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Messages - PeterNSteinmetz

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Spin Zone / Re: Question:
« on: February 06, 2024, 07:14:43 AM »
The problem you have, petey, is you think your pathetic attempts to sound superior and better informed actually fool anyone except other egotistical assholes, trying to cover their leftism by inserting bullshit.

As far as your keyboard warriors complaint, you have played that card so many times it sounds like a broken record, but it's all you have, so you keep pretending that it's all you need.

If your infinitesimal points matched your enormous ego you would already know that pretentiousness doesn't equal substance.

The world is full of demanding, little, men, playing at pretending to be tough warriors of unquestionably useless opinions.

...and for the record, demanding a wager to 'prove' your intellectual bravery makes you sound like a sexually insecure seventh grader threatening smaller children for their lunch money.

If you can't decide if you're queer or straight, try therapy instead of false bravado.

I will neither support nor dispute your charges of Pete’s pretentiousness or egotism, nor do I know who is right in the matter of the proposed wager, but in the matter of bravery, I will assert that he backs up his intellectual position on at least one subject with action that in my opinion indeed requires courage.

Spin Zone / Re: Question:
« on: February 05, 2024, 03:38:06 PM »

  I asked you to provide proof to back up your assertion. All you provided was a link (that cost) and asked me to do the research.
Um, this isn't my fight, so I'm not going to go back and look, but didn't you ASK for a link?

Spin Zone / Re: Question:
« on: February 05, 2024, 08:09:02 AM »

Today, that would be considered criminal sexual assault. And worse, today, a 70 year old woman could recall that incident (accurately or not) and drag the poor guy, now an old man himself, into court over something that happened a half century ago. That’s what it’s come to and it is wrong on so many levels.

And then be sued for defamation when he says that it never happened, she's a nutcase, and besides, she's not his type.  Having a biased judge and jury doesn't help.  I'm VERY glad that I'm not dating in today's world.  Can't ask a girl out or be hit with sexual assault.  Can't tell if it's really a girl.  Can't ask if it's a girl.
Before the second trial got underway, the judge ruled that Carroll was telling the truth about the assault, and that Trump's statements denying her claims were defamatory. The jury was tasked only with deciding what damages Carroll was entitled to receive.

Spin Zone / Re: Sports Illstrated Laying Off ENTIRE Staff
« on: January 19, 2024, 01:43:21 PM »
Good riddance. Like ESPN, once at the top, now in WOKE ruin.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming? Arctic Ice at Highest Level for 21 Years
« on: January 18, 2024, 04:03:50 AM »
Step 1) Take a normal natural phenomenon, claim it is abnormal and dangerous. 

Step 2) Accuse general public of causing it.

Step 3) Demand money to “fix” it.

Step 4) Implement restrictions on the public’s lifestyle and behavior.

Step 5) Exempt yourself from the restrictions, and…

Step 6) Profit!

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 17, 2024, 10:08:53 AM »
Haha!!! I just liked Lucifer’s post in green about moderating the forum, but thought that for Joe’s sake I should say that I liked it because of its sarcasm. I’m so thoughtful.  ;D
Lucifer's sarcasm doesn't have a target since no one has even hinted at moderation. Ironically his sarcasm is intended to stifle any further posts that note the use of insults. Deeply ironic, IMHO.

I've stated in the past that I have no issue with number7's style of posting. He has even admitted that insults are part of his M.O. So it is hardly newsworthy  when I replied that I expected his insults to my opinion on the Iowa caucus.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 17, 2024, 08:21:00 AM »
You do LOVE to whine like a teenage girl.
A generalization. I doubt that most teenage girls would know what “pseudonym” and “incoherent” mean. And they probably wouldn’t block when insulted, but fire back.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 31, 2023, 06:31:40 PM »
The majority of those freedoms we gave up are due to the Government. They now snoop on all of us with impunity.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 31, 2023, 06:29:03 PM »
There are many many obvious opportunities in this country for terrorist attacks. Even at airports. Yet they just don’t happen with noticeable frequency. I suspect that is because people just really aren’t that motivated.

9/11 was sort of a one off with a quite rare confluence of factors. I doubt it will ever happen again. And they essentially won by causing us to give up so much of our freedoms in response.

There is of course always a non-zero probability. But much more important problems to worry about. Like the true enemies of citizen’s rights - our Federal government and politicians.

Well you make a good point. Our own government is a far bigger threat to our freedom right now than a bunch of Muslim fundamentalists.

Spin Zone / Re: PRESIDENT Trump Back On Colorado Ballot
« on: December 30, 2023, 09:08:07 AM »
Since Peter appears to be heavy with TDS, I wonder who he is supporting as his candidate of choice?
With all due respect Randy, and I really do respect you, but I think people on this board use the phrase TDS too often and inappropriately.

It reminds me of how we were all called racists if we objected to any of Obama's policies or decisions.  Just because we criticize Trump doesn't mean it is due to TDS.

Spin Zone / Re: PRESIDENT Trump Back On Colorado Ballot
« on: December 30, 2023, 09:00:59 AM »
Actually I don’t even know the name of the person I will likely vote for yet.

That is because I think we are marching down a course of progressively greater statism and loss of freedom and are cruising for a bruising. Thus I don’t think which branch of the uniparty is in charge matters very much.

Who would I like? Though not at all practical I would prefer Ron Paul, Rand Paul, or Javier Milieu (though I understand he is a bit busy at the moment).

