hole punch the eyelid.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 15, 2017, 06:35:32 AM »
Besides, it isn't clear why your argument can't be applied to food and water, which are essential to life. I say there is no difference between, say, a market for water (or food) and a market for medical care. In the real world there are competitors willing to supply both - absent government intervention that constrains supplies or enforces monopolies.

Actually, you are entirely correct.  What distorts the markets for necessities like food and water are government policies.  We are already more efficient at making food that any society in history.  The price is further driven down by government fiddling in the markets and in water supplies.

This is not to say that the medical professionals wont accept vast quantities of money to "treat" people with incurable conditions. That is one of the problems that Obamacare actually made worse.

Can you give me a for instance?  I suppose treating people with illnesses like Cystic Fibrosis or Parkinson's to try and prolong their life might count, but that seems more humane than just cutting them loose and letting them die. 

As to health maintenance vs emergency intervention: The Oregon Medicaid health insurance experiment found that, while it had positive fiscal aspects for recipients, Medicaid had no statistically significant impact on health. Those on Medicaid vs the controls actually visited emergency rooms more, confounding expectations.

Turns out that poor folks were far more seriously ill than anyone imagined.  Prior to the advent of Obamacare we spent more per capita on health care than any other Western nation.  I suspect that's still the case.  We do not have the best medical outcomes for that. 

The problem is fairly academic, gentlemen.  As much as you dislike Obamacare those covered under it like it quite well, well enough that the political who dismembers it will also be dismembering his or her political career.  The current Republican plan has been criticized by everyone but its authors and the POTUS.  The Djin is out of the bottle and will not be easily stuffed back in.  Says me it would be far better to fix Obamacare and try and slow down the growth of medical expenses.  Everything I've read has suggested that Obamacare did just that, though I admit those numbers can be spun. 

Spin Zone / Re: American Flag is offensive?
« on: March 14, 2017, 12:00:10 PM »
One isn't supposed to wear the flag lest it touch the ground.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 14, 2017, 11:58:52 AM »
Your premise suggests that healthcare is a right, and it is not.

In order for health care to not be a right you have to turn sick people away from emergency rooms.  If you can do that (good luck, most medical professionals of my acquaintance are decent people) then it is indeed a commodity.  However, it will never be responsive to market forces, not ever.  It has what Economists call inelastic demand, if you're in pain or sick you're going to pay whatever it takes to get better whether you have it or not.  Add to the pile that most severe diseases can cost more to remedy than most people make in a lifetime.  It simply isn't a commodity that will respond to market forces in the same way as radios and Wheaties.

So you're going to pay for it one way or the other.  The one advantage to Obamacare is you at least have the chance to keep serious disease at bay with scheduled visits to medical professionals.  Health maintenance is far more parsimonious than emergency intervention.

Spin Zone / Re: A day without immigrants.
« on: February 17, 2017, 01:40:12 PM »
I didn't much notice, but I don't get out much.

Spin Zone / Re: Flynn Resigns
« on: February 17, 2017, 07:38:32 AM »
Must be nice and cozy in the ivory tower...

In any case, try to remember what you posted above when you whine about "America" being behind other countries in some category or another.

Part and parcel of excellence is the continual strive to do better.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump kicks "very fake news" media's ass
« on: February 17, 2017, 07:35:23 AM »
I always said his administration would be entertaining.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming Data "manipulated"
« on: February 17, 2017, 07:34:51 AM »
For someone who called everyone me out here as fucking morons because they didn't buy your bullshit, whining about critical response is particularly hypocritical.

Since we are not in your fascist classroom, herr bigot, you have no power to suppress the free exchange of opinion and ideas. Keep trying though...

It is hilarious to watch you try and defend the academic fraud surrounding mmgw.
Again, you have an utter inability to contribute anything novel of value beyond childish insults.  Its fine by me, I've a thick skin.

Spin Zone / Re: Flynn Resigns
« on: February 16, 2017, 02:14:02 PM »
Reductio ad absurdum....   "Trumpians" bear no illusions as to what Putin is or what he represents. I can't tell if you believe what you write or you think we are so stupid we will just accept your premises.  Honestly, we just understand the absurdity of the media trying to turn alleged communications before the campaign or actual communications of a cabinet appointee into some type of collusion between Trump and the Russians.

I actually said I believed exactly the opposite.  I just think it is a pity that Conservatives are ignoring Russian interference in democratic elections just because their guy won. 

Especially when said media ignored actual collusion that lined Hillary's pockets when she signed off on the deal that gave the Russians control over 20% of our uranium reserves/supply.   

