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Messages - Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God)

Pages: 1 ... 55 56 [57] 58
Spin Zone / Re: Roland Martin with Stump for Trump at RNC
« on: August 01, 2016, 08:12:37 AM »
Just because there are 1 or 2 that support him, doesn't change the characterization and mass public view.
The "mass public" have been lied to by desperate people who see their disgusting PC empire crumbling.

Spin Zone / Re: So, What Have we Learned here on PS?
« on: July 27, 2016, 08:19:14 AM »

More so than even the POA SZ, this site can tend to be a conservative circle-jerk.

what do you expect to happen when liberals won't engage in discussion?

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Independence Day
« on: July 04, 2016, 08:32:03 AM »
Happy Independence Day to all my friends here at Pilot Spin, including Jason who is, still, The Man for putting this community together.

That includes you pilots, right seaters, academics, liberals, Trumpkins , veterans, conservatives, Canadians who are soon to be US citizens as soon as they stop spelling things like "colour," libertarians, Constitutionalists, and other assorted Americans.

Now the Jesus Lunches are drawing protesters, who are supported by the "Freedom from Religion" foundation.

What the fuck is WRONG with people?  Why can't the left live and let live, and allow these people to have their good and wholesome lunches and discussions on their Christian faith in peace? 

The left is destroying this country.  There is NOTHING good to come from protesting these lunches, except to to drive faith into the shadows.

Unfortunately for the progressives mental cases to win, everything that anybody holds dear must be torn down and destroyed, to be replaced by conformity to the progressive mental illness, and faithfulness only to the state. These people relish destroying anything that makes anyone else happy, because progressives appear to be congenitally unhappy, and the most jealous people on earth, needing to attack and destroy any form of happiness, because it offends their selfish selves.

Spin Zone / Re: Lightweight Reince Priebus a 'Disaster' for GOP
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:42:04 AM »
. . . the debates (from the soundbites I have seen) have been useless for determining anything of value . . .

The debates were worse than that.  Even when the candidates records or positions were practically identical, they were put into a position where they had to greatly amplify any tiny little differences in order to try to distinguish themselves.  This lead to greatly criticizing each other for their minor differences and the "circular firing squad" was the inevitable result.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Trump would be worse than Hillary.
« on: March 28, 2016, 02:42:48 PM »
In case some of you have been sleeping, and it does appear that way, there is no conservative movement remaining.  The true conservatives (whatever that definition is this week) are a minority, and a small one at that.
Those that define themselves as "True" Conservatives are indeed a minority.  They are the ones that have a moral opinion and believe that everyone should bow to their opinions.  They would rather get nothing than to compromise and get something.

But there are a lot of us "Mostly" Conservatives.  We (actually, I'm speaking for myself here) believe in conservative government spending, but we also believe in providing a safety net for the sick, the injured and the unfortunate.  That does not include the lazy or those that choose not to be a productive citizen.

We believe that it is better to compromise so that both sides get something (win-win) rather than to stand firm, like a mule so that both sides lose.

We don't think the USA should be the world's police, but we do believe in helping people that need help.  That includes victims of groups like ISIS and Boko Haram.

We think that the US should maintain a standing army that can defend us against all aggressors. 

We do believe in American exceptionalism.  We are fortunate to live in a vast country with vast natural resources, and we have a Constitution that allows our citizens to display that exceptionalism.

And we do believe in the Constitution.  It is not a "living breathing evolving" document, but parts of it were written somewhat vague on purpose.  And even where the document is specific, it was often the result of a compromise.  The founders didn't all agree on every part of it.  They realized that if they didn't make some compromises, they would never produce a final copy.

We do believe that the Federal Government has certain responsibilities, but we believe that the Federal Government has usurped more responsibility and power than was intended, or that is productive.  The Federal government has become a behemoth that is holding us back more than it is helping.

And we believe in paying taxes.  But we believe that the TEA party was just a little mistaken.  We are not "taxed enough already"; we are taxed (at the Federal Level) way too much.  We should cut our Federal taxes deeply, but expect that our State and Local taxes may increase (if the States and Cities decide that is what they want).  If my State or City becomes to burdensome, then I can move and still stay in this great country.

And finally, we also believe that we need laws and regulations.  But we need them to keep some people from preying on other people.  We don't need regulations to try to manage our every day living and our every day business practices.

Call me a RINO if you wish.  I call myself a Republican because the choices are limited.  But I don't think that you have to agree with every plank in the Republican party  to be a part of the party.  That is why "True Conservatives" appear to be such a tiny minority.

I was so, so excited and energized about the slate of candidates that the GOP put forth last summer. We had youth; we had energy; we had diversity of thought;  and we had righteousness on our side.

Even if I didn't agree with them, I was excited about having them in the field to chose from. That included Christie.

And one by one they have disappointed me. They have acted like the politicians that they disdain.

