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Messages - Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God)

Pages: 1 ... 296 297 [298] 299 300
Spin Zone / Re: Observations on FBN's GOP Debate
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:52:53 PM »
'Tis a fact of life, faith in God.  Lots of good, competent people have it.  Doesn't make me uncomfortable.  Liars make me uncomfortable, though.  Don't think Rubio is lying.

Spin Zone / Re: Ranchers ,BLM ,FWS
« on: January 08, 2016, 11:24:11 AM »
Read that whole article yesterday, thanks for posting it.  Makes me realize how unwilling the masses seem these days to read THE WHOLE STORY and form THEIR OWN OPINION.  The soundbite/tweet world lends itself to polarizing shallowness. >:(

Spin Zone / Re: Observations on FBN's GOP Debate
« on: January 08, 2016, 11:22:04 AM »
We don't watch TV, so I haven't seen political ads for years, except clips online, which are indeed depressing.  But so are most of the posts on those sites FastEddie linked.   :(

I think people are just getting tired of being deceived and played, and it's depressing us all. 

Spin Zone / Re: Democratic Primaries Starting Soon, Too
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:00:27 AM »
It cannot be made any clearer:  The discussion is here to be had, your opinion and input are valuable, but you can back out anytime if something offends you.  A better approach would be to ignore, or just critically scan, the comments of the person who has offended you.  There may still be something valuable in other things they have to say.

Look, I cannot tell you how often, even as a moderate, I have to ignore horrible generalizations and accusations.  The liberal media is filled with them everywhere I look, and it is very hard to avoid.  Even friends and family do it. 

There is more intelligence and ability in the Republican presidential candidate lineup than in the astonishingly incompetent and unsuitable people the Democrats have put out there, but the media calls the Republican candidates a "clown car."  Totally a falsehood, but just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the insult frenzy the left dumps on the right.  In dumping on the right, they're also dumping on moderates who are trying to get an idea of where we want our country to go. 

Dumpers, however, tend to get sidelined. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: January 04, 2016, 06:11:55 PM »
What, then, would you call a position taken or belief held about something, based on one's own desire for that something to be true, and supported by one's refusal to discuss the matter in objective terms and, most importantly, to deny objective truths when they are pointed out, and finally, to leave the room entirely?

(Besides the obvious "Church of the Anti-Spin Zone.")  ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:23:57 AM »

Personal prayer is great if that's what you need. Talking to yourself to mull things over and think things through is a time honored tradition and is very useful. My problem is with people that make religion and scripture the focal point of their life and hold it higher than all else. In ordinary life, these folks are easy enough to ignore, or avoid, but when they start running for public office and positions of power, I get very concerned. History has shown that politics, power and government don't mesh well with religion for the good of the people. I want a secular government that keeps their noses out of people's religions, or lack of religion.
The trouble with your position is that all belief systems can be called religions.  Including liberalism.  You just have to "believe," and ignore the naked emperor. 

Spin Zone / Melinda and Hillary
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:19:20 AM »
So the Forbes magazine is lying there with Melinda Gates' photo on the cover.  I read in the article that Melinda Gates and her husband Bill control a $41 billion philanthropic kitty.  They are focusing much of it on women and children around the world.  Ms. Gates tried to find someone to manage this effort, could not, and so decided, "It must be me."  She proceeded then to travel, speak, research and yes, manage, the effort. 

I put down the magazine and once again see Melinda Gates' photo smiling back at me.  An intelligent, thoughtful, CAPABLE, generous woman of apparent integrity.  No scandals I know of.

Then I thought of Hillary.  And compared the two women.  Who benefits from all of Ms. Clinton's energy and efforts?  The Clintons.

Somehow this comparison has to emerge in the campaign.

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:13:21 AM »
Prayer is useful psychological exercise, used by many with no real belief it's being heard, and also by many who do believe it is heard.  To get back on the thread topic, I do pray that someone with more integrity, competence and better judgement, and love of country above self, will emerge as a clear trouncer for Hillary.

Spin Zone / Re: Jihad-Free Zones
« on: December 14, 2015, 12:42:16 PM »
It indicates where they habitually cross. Hmmm ...

Everything is racist today.  I am so sick of hearing about false, made up racism.  It is rampant on college campsuses, the media, government, the DOJ, and Democrats politicians.  It is tearing this country apart.
If there isn't a problem, they have to invent one, so they can blame Republicans.  I'm sick of it, too. 

Spin Zone / Re: French vs U.S. Response to Terrorism
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:43:26 PM »

I agree that the French response has been more visible and stronger. I also agree that we should have a better response. However, let's also not forget that when France passed their state of emergency they eroded a lot of citizen's rights. Part of the state of emergency powers allows the government to forbid mass gatherings, limit movements of people and increase the monitoring of people. We don't want to go down that road here. That's allowing the terrorists to win in my book.

I don't disagree, and that's a good point. We've seen that anarchy as recently as Hurricane Katrina, with gun confiscations in New Orleans.

But I think our unwillingness to fight radical Islam right here may be our existential downfall.
The President wants to be friends with everyone around the world, which clearly isn't working. I think the other part of it is that he wants to be able to end his term and say that he didn't have any terrorist attacks on U.S. soil during his time. That's why he would rather classify it as work place violence or under some other cause.

As a whole, I don't think it's the American people's unwillingness to fight radical Islam, I think it's that of a select few, those who are in or close to the current administration.
Then the response would be to select an administration next year that would support the people's desires and willingness to fight radical Islam.

Spin Zone / Re: What Will the Downfall of the US Look Like?
« on: November 29, 2015, 08:06:10 PM »
In a conversation over the holidays, I learned that several GA aircraft companies are "partnering" with the Chinese. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 18, 2015, 01:06:40 PM »
Not so fast!  How do we know 7 is not FC, and how do we know this person claiming to be FC really is?  I demand proof!  ;)

Pilot Zone / Re: U2
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:49:18 AM »
Trying to find that story, it was told to me by a Southwest Airlines pilot, but can't find it.  Did find this one, though!

Spin Zone / Re: Morten Storm Predicts US Terrorist Attacks within 2 Weeks
« on: November 18, 2015, 09:04:59 AM »
In other news, after years of lying about his religion, Barack Obama told the G-20 Summit attendees that he was part of the Muslim community. If he wasn't ashamed of his religion, why did he pretend to be a Baptist for all these years?
Jeremiah wright said he was involved with helping Obama accept his Muslim faith while he attended wright's hate group church over the course of 20 years, where Obama claimed he never listened to any of the hate whitey sermons when it blew up in the news.
It is certainly time to examine the croons of the President in light of his actions and see if they rise to the level of treason, IMO.
Not Baptist; it was United Church of Christ (UCC) he claims to be. 

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