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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Islamic attacks in Paris - What Say You?
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:34:49 PM »
I don't think we are yet sure if this was ISIS, but we can essentially be sure that it is one of the radical Islamic terrorist groups.

ISIS is proud to brag about their killing and promise more.

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:31:41 PM »
The more I see of Christie, the better I like Cruz.

Spin Zone / Islamic attacks in Paris - What Say You?
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:36:15 AM »
ISIS bastards attack multiple locations in Paris. Over 150 dead, and more wounded, many seriously.
Salon runs series of tweets blaming American Conservatives, and when challenged doubles down.
College children proclaim that it's all because we don't love those murderous idiots enough, and Geraldo Rivera proclaims that ISIS cannot be contained, it must be destroyed.
President Obama changed his tune, slightly. After proclaiming earlier in the day that ISIS is not a threat and is "contained," he refuses to blame those responsible because it would be engaging in speculation, he makes a weak statement afterward in hopes everyone conveniently forgets his earlier stupidity.
Syrian Passport found on one of the attackers.
Witnesses say the attackers shouted "allah akbar" when murdering unarmed civilians.
Many terrorists died when belt bombs were exploded. No word on whether they committed suicide, or other terrorists blew them up to avoid their getting arrested and questioned.
Americans as well as French wounded.
I say this is an excellent opportunity to make many thousands of ISIS scum very dead.
What say you?
How should the US respond?

Spin Zone / Re: Another Court and Obama's Lawlessness
« on: November 12, 2015, 10:02:36 AM »
Best line ever in the comments:

Barack Obama is a "Constitutional lawyer" in the same sense that Dr. Pepper is an actual "physician".

Barack Obama is a constitutional scholar just like Michael Brown was an innocent bystander, and Trayon Martin was a victim.

Nothing complicated about it.
The lunatic fringe is obsessed with forcing everyone to bow to their agenda.
Parents have an obligation to protect their children from pedophiles, even if the PC culture gives Muslims a pass, because of Obama
When you take PC out of it, it isn't at all complicated.

Spin Zone / Re: Observations on FBN's GOP Debate
« on: November 12, 2015, 09:58:35 AM »
I like Cruz when he is speaking, instead of lecturing. when Someone else pointed that out, I took it as my own idea immediately. I love his ability to be mean without sounding like a jerk.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Shows Off Her Fun Side
« on: November 12, 2015, 09:56:39 AM »
Never really much cared if the candidate was "fun".  Never thought of Nixon or Ford as "fun".  Didn't thing of Bush the Elder that way either, nor the Obaminator.  None of them seemed particularly fun.  Bush the younger seemed fun, since he was on vacation all the time.  Reagan was definitely fun, telling all those good jokes.  At least until he got the Alzheimers.  Never was so creeped out as when I saw the POTUS had Alzheimers.

Your senseless, baseless attack on Ronald Reagan is nothing but innuendo, coupled with lies.
Good job outing yourself.
I see no attack on Reagan in his post. :shrug:

You m,ean your lie is so comforting you embrace it with gusto. Carry on. I'm sure some progressives in Missouri will take you in. You've got the personality for them.

Spin Zone / Re: Racism @ Mizzou
« on: November 12, 2015, 09:55:20 AM »
Apparently the progressive left got so lucky selling their lies in Ferguson, that they've moved on to dismantle the University with a new set of lies.

Good work racist, babbling, idiots.

Jay bird, your recent posts show an aggressive tendency to allow yourself to become a victim of the slanted, racist culture that surrounds you. Maybe you try a little perspective.

It is hilarious to see homosexuals demanding that a dpreligious denomination change their core beliefs because homosexuals don't approveof them. Of course with obama playing their hole card every day, they think they have the right to force everyone to bow to them.

Spin Zone / Re: Observations on FBN's GOP Debate
« on: November 12, 2015, 05:48:50 AM »
When Kasich tried the old worn out line, "thinkif the children," I was done with him, forever.

Spin Zone / Re: Ohio votes to legalize weed today
« on: November 10, 2015, 06:58:27 AM »
Whe the voters refuse to allow a corrupt state legislature to create another state sponsors monopoly,it's news.

Spin Zone / Re: Politico and Ben Carson
« on: November 10, 2015, 06:57:26 AM »
The progressive concept of fair play.
Our black (half black) lousy college lecturer, community agitator, who barely showed up for his day job as a state and US senator, candidate is off limits because he's half black, or you are racist.
Your black, highly accomplished candidate is the scum of the earth because he refuses to be subservient to the Democratic political machine, and if you point that out, you are racist.
End of story.

The funniest thing about modern libealism, is how all of the left is required to play by their rules, never Dom
Liam, refuse to play, or simply call bullshit on their masters, or be,labeled racist, bigoted, homophobes, by the biggest racists in the country, their own masters.

Spin Zone / Re: I was born a poor black child
« on: November 09, 2015, 10:34:33 AM »
At the end of the day, Rachel represents the difference between progressives and everyone else.
Progressives believe belief is the final arbiter.
In the progressive world,
If you want t be black, then pretend to be black and everyone is required to believe it.
If you want to be a girl, just say you want to be a girl, and everyone is required to pretend you don't have a penis.
If you want to be president, just pretend you were born in Hawaii, and dare anyone to deny it.

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