It was widely reported.  Problem is, as bad as that looks there were a half dozen other agencies that all had to sign off on that deal.  Even had the Russians succeeded in suborning her to their purposes, that doesn't explain the other cabinet level officials that similarly signed off.  I don't know how anyone in Russia can "own" a Uranium mine in North America.  What are they going to do, dig it out and take it with them?  My guess is they lost that investment when they invaded Crimea.

Russia has had an unprecedented negative (for us) resurgence under the impotence of Obama and failed democrat initiatives.   Putin understood Obama is a pussy.  He manipulated and out maneuvered Obama, Clinton and Kerry at every turn.  He took over parts of the Ukraine with barely a whimper from Obama, even though we had promised that we would protect them when they disarmed.   

Guilty as charged.  That said, what would you have Obama do?  Start a full scale European war with Russia?  Still, they tried their own detente and Putin spit it back in their faces.  I guess that Black Sea port is a big deal to him.  That said we should have seen this coming.  The Russians have previously carved out their own little states within Georgia and Belarus.

I have to ask you though, Trump's mission is to "make America great again",  why do you and your ilk want America to fail?

The difference between you and me is really simple.  In order for America to be great again it had to stop being so at some point.  I don't think it ever did.  I think America is truly far greater than she ever was, and will be greater still in the future, The Feral Shouting Meatball notwithstanding.  His ascendency will be a bump in the road, but only that.  America is far too vibrant to be led that far off track by one egomaniacal moron.

Spin Zone / Re: Flynn Resigns
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:07:18 PM »
Excellent clip.  I hope Steingar watches it, even if it is not on MSNBC.

Steingar has watched your little clip.  What you Trumpkins fail to realize is that the Russians are quite determined to delegitimize democracies.  They almost certainly did so here, just finished rigging an election in the Netherlands, and have their eyes set on European elections next year.  As such contacts between The Angry Cheeto's chief lieutenants and Russian officials during the campaign is at best suspicious as all hell, especially given that the Tangerine Jesus himself egged them on to make disclosures about his opponent during the campaign (funny how he liked leaks then).  That said, I think this is all smoke and no fire.  I strongly doubt the K-Mart Caesar has neither the savvy nor the sagacity to conspire with the Russians and actually keep it a secret for any length of time.  He'd brag about it if nothing else.  I think his best option is full disclosure.  I really doubt there's anything to it at all.

Had the Hildebeast this kind of contact with the Russians prior to the election you'd demand her scalp rightly so.  The more disquieting aspect of all this is you are all perfectly happy with Russian meddling in our elections because your Barbecued Brutus won.  Thus no one is going to do anything about Russian meddling in Western democracies.  Hence they win.  It is just as the Hildebeast said.  The Talking Yam is a acting, overtly or inadvertently, like a Russian Stooge.  I still wonder what they have on him.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming Data "manipulated"
« on: February 16, 2017, 09:20:10 AM »
When the day comes that you post something devoid of bullshit, come back and speak up. We won't hold our breath.
I'm sure your triple zero IQ will have trouble deciphering this, but ask a seven year old. They can help you get the gist of it.

They can also help you tell the difference between the TV remote and a thermometer for when you pontificate your lies about MMGW.

Insults are nothing new from you, and only demonstrate how bereft you are of cogent argument.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming Data "manipulated"
« on: February 16, 2017, 08:43:01 AM »
Neither do we.

Insults are nothing new from you, and only demonstrate how bereft you are of cogent argument.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming Data "manipulated"
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:11:53 PM »
The teensiest bit of searching turns up plenty of refuting material and qualified dissenting voices, Michael.  One example from Carlos Slim's blog, even:

Science is not a body of agreed-upon facts merely, it is a method.  If one chooses not to make the leap of "belief and faith" in scientists, and in the media, and in the paradigm hung out as "settled," in my mind that one is a wise one.

You can find an internet site to support whatever you want.  You can claim the Earth is flat, or that the Pyramid of Ghiza was built by Martians, or the Moon landings were faked or any number of utterly silly things.  When you can point me to such an article in a refereed peer-reviewed journal I might start listening.  Part of critical thinking is understanding to whom you should be listening.  I do have the capacity to evaluate how "trustworthy" a scientific source really is.  Just a professional skill.

The fellow in the article does indeed seem to be the genuine article.  He's extremely well published, though I can't find his funding sources (the institutional web site is pathetic).  Sadly, he seems to spend far more time in front of Congressional committees than doing science.  That said, he's published in some of the top scientific journals, thus the thought that he's somehow being "silenced" for his views is utter hogwash.

Moreover, you will never find a scientific endeavor that does not have its outliers.  The fellow across the hall didn't believe in Evolution, he was and is a Creationist.  Does that imperil Evolutionary science?  Cary Mullis himself doesn't think HIV causes AIDS.  on that basis will you go and get a transfusion from a sufferer?

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