Thus I will likely do what I have nearly all my adult life and vote for the Libertarian party candidate, whoever that may be. The one exception will be if my state looks very close. And Arizona may be. In which case I will probably hold my nose and vote for DJT actually. He has a better pro-freedom average.

That sounds like a good plan.  Trump may not have the libertarian vision of the Pauls or, if elected, the unilateral power to dismantle the state that Milieu seems to, but he would stave off the growth of totalitarianism as best he could while bettering the economy and hopefully positioning the country to elect another Republican-but-not-RINO president in 2028.  Since it seems unlikely a third party will win the White House in the foreseeable future, it looks like strengthening the MAGA faction within the GOP is our best strategy, at least for now.

Spin Zone / Re: Surviving Obama's Third Term
« on: November 07, 2023, 04:13:07 PM »
I don’t think we are going to vote our way out of this folks.

Best I hope for is a relatively peaceful secession or a convention of the states working (which has it’s risks but likely should be tried at this point).

I think one of these happens when the Federal government defaults. I don’t think those people in DC will ever be able to stop spending like drunken sailors. 

I hope TX secedes soon as it will encourage other states.
I take offense to your disparaging drunken sailors.

Spin Zone / Re: Can Trump win the general election?
« on: August 17, 2023, 10:26:19 AM »
I should also note, though this is somewhat off topic, that I understand why a large number of people have a strong inclination to think the election was "stolen". It is far easier to think that is the case and that voting will get us out of this mess than to face what I think is the sad reality.

We likely won't get out of this mess by voting. Both factions of the uniparty want to split the electorate just about 50/50 and keep them constantly bickering and fighting and voting for one or the other faction. This keeps them in power. And also tends to hide the fact that they are both rapidly stripping away our liberties with statist interventions.

But it is much more comfortable and easy to think it will be fixed by voting. Voting is a fairly safe and easy thing to do. I wished it would work, but I doubt it.

  Voter apathy is strong in this country, this is what has created career politicians.   If you ask Joe Citizen what he thinks of congress, he'll immediately tell you "they suck!".   Then if you ask him how he thinks his congressman is doing, he'll say "Oh, he's ok.  It's the rest of them that are bad".

  All one needs to do is look at the percentages of voters that actually vote versus registered.  It's appalling, and even worse in an off year election.  The ones who do vote go in and vote on name recognition.   

  We have some real trash in congress and the senate.  These people couldn't run a Slurpee machine at a 7/11, but here they are in congress, while their staff creates legislation that they blindly submit without even reading.

  Our founding fathers never ever envisioned career politicians.  And the 17th amendment only complicated the problem.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: August 12, 2023, 02:56:20 PM »
Thanks for the kind words.

I have to agree that wokeness has certainly started to infiltrate peer-review. I had a paper on the neural effects of the race of a perceived face. We spent two years getting it through peer-review at the Proceedings at the National Academy of Sciences. At the end of that process it was sent to a new special political correctness review and rejected. We spent another year shopping it down the chain and and finally got it published at a non-indexed, though peer-reviewed, journal.

From this I think we can conclude that no matter how politically incorrect your result, you can likely publish it in some peer-reviewed journal if it is a sound study. It may take a while and be frustrating. And if you are a young investigator, that may actually make your career very difficult or impossible.

In terms of Covid-19, I think the site Jim mentioned shows that actually there are a lot of published studies showing an effect of ivermectin on treating Covid-19. You can publish them. It is just that when one examines the papers carefully, as was done in the Cochrane review, the randomized controlled trials do not show a case for that use. So I don't think one can argue that it is strongly biased in this case by some malign political motive.

I do understand that for the average person, it is difficult to know who to trust on this. Unless you are an expert, you can't really well judge the quality of the studies. That is why I say lay people should rely on peer-reviewed reviews.

Thus I would not simply blanket say one should disregard properly performed randomized controlled trials. Biomedical science is harder than say the social sciences or probably even climate science.

OTOH, I would not recommend trusting any government employed health official or politician on these subjects. They either have no real training to judge, as in the latter case, or their paycheck literally depends on what the government wants. Note this does not mean that everything such people say is wrong, just that I would verify rather than trust. And if you are a lay person, you essentially have to trust.

In terms of the limitations of these studies. Firstly, I believe a number of them have looked at use outside the hospital and in reasonably early timeframes. I am not aware of any good evidence that earlier use somehow works. Of course, one can always argue that if one had just looked earlier, or in a different dose regime, or with some other agent added, then perhaps that would provide evidence of efficacy. Literally one can always do that. But research resources are limited and need to be focused on the likely productive questions. I think the evidence is strong enough that ivermectin does not work to treat Covid-19 to not bother with further investigation at this point. But if those who strongly believe to the contrary want to privately fund or perform a proper study, I certainly have no objection!

Oh my God forget ivermectin and Covid, that face study is FASCINATING.  I only got half a page into it because o have to go cook dinner but I can’t wait to read the rest.

Spin Zone / Re: New open aviation forum - Flyers Forum
« on: September 22, 2022, 01:01:57 PM »
I get that, I wish them luck, no intent to piss on their parade. basically just saying that I’ll probably wait for it to build before trying to bother participating.

Thanks for the well wishes. Understand your reluctance. My rain gear is a bit worn but can handle some piss. If I'm really lucky I have maybe 30 more years on this mortal coil and see no point in wasting too much of it on trying to please everyone. I get that you probably have a similar philosophy.

It's a technical hassle (with modest $$ cost too) and time consuming to get yet another forum started. I didn't see the point of volunteering to help start yet another aviation forum that replicated what already existed. I think it is different, at least in advertised policies.

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