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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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Spin Zone / Re: I had no idea Dave Rubin is gay!
« on: July 27, 2022, 06:04:04 PM »
Sorry, but no. Sexual proclivities have no place in the national conversation. We have way more important issues to address.
Exactly, like trading a Russian killer for a pothead moron who can throw a ball through a hoop.

Spin Zone / Re: No Avgas!
« on: June 25, 2022, 03:11:45 PM »
I can't look at our portfolio right now.

Spin Zone / Re: Gay Pride Month
« on: June 25, 2022, 03:03:12 PM »
So tired of seeing Fags on parade 24/7.  Just stop already.   Why are they pushing the alternative lifestyle constantly when they have the same rights, freedoms and liberties albeit dwindling for ALL of us under the Leftist yoke of control we are now experiencing?

They want to DIVIDE us.

Also, why does it have to be a whole month, why not a day? A) Because the more you see it the more you will accept it as "normal."

Spin Zone / Re: Anybody following the Johnny Depp Amber Heard drama?
« on: June 24, 2022, 10:48:13 AM »
Anybody remember Hedy Lamarr?

That's HEDLEY!

Spin Zone / Re: FJB continues to set records
« on: June 10, 2022, 08:31:29 AM »
FJB has been a joke ever since he first set foot in DC decades ago.  He's never been taken seriously, and constantly laughed at for all of the idiocy he kept on display.  He's a low IQ dunce that had to resort to plagiarism and lies in an attempt to be relevant. 

BHO hated him as VP.  And that was obvious when BHO visited the WH recently.

FJB is in the WH because the lunatic leftist didn't want Bernie to get the nomination.  The LL's felt they could use FJB as a puppet  (and have) to advance their whacky marxist agenda.

And cackling Kamala was put on the ticket to insure FJB wouldn't get removed.

Elections have consequences.  Stolen elections have dire consequences.

In a just world, the real coup perpe-traitors would be on trial right now instead of this congressional show trial.

Spin Zone / Re: John Hinkley
« on: April 15, 2022, 01:04:22 PM »
The guy was diagnosed with narcissism and schizotypal personality disorder. Those things are NOT curable.  What the hell is he doing on the loose?

Running for Congress?

Spin Zone / Re: Where is everyone?
« on: April 07, 2022, 05:34:20 PM »
Nothing to discuss.  Everything is fine and right with the world.  Landru is the body and the caretaker.....

peace and tranquility, brother.

Spin Zone / Re: Elon Musk buy Twitter Shares…..
« on: April 04, 2022, 06:47:34 PM »
Bullies and bigots must be forced silent because we don't like their kind!

The types like that guy resigning from Twitter don't have the self awareness to notice that THEY are the bullies and bigots.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU Address
« on: March 02, 2022, 12:07:16 PM »
What the hell do we have running the country?

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU Address
« on: February 28, 2022, 04:55:08 PM »
I literally couldn’t stomach Obama, and sat out his 6 or 7 SOTUs.

I was going to not watch Biden for the same reason, but with the country in complete disaster after only 13 months, I may tune in just to see how he says the US is strong or something.

I’m also curious if he gets sundown syndrome during the talk.

I wonder if Nance will frame her copy of the address instead of ripping it up.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU Address
« on: February 28, 2022, 08:00:30 AM »
So why does the capital building need to be fenced off for a state of the union address?

And magically, the mask mandate in the capital has been lifted right before the address.   Must be the magic of "the science".

It's not about preventing a disease.

It never was.

Spin Zone / Re: did Sweden get it right wrt covid and restrictions?
« on: February 26, 2022, 08:16:39 AM »
Common sense says once you realize the disease is more akin to flu than the Black Death you don’t use it as an excuse to wreck your economy and destroy people’s livelihoods for years.

This was not driven by "science" or medical expertise, it's driven by politics of the worst kind.

Spin Zone / Re: The Death Throes of The Never-Trumpers
« on: February 19, 2022, 07:58:07 AM »
What matter most to me is what got accomplished in those four years.  I am sad that he turned Fauci loose and because of that we got lock downs. Fortunately, our Governor was smart enough to stop it early on.

Watching Biden work to destroy our country is beyond tough. I fear he is watching Canada and learning what else he can get away with and we will soon be headed down that path as the great reset is in process.

If anyone wonders what side the cops and military will take, just look at Ottawa.

Spin Zone / Re: The Death Throes of The Never-Trumpers
« on: February 19, 2022, 07:57:08 AM »
I'm not  a never Trumper either, since I voted for him TWICE.  But I do agree with your assessment of the man.

He COULD have been the best President ever  if he wasn't so toxic.  But I still consider RR the best President ever, and I really miss him still.  If Trump had Ronnie's personality, he would have been by far the GOAT of Presidents.
If Trump had RR's personality he would have lost to Killary.

Spin Zone / Re: Canadian Trucker Convoy [emoji1063]🇺[emoji1213]🇦
« on: February 11, 2022, 10:27:46 AM »
I’m not sure you get my point, which is the left are telling us not to believe what we are seeing, and to believe something exists despite no video evidence that it does.

The Left: "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"

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