Chalk up another disappointment.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 04, 2016, 12:06:46 PM »
I just lost a lot of respect for you.

As if you care, of course.

I was going to go on and articulate why, but it's pointless.
I care as much as I would about anyone else saying that, curious specifically why?

What do you think the bombing of Tokyo and Dresden were, if not going after families? 

And that was in the context of justifiable massive scale combat where what we now call collateral damage was the objective, not something to be avoided.

Either we are in an existential conflict with people whose stated goal is to kill or subjugate us, or we are not.  If, as I believe, we are in an existential conflict, then we had damned well better act like it, or we will eventually lose.  Just look at what is happening in Europe.


Spin Zone / Re: A New GOP is Born- Pat Buchanan
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:54:48 AM »
What is it with these dynasty politicians?  Trudeau, Kennedy, Cuomo, Bush, Clinton, etc.  The offspring or spouses should get a fucking real job.

We have a separate, elite political class now, like royalty.  It's what we rebelled against, but the tyranny is back.

Spin Zone / Re: A New GOP is Born- Pat Buchanan
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:19:13 AM »

I'm honestly of the opinion that the Republic is more likely to survive a President Clinton than a President Trump.

Clinton lacks the charisma to "rule" by force of will.  Trump would be far more likely to make a US version of "Triumph of the Will".  A charismatic populist, without moorings to any principles ("Everything is negotiable") is a dangerous combination for republican governance.

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

-George Washington

Spin Zone / Re: The No Racism Thread
« on: February 26, 2016, 07:41:20 PM »
That verse cannot stand alone, for it is part of a commandment given to the Priesthood and it is part of the chastisement for failure to obey.

Sounds like misguided dog training. Granted, I don't know the verse.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberalism is the new slavery
« on: February 24, 2016, 03:08:44 PM »
In order to change that, the fairy tales surrounding history must be exposed and done away with.
Do you mean the fairy tale that says that living on government assistance is easier or preferable to going out into the real world and earning a living?  I know that after a while people get discouraged and just give up, or that some people just don't believe they have the ability to earn more by working than government assistant pays.

I also think that when people become dependent on government assistance, the idea of losing it is frightening especially after they have already lost confidence in themselves.  And that is what liberalism does; it replaces peoples perception of self reliance with the security of government reliance.

Spin Zone / Re: Black People Don't hate White People...
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:10:59 PM »
So, Jaybird, I've been think about this. I have a question about why you post things such as this from the article:

"You know these racist white people exist in the world. You know they are the ONLY reason we have so much racial animosity these days.  Show me what you plan to do about them.  Don’t just sit in your “I’m not racist zone of neutrality”.  Prove to me that you are not racist.  Prove to me that you do not support any type of racism or oppression of non-white people.  Prove it.  If you can’t or refuse to prove it, then shut the fuck up when Black people generalize white people by saying the words WHITE PEOPLE."

Let me try a little game:

"You know these uppity black people exist in the world. You know they are the ONLY reason we have so much racial animosity these days.  Show me what you plan to do about them.  Don’t just sit in your “I’m not racist zone of neutrality”.  Prove to me that you are not an uppity black person.  Prove to me that you do not support any type of racism or oppression of white people.  Prove it.  If you can’t or refuse to prove it, then shut the fuck up when White people generalize black people by saying the words BLACK PEOPLE."

Fair for the goose, fair for the gander?

Spin Zone / Black People Don't hate White People...
« on: February 20, 2016, 02:20:38 PM »
This is for...
Stan, Anthony, Joe, Pilot-Dude, Number 7, Onlyliveacoupletimes...(did I leave anyone out?)

So, Jaybird, I've been think about this. I have a question about why you post things such as this from the article:

"You know these racist white people exist in the world. You know they are the ONLY reason we have so much racial animosity these days.  Show me what you plan to do about them.  Don’t just sit in your “I’m not racist zone of neutrality”.  Prove to me that you are not racist.  Prove to me that you do not support any type of racism or oppression of non-white people.  Prove it.  If you can’t or refuse to prove it, then shut the fuck up when Black people generalize white people by saying the words WHITE PEOPLE."

Do you really think:

A). Words like this will help heal the racial divide?
B). Words like this will not be met with strong negative feelings by people like me?
C). Words like this will not give us a very negative view of you?
D). Words like this are nothing more than you busting our balls?

Also, do you agree with that paragraph, and in particular the 2nd sentence?

Spin Zone / Re: Tuition Free College........
« on: February 11, 2016, 08:35:14 AM »
Why exactly should the state pay for any part of an elementary education?  Why should the federal government provide assistance of any kind, including guaranteeing the massive growth in costs? Said differently why should I or anyone else pay for the education of someone else's child?

The entitlement mentality that will bring this country down is only amplified by this nonsense.  If you or your kid see value in elementary education...great! Pay for it yourself.

I'm glad we agree.  The federal government should have absolutely no role in education.  It should be locally funded and directed.

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