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Messages - Little Joe

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Spin Zone / Re: The 89% Pay Cut
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:22:00 AM »
I blame the stores for only offering cheap crap.

I agreed with your first and last points, but I don't agree with the one listed above.

You cannot blame the stores for not carrying stuff that people don't buy.  For the most part, high quality, American made stuff sits on the shelves while consumers buy the cheap foreign junk that costs a nickel less.   Of course, almost everybody says they would prefer to pay more for quality, but when they compare price tags, they buy cheap.

I used to hate tariffs.  I was taught in school that tariffs are baaaaaad.  But what is really bad is a lot of the economics that are taught in schools.

This is a tough nut to crack.  If we are going to be successful we have to make some tough decisions and negotiate some tough deals with foreign countries.  I think Trump is the only one with the spine to do that.

One of the soloist in this video is a German
I think that any foreign national that wants to become a citizen should be required to serve at least 4 years in our military.

Ten-hut - Jeffdg

Spin Zone / Re: Why Trump would be worse than Hillary.
« on: March 27, 2016, 07:02:11 PM »
I agree with you. I've said it before that I would have a hard time voting for Trump because he is not a true conservative
You won't vote for Trump because you feel he isn't a true conservative.
But you might vote for Hillary, who HATES conservatives?????

Where is that "scratching my head" emoticon?

Spin Zone / Re: Bernie is our saviour
« on: March 27, 2016, 06:59:16 PM »
I'll remind you that our actions as world police helped create the environment from which ISIS sprang forth.
The action that helped create ISIS was abandoning the environment and allowing ISIS to spring forth.

Spin Zone / Re: Bernie is our saviour
« on: March 27, 2016, 01:18:38 PM »
Yep, those guys sawing people's heads off over there?  Nothing to see, don't look,  say nothing, we are peaceful, none of our business, nope, conscience clear, they must have deserved it.
Yeah, and those women that get kidnapped, raped, sold, tortured, brainwashed and turned into suicide bombers;
who cares?  They are just . . .


Spin Zone / Re: Why Trump would be worse than Hillary.
« on: March 27, 2016, 08:35:40 AM »
More content free trolling.

Paperwork is in the queue.
Was he correct in that you are not a citizen?

Spin Zone / Re: Bernie is our saviour
« on: March 27, 2016, 08:34:24 AM »
Isolationism never works. Oh yeah, when was the last time there was a war, a conflict, or a suicide attack in Switzerland?? A thousand years ago or something?
Switzerland is an interesting example.  They have a very fine defensive military.  All young men are required to serve.  Women are permitted to volunteer for any position.  One reason they have never been attacked is they have very mountainous borders that are custom made for the many anti tank ditches they build. 

Since all young men are required to serve in the military, and all military personnel are required to keep their guns at home, Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the world.  And when they exit the service, they are able to get a permit to keep their weapon.  But they do have to buy their own ammunition.

But you are correct that their non-interventionist philosophy is one reason they have not been attacked, along with the fact that they would be a formidable target.  Today's air power could change that, but their extremely business friendly environment with low taxes ensures that Countries that have the ability to attack by air also have huge corporations doing business there and have no reason to attack.

Low taxes; business friendly; extensively armed civilians; what's not to love.  And a dangerous place to attack; even by terrorists.

That was a good example you chose.  I mean that, but for a different reason that you may have intended.

Sounds like a personal problem.
It is.
It is probably one of my least troubling personal problems though. ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Why Trump would be worse than Hillary.
« on: March 27, 2016, 05:26:17 AM »
I've wrestled with this question for some time.

Ever since I had the temerity to post something that was negative about Trump, and the reaction was "Well, he's better than Hillary" and I was not convinced by that, I had to think it through more deeply and come to a decision:  If it's Trump v. Hillary, will I vote for Trump?  The answer, for the reasons below, is "No."

First:  I believe that Trump winning the Republican nomination will be a disaster for that party, and for the conservative movement that has made the Republican party it's electoral home.  That said, a Trump Administration will be an order of magnitude worse.

The problem is illustrated by a classic example of a firecracker going off in your hand.  If your hand is open, it'll hurt like hell, but it's not likely to do any permanent damage.  However, if your hand is closed around the firecracker, you better get used to your friends calling you "Lefty". 

Trump and Hillary are both big-government liberals, antithetical to the conservative movement.  They are, effectively, both firecrackers.  Hillary, however, is undeniably outside of the conservative movement and party...President Hillary is a firecracker going off in an open hand, painful, yes, but unable to do permanent damage to the conservative movement.  Trump, however, being "inside" the movement, will do immeasurably more damage to the idea of conservatism in America, and his impact will be far longer lasting.  Because he is "inside", forevermore, the conservative movement will be tarred with the "Trump" label.  Unlike liberals, who feel no need to answer for their intellectual forebears (Woodrow Wilson and resegregating the civil service, Margaret Sanger and her desire to use abortion to wipe out the undesireable races), conservatives are forever made to apologize for any misdeeds of anyone before us.  Guess what, Trump will now, for decades, be thrown up as a "conservative" exemplar.  If he becomes President, with his clear lack of any depth of understanding of issues, it's going to be an unmitigated disaster.

So, will I vote for Hillary?  Not with a gun to my head.  However, I will not vote for Trump as a Republican nominee either.  If he wins the nomination, it is my sincere hope that he be defeated in the general election, and if that is by Hillary, then so be it.  The conservative movement will recover to fight again in 2020 with President Hillary.  With President Trump, I fear it will not.
I guess I can understand your vote based on your opinions.
But they are just opinions, based on your predictions of what either one might do once in office.  I admit that my crystal ball is a bit foggy in that regard.

But no way, no how would I vote for Hillary, unless perhaps she promised to return the stolen China.  I"d vote for Sanders before I'd vote for Hillary.  At least Sanders is not a known lying, cheating, self-serving hypocrite.  And I'd vote for Trump before I'd vote for Sanders.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama reiterates refugee promise
« on: March 26, 2016, 06:05:44 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Naked links
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:50:43 PM »
I'm guessing that that naked link is going to point out that the word I made up also has a different meaning.

Spin Zone / Re: Cure Racism in America???
« on: March 26, 2016, 10:10:58 AM »
"If you judge people by the color of their skin, you have a mental problem."

I agree.  This proves Sharpton, Jackson, et al are nuts.
I agree with that 100%.

But that doesn't mean we don't have a racial problem in America.

On the other hand, I thought things were getting better, up until the beer summit, when Obama started his drive to make things worse.

Spin Zone / Naked links
« on: March 26, 2016, 08:26:05 AM »
Just a comment here.  I'm sure it won't change anyone's posting behavior.

But I tend to ignore links to news stories that do not include some sort of personal opinion attached and some sort of reasoning for me to open that link.  A short quote from the article or video and a comment about it will be much more likely to get me to click on a link.

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